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  1. DallasLoneStar

    Weird dust bathing and pecking at bedtime

    one of my girls was making a ruckus tonight at bed time. She was furiously dust bathing and pecking like crazy into the sand/pdz/poop mix on my poop board below the roosts. It looked like she was trying to break up the dried poop and was eating it. It was so gross! I tried to stop her but she...
  2. DallasLoneStar

    Why are my chickens’ egg yolks regular yellow?

    All seven ladies laying now. How do you guys get these orange yolks?! Mine look the same as store bought eggs. There has been no variation depending on three types of feed over two months. Is it just the heat (I’m in Dallas and it’s still high 90s during the day and about 80 overnight low)...
  3. DallasLoneStar

    Moving to new coop

    I am planning on finishing up my new coop this weekend and moving it into the run. Since the girls are used to the old coop, any advice on the transition? I could probably have both coops in the run for a while but it wouldn’t be ideal. I plan on selling the old coop as I don’t have room to...
  4. DallasLoneStar

    OverEZ Coop -suggested mods?

    I am the new proud owner of a medium OverEZ coop. Picked it up used for $200. It’s in fantastic condition! Just scraped and vacuumed it out last night and sprayed it down with insecticide, will be power washing this weekend. I am looking for ideas and pics of mods others have done as I have a...
  5. DallasLoneStar

    Sticky residue from rat glue trap

    My Welsummer, Blanche somehow got into a glue trap I had put in a very tight spot between The deck box and the feed bin. She got out of it by herself,And I cut a bunch of the glue out of her feathers, but there is still residue on her feathers and her legs. How can I get the rest off her legs...
  6. DallasLoneStar

    Persistent diarrhea

    My chickens have had persistent watery diarrhea for weeks. Persistent as in it has stayed like this. But, I do see firm stools as well. Hard to say if it’s just some of the seven birds or all of them. I have seen at least three squirt it out. It seems like only during the day in the run. All the...
  7. DallasLoneStar

    Chickens are like guns

    This just hit me like a ton of bricks! I have determined chickens are like guns: Some people love them, some hate them, but most people are sort of indifferent. The more you own the crazier people think you are. Depending on where you live the government can tell you which ones you can have...
  8. DallasLoneStar

    Introducing two 14 week old pullets to five 10 week old pullets

    Has anyone done something similar where two larger/older (but not full grown) birds are introduced to a larger group of younger birds that have been together for a few weeks? The dynamics going on are weird. Basically the two older birds (leghorns) have taken over the place. I tried a more...
  9. DallasLoneStar

    Advice adding two new pullets to flock of 5

    Hi everyone, i am new to BYC and to chickens. We have had five birds for two weeks (acquired at 8 weeks of age): two Easter Eggers and one each Welsummer, New Hampshire, and Barred Rock. I just got two 14 week old white leghorns last night. I have read a lot about introducing new hens etc but...
  10. DallasLoneStar

    New member in Dallas (Lake Highlands)

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? New for us! (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 5 (3) What breeds do you have? 1 Plymouth Barred Rock 1 Welsummer 1 New Hampshire Red 2 “Ameraucanas” (I think they are actually Easter Eggers) (4) What are your...
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