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  1. Lexievans11990

    Turkey poult with air bubble

    One of my 3 week old turkey poults has been having a problem with one of its airsacs for about a week. It acts tired as well and breathes out of its mouth sometimes. The other day its air sac was small but then it would inflate when the turkey would yelp. Today, the air sac is very large and...
  2. Lexievans11990

    Best coop cleaner?

    My hen recently hatched some poults and the pen I want her to be in previously houses chicks. I thoroughly cleaned and scrapped the pen out and cleaned with white vinegar/water mix, is this suitable enough? I’m really anxious about putting the turkeys in where the chickens were so I really want...
  3. Lexievans11990

    Turkey with hurt leg

    One of my Tom’s has a hurt leg, I believe it may be sprained. I don’t think it’s broken because he’s walking around just fine but with a limp and being careful with his foot. Should I splint his leg? And also is there any kind of medicine or cream I can give him to help his pain? Thanks so much
  4. Lexievans11990

    Parakeet on bottom of cage

    Hey there! My female parakeet Gwen has been hanging out in the bottom corner of her cage lately. I’m not sure if she sees something she wants and is trying to get it or what! She is healthy and just fine, acts completely normal, eats and drinks and sings all the time. She’s around 10-11 years...
  5. Lexievans11990

    Best antibiotics for turkeys?

  6. Lexievans11990

    Best antibiotics for turkeys?

    Got a puny turkey poult, tired and losing weight. It eats just fine though, was wondering what the best antibiotics are that I can buy and give it. Thanks so much
  7. Lexievans11990

    Miss Priscilla trying to be one of the boys

    She’s so cute when she puffs up I call her Ms Puff
  8. Lexievans11990

    Best way to get a bird’s foot print?

    Hello!! I’ve been wanting to do this forever with my birds, getting their footprints and either making ornaments or just a print on paper. Has anyone done this before, and if so, what’s your preferred method? I have tried the homemade salt dough, but I just couldn’t get it at the right...
  9. Lexievans11990

    1 week old poult with eye closed

    Hello! On the 31st of last month, my Priscilla hatched some more babies. They all act healthy, other than 1 of them. To begin with, it has wry neck which I have dealt with before and am able to treat. However, I’ve never had a bird with eye problems. It keeps its right eye shut all the time. I...
  10. Lexievans11990

    Turkey hen with swollen eye

    My turkey hen, Pebbles, has a swollen eye this morning. Yesterday morning I swear she was fine when I let her and the others out. However, there was a skunk in the chicken house that we did end up shooting later on in the day. I’m wondering if it did something to her?? She was fine before, but...
  11. Lexievans11990

    Heritage turkeys for sale in Cleveland GA

    I’ve got 4 heritage turkeys for sale, 3 red bronze and 1 jersey buff. 2 red bronze are hens and 1 is a gobbler. The jersey buff is a hen. They are 4 months old and we’re hatched on April 4th. You must have your own cage/carrier, DM me if you have questions and I’ll be happy to answer! Prices...
  12. Lexievans11990

    How to put a chick down?

    Wasn’t sure which category to put this post under so I just chose this one. I have a one month old turkey poult with splayed leg. I tried fixing it when it was first hatched but it didn’t help at all. I have tried multiple ways to help this turkey but it’s only getting worse. It eats and drinks...
  13. Lexievans11990

    Urgent: Egg bound parakeet? Not sure what’s going on

    I woke up to my parakeet Gwen this morning, her bottom looking like this. I’ve never experienced something like this as many birds I have raised. Right now she’s sleeping, her head tucked in her wing which she never does. I think it could be egg bound, I googled some pictures and it looks...
  14. Lexievans11990

    Another sick turkey

    I’ve had a turkey go through the same thing years ago, but this time I’ve caught it early. My young tom Nugget is showing cocci symptoms. The signature poo with yellow/neon green, he’s very tired and has no appetite. I’ve been through this before and it’s very heartbreaking. Each time I feel...
  15. Lexievans11990

    CORID amprolium 9.6% dosage

    I’ve got a sick 3 month old turkey, he’s been puny for about 2 days. I’ve caught it early because I’ve dealt with sick turkeys and they died because I waited too long. Anyways I pick up this (image attached) I’ve used the powder before but never the liquid. Anyone know how much I should give him...
  16. Lexievans11990

    Wry neck poly vi sol dosage?

    I have a turkey poult who’s had wry neck for 2 days. I’m on my way to pick up some poly vi sol without iron for him. How much do I need to give him? What’s the correct and safe dosage? Thanks
  17. Lexievans11990

    Turkey poult acting very strange (REPOST)

    This poult is 4 days old. He has been acting like a normal happy turkey. He eats and drinks just fine. I came home from my sister’s house today after spending the night and he has completely changed. I don’t even know how to describe what’s going. He’s acting normal yet at the same time he had...
  18. Lexievans11990

    Turkey poult acting very strange

    This poult is 4 days old. He has been acting like a normal happy turkey. He eats and drinks just fine. I came home from my sister’s house today after spending the night and he has completely changed. I don’t even know how to describe what’s going. He’s acting normal yet at the same time he had...
  19. Lexievans11990

    Should I move my turkey to the brooder now or wait?

    I’ve got about 12 turkey eggs in the incubator, only 1 has hatched so far. This one hatched yesterday and has been in here since. I want to move him to the brooder cause I feel sorry for him, he won’t stop chirping. Do y’all think he’s ready or should he stay in here another day? He’s like half...
  20. Lexievans11990

    Turkey egg wiggling on day 25?

    I’ve had turkey eggs in the incubator for what I thought has been 25 days, yet one of them has started to wiggle. I’ve never incubated eggs in an incubator, I usually let my hens do it so I’m not too sure but will eggs wiggle a few days before hatch day?
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