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  1. undergroundchickens

    UPDATE!!! Now pooping blood that smells awful! Hen loosing weight, comb fell over and pale, letharg

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) She is a French Maran (Black) around 2 years old. 2) What is the behavior, exactly. I noticed she didn't seem as peppy as usual the past few weeks but I just figured it was the heat as...
  2. undergroundchickens

    Where do we mail dead birds for autopsy/diagnosis.....

    Where do we mail deceased birds for autopsy or whatever they do to find out what is making them sick to the point we have to put them down? I live in Utah and need to figure out what is slowly killing my little flock and how to treat my future sick birds. Thanks for any help. We just had to...
  3. undergroundchickens

    What is wrong? 2 dead and another on her way out?

    I have lost two chickens and another one is looking pretty bad. Here is what has been going on in hopes someone will have an idea as to what is wrong. I had a hen that I posted about previously at this link. Click here. She started out not being able to use her leg. This progressed over...
  4. undergroundchickens

    Agressive hen on hen mounting? How to stop this?

    I have 10 hens and am starting to see some behavior problems. I have several hens that will aggresivley mount other hens. These hens that are constantly mounted are loosing feathers and getting bald spots on the back of their heads as well as one loosing feathers on her back. These are all...
  5. undergroundchickens

    Limping hen update Should I keep trying to help or end her suffering?

    UPDATE: 8/11/11 I wanted to update what is going on with my chicken. I tried wrapping her hurt leg for about 3 weeks in hopes that if it was broken it would heal. Good news is the sore that she had in the pictures below has healed up. Bad news is she is in worse shape than she was before...
  6. undergroundchickens

    Sick Chicken with mint green poop?? (video/pic). Please help.

    Hi, I have a chicken that seemed just fine yesterday. I let my girls out every evening to free range in the back yeard. This gal wondered out last and very slow holding her rear end up and head down. She doesn't look to have much strength and holds her wings out and drooped down. She came...
  7. undergroundchickens

    I just put the pullets in the coop with the big girls.....need advice.

    I just put the pullets in the coop with the big girls using the cover of night ...... This will be my first time adding new birds to an established flocks coop and I am pretty nervous about it. My big girls will be a year old on March 10th and the pullets will be about 21 weeks old. I...
  8. undergroundchickens

    EE Roo or Ameraucana Roo?

    This little guy has me guessing. I purchased him as an Ameraucana BUT his legs look more green/yellow than my black and blue Ameraucana girls. Could that just be because he is white? What do you think? I am leaning towards EE myself but wanted some more opinions on him from those that know...
  9. undergroundchickens

    Molting in the this normal?

    I have one chicken out of my 6 older girls that is half naked. She has been loosing her feathers and growing in new pin feathers pretty fast but she still looks pretty cold out there in the snow. Is it normal for one chicken to molt in the winter and at only 9 months of age or could this be a...
  10. undergroundchickens

    Ameraucanas boy/girl?

    I hatched two Ameraucana from some eggs I purchased and was wondering if I could get some opinions on what sex they are. They are 10 weeks old. They are a bit messy as they love to stick there feet in the water dish, get feed to stick to their feet, dip them again in the water and then eat...
  11. undergroundchickens

    Swollen eye/face on oneside and snoring sound. HELP!*updated with pics

    HI, the last few days I noticed some weird noises coming from my chickens. They are 7 months old. I went out to work on water and feed and noticed my favorite hen bunched up like she was cold but she was also making very loud snoring sounds while breathing in. She also has a swolen eye/face...
  12. undergroundchickens

    Is this coccidiosis? Picture attached.

    I have some new chicks in quarantine and was wondering if this means they have coccidiosis? They act healthy other than several poops looking like this. If it is I have read Corid is the best to treat with? Can you purchase Corid locally or can you only get it from a vet? Also what is the...
  13. undergroundchickens

    FBCM 5.5 week old roo

    I hatched this little guy on Sept. 25th. He comes from Wade Jeane lines. He has clean shanks/toes. He is very nice and gentle. I can not keep him (no roosters) and if I can't find him a home then my FIL says he will cook him. I would much rather see him have a chance to live if possible...
  14. undergroundchickens

    Blue Ameraucana 5.5 weeks-boy?

    UPDATE!!! It is a hen! Here is a picture of a blue Ameraucana I hatched a little over 5 weeks ago. My guess is that it is a boy. What do you think? I want to be sure before I give him away to the first person who will take him. Thanks!
  15. undergroundchickens

    Would like to purchase a 6 week old pullet.....

    I hatched out 4 chicks from FBCM and true Ameraucana eggs. One died and of the ones left I have one pullet and two cocks. I have to get rid of the males and need to find my little pullet a friend to bond with before they get old enough to be put in with the big girls. Would love to have a...
  16. undergroundchickens

    4 week old chick falling over eyes closed. HELP Please!

    1) What type of bird , age and weight. Black copper maran, 4.5 weeks old. 2) What is the behavior, exactly. She was fine yesterday. Today I went in to change water and fill the feeder and found her laying funny on the ground. Others were walking on her. I picked her up and she opened her...
  17. undergroundchickens

    How to stop hen from pecking me and my kids when she wants to be held?

    We have a Rhode Island Red pullet that loves to be picked up and held. Problem is she pecks at our legs to get our attention to be picked up and now that she is 31 weeks old she has quite the power behind her peck *OUCH!. Is there a way to get her to stop doing this? I have tried just softly...
  18. undergroundchickens

    Mixing different aged chicks?

    I have 4 three week old chicks and should be having one or two more hatch out in the next 2 days. Is it ok to mix these two ages or will the older birds pick on the new babies? I wouldn't put them together until the new chicks are several days old. I really would like these two hatches to...
  19. undergroundchickens

    Help sex 2 two week old FBCM chicks.

    I hatched two FBCM eggs and am pretty sure one is a girl and one is a boy. They are two weeks old. What do you think? The male is quite a bit bigger and has much more feather and tail development going on as well as the much larger comb. Can I be certain enough with the male to get rid of...
  20. undergroundchickens

    My eggs are lost in the mail!

    It is never a good thing when your mail is lost in the postal system.....even worse when it is eggs you want to hatch lost in unseasonably warm weather! Dang post office! Your item was misrouted. The error has been corrected and every effort is being made to deliver it as soon as possible...
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