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  1. L

    pin feather shafts not coming off??

    I am not sure what is wrong my my Silkie. She was hatched on 6/22 with 5 other silkies. She started acting really strange and trying to get something off her chest. At first I thought she was having a seizure but the more I checked her out she is trying like crazy to get at something on her...
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    What is this cyst looking thing about 1/2" long located on my hen's back right above tail

    I noticed my Buff Orpington Lucy not being her normal self. Seems lethargic, lays off by herself, and when I picked her up she felt a bit lighter than usual. I started doing an inspection and found a weird looking growth growing straight up out of her skin on her back just above her tail...
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    Runny (very loose, watery) Diarrhea, need suggestions

    I have 40 chickens and I noticed about 2 months ago some started having diarrhea. First is was a yellow foamy poo and I kept checking to see if I could find worms in it and I finally did see some worms in a dropping that was just dropped. The worms disappeared pretty quickly and could not see...
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    How much probiotic powder to add to water

    A couple of my hens have vent gleet and a few others have worms. I have isolated my girls that have vent gleet, soaked and cleaned their bottoms, have been feeding them a little bit of yogurt with chicke grower crumbles and acv in their water. I am treating all of my chickens today for worms...
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    How do I treat this on her foot.

    I just saw this on my girls foot this morning. It was not there 2 days ago. It could have shown up yesterday and I just missed it but I know it was not there the day before. The bottom of her foot is fine, nothing amiss. Any advise on how to treat it is appreciated. Any links from youtube...
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    40 chickens, saw worms in poop, how to treat with Safeguard for Goats 10%

    I have 40 chickens. I have seen foamy loose stool for the last few day day with worms wriggling around (gross). I have Safeguard for Goats (10%). I have seen many different doses and it is very confusing on top of which it looks like you have to dose each chicken individually by weight...
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    4 different Thermometers all read different temp!!!!!

    I am soooo frustrated. I have an incubator that came with it's own digital thermometer/hydrometer (or hygrometer whatever you want to call it) and of course all the literature says to have an additional one as back up. I got a digital thermopro (not sure of model) and temp and humidity read...
  8. L

    Is this behavior because of gapeworm?

    I just noticed one of my hens gasping? stretching their neck? (see video link below). It looks like she might have gapeworm. If so, do I have to get medication from a vet or is there something I can treat her with without spending a ton of money? Also, do I need to treat my whole flock if...
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    Special Diet for Broody Silkie?

    I have a broody Silkie bantam. I broke her from broodiness the first time (it took about 4 days) and she went broody again about 2 months later. I have decided to let her sit on 7 eggs. I have her in her own hen house inside the run but protected from the other hens trying to get in to lay...
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    Overweight hens rescued. How to help them lose weight?

    I rescued 3 hens from a lady that had them for about 8 months and they were confined in a very small hen house with tiny run. They never got to free range and she fed them high fat foods and just too much of not good for them food so they are extremely overweight. I brought them home and kept...
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    Homemade feed: what portion of each ingredient

    Ok, so I have found soooo many recipes online for home made chicken feed. I have quite a few ingredients but not all ingredients of each recipe I find. If there is anyone out there that can help me with how much of each of the following ingredients that would be awesome! Thanks in advance if...
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    Is my chick just small or is it failure to thrive?

    I hatched out 2 baby chicks out of 12 shipped eggs. I wanted a larger flock so I found a guy that had baby chicks for sale. I bought 4 from him and they were 2 weeks older than my baby chicks and all the same size and a bit bigger than my newly hatched chicks. 2 weeks later: one of the 4 that...
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    Day 21 no rocking? How do I tell if alive?

    My first batch of incubating eggs. 5 out of 14 were fertile and growing. I had 3 different hygrometers in my incubator and all three were different readings: 1 was very low, 1 was very high and one was just right so I have NO IDEA what the actual humidity was during the incubation process. I...
  14. L

    Runny white stool with blood from baby chicks

    Hello. I am new to chickens. I just got some 8 baby chicks on August 3rd. 3 of them were hatched on 7/23/19 and 4 of them hatched on 7/31. They have been eating and drinking water and exploring their environment and are doing well. I noticed a runny white stool with blood this morning...
  15. L

    New chicken mama

    I have wanted chickens for quite a while but never had the guts to start up. Then out of no where a friend of mine asked me if I wanted to hens that needed a new home. One is a 6 month of Buff Orpington that has been laying for about a month and a 5 month Rhode Island Red that just started...
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