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  1. EggsForIHOP

    Goose Color Genetics?

    Been a while but I'm back with oddball questions lol! Who is the "goose genetic expert" on BYC? I'm wondering - just from looking through pics - do all geese have white booties/under carriages? I have yet to stumble across pics of anything other than either solid white, or colored top...
  2. EggsForIHOP

    Color of appleyard ducklings - help please...

    Hey ya'll - I ordered my appleyard ducklings and they arrived today healthy as can be but I am confused... I have 9 that are yellow with the white mohawk and ONE dark black looking fellow.... WHAT ARE THEY SUPPOSED TO LOOK LIKE???? I KNOW there is a white mutation in the appleyards and I...
  3. EggsForIHOP

    Fan Wiring ?'s

    I's been asked a MILLION times before - but I need help lol I have an LG incubator someone gave me as a "thank you" - brand new but absolute base model right? I want to add a fan....I have a little pc fan I bought to make my own 'bator and never did. It states on the packaging...
  4. EggsForIHOP

    Quail VS the "other poultry" - lemme get this straight....

    I've always wanted to have a go at raising quail - see if I like them as much as my other birds, if I want to stick with it, ya know - a test run before a bigger commitment. I've done SOME research - but you can't always trust Dr can ya'll help clarify a bit??? Quail should be...
  5. EggsForIHOP

    Viability of shipped turkey eggs?

    I'm sure it's been posted a million times but I find I have a hard time since the forum style changed searching for stuff (I don't adjust well lol) Anyways... I was talking with a fellow a few years back that raised turkeys locally and he SWORE up and down he didn't sell hatching eggs because...
  6. EggsForIHOP

    Goslings are here!!! Can I concoct my own feed????

    Hey guys - it's been a CRAZY month! First it froze while I had eggs in a nest no one was setting on yet so I panicked and pulled them before it got too cold that day (dropped to 27* that night actually) THEN...I decided to incubate them and all was going well until this last Friday when the...
  7. EggsForIHOP

    Silver Appleyards on my mind....

    Hi all :) It's been a while lol - I hate to say it, but I haven't been online much the last year :P Anyways.... I'm on the hunt for Silver Appleyards and would prefer to find some local to me (or as much as possible). Does ANYONE here know if there is anyone raising/breeding quality birds...
  8. EggsForIHOP

    Weather is NUTS!!! Eggs in nests - UPDATE!!!!!

    Hey guys I know I don't get to come on here NEARLY enough unless I am lurking and reading...but I'm having a panic attack! We've had Cotton Patch Geese since last summer and FINALLY they started laying last week! When the weather was nice....and warm.....but it dropped SO SO COLD last night...
  9. EggsForIHOP

    Foot Injury?? GOOSE specific!

    Hey ya'll - it's been a LONG while since I have logged on to BYC...been crazy busy farming :P Woke up this morning, went about my normal routine and when I got to the geese, my male has something wrong with his foot! There is a GIANT blister of blood between the bones, in the webbing of his...
  10. EggsForIHOP

    I got the "turkey hook up" !!!

    I have been busy as a bee! Plus, I am not one who likes "change" even good change easily confuses me :( So I haven't been on BYC in forever....but I do have to share... I got the "mega turkey hook up" this weekend...a lady WAY down in Santa Fe Texas have 4H/FFA culls that she sold me SUPER...
  11. EggsForIHOP

    Oh for the peets sake!

    When are these ducklings gonna grow some FEATHERS!!!!! I know...patience....but at a month old I'm wishing for feathers like CRAZY! All week so far it has been nice enough for them to go out in the "baby pen"....but I'm WISHING for the day they can stay out since the little houdini's...
  12. EggsForIHOP

    Are they supposed to be making that noise?

    Because I SWEAR at 3 weeks old I am hearing quacks ...I thought it was DH last night while he was cooking, just messing with me...but I FOR POSITIVE have at least 2 I am hearing go from PEEP to QUACK already! They are just straight run pekin ducks from Ideal Hatchery...hatched the 6th of this...
  13. EggsForIHOP

    Ducks! Should have done this AGES ago!

    After watching the very first batch of broiler chicks grow and grow and GROW...I didn't really think anything could top that. I thought maybe duck people were just bragging But no, really, these little pekin ducks we ended up with last week grow like WEEDS! It hasn't even been a week, and I...
  14. EggsForIHOP dot...broiler chicks...

    I have a sidekick who ordered some broiler chicks from Ideal this week - we got to talking, and about half of them have a green mark on them...they are just the plain old regular white broilers...does anyone know what the green dot means? I told her to call Ideal and ask...but it was too late...
  15. EggsForIHOP

    Babies wasting feed...what to do?

    Okay, until now I have never really noticed things like this so much, but until now I was working full, I spend a good chunk of my day watching chicks I have developed several home rigged set ups of my own and from ideas found here on BYC in the past to help with the shavings...
  16. EggsForIHOP

    An internet oops and the ducks have arrived...

    So, like a month ago, I started contemplating and planning on ducks...I was ONLY PLAYING AROUND on the computer and walked away with the website for Ideal pulled up and an order on there - I was looking at prices, getting the math ('cause you know they charge funny for this and that at...
  17. EggsForIHOP

    I don't know which is worse! UPDATE - JUST A FEW MORE LEFT...

    Summer bites! That's the nicest way to say it...heat, humidity, mosquitoes that try to carry you away, explosions of flies like biting horse flies and obnoxious little house flies, crazy buggy's TOO HOT to get things done in a timely fashion without having a heat August...
  18. EggsForIHOP

    Either I'm just lucky or we are doing something right :)

    Really - I mean, besides 2 losses due to power outages on cold nights when they were still in the brooder...EVERY chicken is still alive and healthy outside and doing pretty darn well! PLUS I have a friend that conned me into splitting a batch from Meyer with her a few weeks ago now and they...
  19. EggsForIHOP

    How does this sound??

    I have several friends that want to buy my meat chickens...STILL ALIVE and process themselves at home or even here...some live in apartments, some have crummy neighbors and crummy HOAs that they deal with...and I have been trying to wrap my head around the figures on this all day... I know and...
  20. EggsForIHOP

    Homemade Duck Feeders...

    Does anyone want to show off some of their homemade feeders? I need a new and creative project to go with my plan for ducks this spring...I would LOVE to see anything ya'll came up with for your ducks - recycled materials, cheap and easy, fancy but functional...they all apply! I want to start...
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