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  1. mammabird34601

    Baby chick with broken(?) leg...

    I received 17 bantam chicks in the mail on Friday, Feb 23 and all seemed well. On Sunday evening, I noticed one of them limping. At first, I thought it may have been injured because my 3-year-old got to them and accidentally dropped one but as the days have gone on, and as I've done additional...
  2. mammabird34601

    Large lumpy mass in abdomen

    I have a sizeable flock of around 23 hens, several of the older ones are around 4 1/2 years old, and a couple of these oldest hens are starting to show their age. A couple months ago I noticed a large red, pimple-like welt on the hiney of one of my austrolorps but, being that she was acting...
  3. mammabird34601

    Pekin duck eye injury

    Hello all - Yesterday my Pekin, Gabby, snuck out while we were changing her pond water and my a-hole rooster attacked her and pecked out her eye before I could get to her. I'm devastated. She's doing ok, we mist her with the hose and I'm spoiling her with all of her favorite treats. Other than...
  4. mammabird34601

    Fowl pox on hens - will it affect my duck?

    Hello All - I'm an avid follower but first time poster - we've got fowl pox! I noticed scabs on two of my hens eyelids and black spots on the combs of a couple of the others over the weekend and spent several hours researching to confirm the presence of fowl pox. I have 24 hens, one rooster and...
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