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  1. zookeeper15133

    Deep litter with a floor door

    I have a raised coop. I would like to use the deep litter method but I want the door to be in the floor as my run doesn't have a solid roof. This way they can go out in the rain/snow without getting wet/frozen. I also want to have an exterior door closer. I was thinking about putting a...
  2. zookeeper15133

    My Duck Brooder

    I made this out of recycled shipping crates for my week old ducks. My box is 2' x 4'. The 2x2's are ripped 2x4s I used: 4' of 1/2" hardware cloth Ceiling fan light fixture, 3 bulb Extension cord wire nuts screws Reflective bubble wrap insulation (I got mine at Lowes) Large concrete mixing pan...
  3. zookeeper15133

    DE is now available at Tractor Supply!

    Tractor Supply has started carrying Red Lakes DE. At my store it was $11.99 for a 20# bag. It was near the wormers and medical supplies. This is not the pure white stuff, but it is what I have used for the past 2 years. I have been very happy with it. Now it is more readily available to us...
  4. zookeeper15133

    Broody broke egg, day 17 tried to eat chick!

    I had 3 broody hens on 12 eggs. This afternoon one brought a broken egg out into the run and was trying to eat it. They are due to hatch Wed night, Thur morning. The poor baby died in my hand. It seemed normally developed. Why would she do that? I took her out and the other 2 have the rest...
  5. zookeeper15133

    Dirt floor or solid floor? Deep litter.

    I am about to start my 12' x 16' coop. I am torn between having the deep litter method over dirt or a solid floor with shavings. Please post all pros and cons of each! Help me decide!
  6. zookeeper15133

    What breed am I?

    I got 7 turkey poults from an auction about 2 months ago. They were very small, so I am guessing they are about 2 months now. 1 is a royal palm, 1 is a black spanish, 2 were Narragansett(sp?), I lost them 2 weeks ago from cocci. And I have 3 of these. This one is a hen But what breed or...
  7. zookeeper15133

    SW PA Swap Murraysville, PA

    I just found this on Craigslist! Hope to see you there! Buy, Sell, Trade (chicken swap) - (Murrysville) Come to our "chicken swap" at the Murrysville TRACTOR SUPPLY. Second Sunday of each month. Next one is May 8th. 8am till 1pm. Bring your chickens, goats, turtles, sheep, horses, ETC. Set up...
  8. zookeeper15133

    2 day old chick with Northern Mite eggs... what do I do?

    I am treating the chickens with Ivermectin and the coop & run with DE and maybe sevin. Can I use anything on the chick? She is the result of a broody. I looked at her this morning and saw tons of nits on her.
  9. zookeeper15133

    Goat proof chicken feeder????

    I know a lot of people will get a good laugh from this. I know this topic has been covered before... but with no good answers. My new electric poultry netting is coming today. My goats will share the area for the days. I like this idea, has anyone tried it? I was thinking about putting...
  10. zookeeper15133

    Has anyone ever used a 'hover'?

    I have found a couple of plans for DIY hovers online. They are wooden boxes with 4" legs and light bulbs inside. Any where from 2' x 2' to 4' x 6'. They are not very high. Has anyone ever used one? I was wondering about the safety of them, with the light bulbs so close to the wood. What...
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