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  1. 4 luv of eggs

    Worst cooking experience

    We've all had them. Dinners that end up on the compost heap, things that explode or recipes that just don't turn out right. I was hoping that you would like to share some of your less than perfect endeavours. This is just one of mine...believe me there are many others. I was new to canning and...
  2. 4 luv of eggs


    Yesterday when I was checking the food and water, one of my Production Reds was waiting her turn to lay. The favorite nest was occupied by a Leghorn who was clearly ignoring the fact that the box was in urgent need. The PR stands over her and begins poking the eggs that the Leghorn was sitting...
  3. 4 luv of eggs

    Raw green beans

    I have some raw green beans that are fine but have gotten too rubbery for my liking. Can I feed them raw or should I give them a quick steam and cool?
  4. 4 luv of eggs

    Favorite Baking Cookbook

    I was just curious as to what baking cookbook is everyone's "go to" for good recipes. Mine is the Pillsbury Complete Book of Baking. I haven't tried every recipe but I have never been let down.
  5. 4 luv of eggs

    Does rank effect lay

    I have three 24 week old Light Brown Leghorns and have yet to get a white egg. Their 13 brown-laying siblings have all begun to lay. They range in age from 21 weeks to 27 weeks. I understand to wait and look for hidden nests, that has all been done and the only time they free range is when we...
  6. 4 luv of eggs

    My turn for broody questions

    Well it is looking like my 5 1/2 month Austalorp has gone broody. It's not definate though. She has only been laying for three weeks and has always liked to remain on the eggs for quite awhile. Of course she's on the favored nest box. She's not puffy or grumpy though. I was able to shoo her off...
  7. 4 luv of eggs

    Question on the squat

    I was wondering if they will always squat. Is it once a squatter always a squatter or does that behavior eventually fade?
  8. 4 luv of eggs

    Melon eggs

    I think I'm going to have to cut out the melon treats for awhile. I noticed this weekend that the eggs have a definate mellon-y taste to them. At least to me. Is there any other treat that flavors the eggs?
  9. 4 luv of eggs

    Alarm call

    I was walking along our road this evening with my son, looking for fox grapes. From our coop I hear the egg song and I thought someone new had just laid her first egg. But though it was the egg song it was more frantic. My husband happened to be out by the coop so I asked him who was that. He...
  10. 4 luv of eggs

    Finally, and on my daughter's 30th birthday

    It finally happened. We are no longer eggless. My SLW gave us the most perfect, small egg. I never thought I could be so smitten for an egg. Well, now only 15 more chickens to go........
  11. 4 luv of eggs

    Fighting female dogs

    I have an issue that I don't think anyone will really be able to help me with but I thought I'd try. First off I'd like to say that I won't be re-homing any of these two since they are family members and are 10 and 5 years old. I have put up with this situation since before I got the 5 year old...
  12. 4 luv of eggs


    If a chicken is an egg-eater, will there be any evidence left behind? My oldest girls are 21 weeks and I have been waiting very patiently (sometimes) for that first egg. They are all looking very mature with their big backsides and red faces, wattles and combs. Yesterday my SLW was acting like...
  13. 4 luv of eggs

    Riddle with no answer

    I thought I'd dust off an old chestnut. Three men came to a flea-bag hotel asking for a room. The hotel was full up but the manager said they could have the last room but they'd have to share. It would be $30.00. Each of the men pitched in $10.00 and the bellhop showed them to the room. The...
  14. 4 luv of eggs

    Homegrown vs store bought

    I am still waiting for that first egg. I keep reading how much different and better farm fresh eggs taste as opposed to store bought. Using your best descriptive abilities, can you please describe the difference in taste?
  15. 4 luv of eggs

    my poor roo

    The other night at roost, Locke was late to take his spot. When we went in to tuck them in, he was wandering around on the floor looking for a way to his spot. The only problem was there were three buff orpington and three brown leghorns in his way. They were all lined up on the board that they...
  16. 4 luv of eggs

    Is this a good decision?

    Here's the background: I have a lone production red that is almost nine weeks. Right now I have her separated and in my house because the other five picked on her mercilessly and left her bloody. All her other hatchmates have been successfully integrated with my bigger ladies (6 aged 15 weeks...
  17. 4 luv of eggs

    First Crows

    My 14 week old SLW crowed for the first time today. It sounded more like an antique car horn than a rooster. He made this pathetic sound three times in a row and all the girls ran back in the coop followed closely by him. I guess he scared himself.
  18. 4 luv of eggs

    What will August bring

    Is anyone else getting a bit leery of what the rest of this summer is going to bring? I woke up this morning and my first thought is how am I going to get my girls through this day? They are calling for temps of 101 degrees and no rain or break in sight for the rest of the week. I went out to...
  19. 4 luv of eggs

    Frozen cranberries

    I have a bag of frozen cranberries in the freezer. Has anyone ever given their chicks this? Is there anything I should do to them first? It's so hot here and I'm trying to find ways to cool them off.
  20. 4 luv of eggs

    One nasty biddie

    A few weeks ago I posted about one of my pullets being pecked bloody by another. I split the six chicks between two brooders, used Rooster Booster Pick No More and all seemed to settle down for awhile. When I clean the brooders, I put them all together in one while I clean the other. When I do...
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