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  1. F

    Barnevelder pullet?

    Bought this barnevelder pullet sexed at a local feed store. But I've been wondering lately. Today I watched it find a bug and "call" the other pullets. I already have an older cockerel but he doesn't act like a rooster yet, other than crowing. Doesn't find food or protect or anything but chase a...
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    Small garden plants, high yield

    I have a small garden with small plants. They won't grow. My tomato plants have no height. My squash look like little house plants, not big bushes. Same with my pickling cucumbers. The only plant I have that seems to grow is long cucs that are finally trailing. BUT, all the plants have blooms...
  3. F

    Keep a black snake?

    Had a piece of land for several years that just had a shed and carport. Had a black snake always around and just left him since others said it was beneficial. We did build here and now live here and have gotten into chickens. I found this under the wooden bottom in my 2 young chickens' pin and...
  4. F

    Lice or mites or something else?

    Is there something going on with this cockerel and pullet that I am missing? I am fairly new to chickens. They shake their heads a lot. It seems the black on his beak is getting worse. Don't know if that's normal or not? I was concerned about mites so I treated the little house with premetharin...
  5. F

    Lice or mites or something else?

    Is there something going on with this cockerel and pullet that I am missing? I am fairly new to chickens. They shake their heads a lot. It seems the black on his beak is getting worse. Don't know if that's normal or not? I was concerned about mites so I treated the little house with premetharin...
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    ISO: Cream legbar pullets 8 to 12 wk in North GA.

    I picked up 2 chicks at a chicken swap and one turned out to be a cockerel. I am looking for a couple more cream legbar pullets to go with this one lone pullet I have to replace the upcoming rooster or at least give him a flock. Around 10 to 12 weeks or close to that in age. And located in North...
  7. F

    Hen or Roo?

    I picked up two chicks at a chicken swap about 4 weeks ago. One, the owner knew was a cream legbar and was very confident a pullet. She said they were about 7 or 8 weeks old. The other she told me was a mix and she wasn't sure if it would be a male or female. So now that they are around 11 to 12...
  8. F

    Rehoming some or all hens and possibly rooster

    I live in North GA on the GA/TN line. I am looking to re-home some or even all my flock if anyone is interested. They are just mixed backyard chickens, 7 hens and 1 rooster. The rooster is very easy going and I hate to give him up really but I know he would probably be happier with the hens if...
  9. F

    Broody bunch and I don't want it....

    I have a lot of broodiness going through my flock. I only have 7 hens but I am running at least 2 screeching and turkey acting hens off their eggs each week. It has affected all the hens at least once with only one exception. This may be dumb but I think my runt hen (who "goes broody" every time...
  10. F

    Is this poop bad/egg production down

    I am wondering if this poop is something to worry about? I had a hen laying bad eggs and got some help here, told to give Tums and the hen does seem better. I have a drop in egg number and have seen this poop quite a bit. I think maybe the hen with bad eggs may not be laying. Don't care about...
  11. F

    Egg laying problem is urgent

    Any idea what I can do for this pullet. Had deformed eggs for 3 days and I just figured out which one today as she started sitting a lot with eyes closed and finally saw her also poop very yellow poop.
  12. F

    Cockerels available in North GA

    I have 2 cockerels available to take free. I have limited experience but they seem very docile to me. One is with the flock and very good to the hens. One is separated and lonely. I don't need them for protection or breeding and have limited room. The one with the flock seems really good with...
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    Making changes

    So if you know you're going to be making changes to housing and such, and knowing how it messes them up until they get adjusted, is it better to make them all at once or work up to things?
  14. F

    Look at the baby egg I got today lol

    Just thought it might give someone a smile!
  15. F

    Need help modifying A-frame for better roosting

    I have a prefab and a homemade A-frame coop. I have 8 chickens who pretty much only sleep in them or lay but in a run during the day. Originally, 5 were in the A frame and 3 in the prefab. As predicted by some already, 2 of the hens have moved to the A frame and sleep with the rest. They are...
  16. F

    Chickens acting crazy-is it cuz of Spring??

    I've had chickens one year in April so my first spring with hens and pullets and 2 cockerels. I have already separated the rooster from them not in charge. The other Cockerel though young seems pretty good to the hens. But 4 are laying and 2 are at point of lay. They act crazy sometimes. My...
  17. F

    Safeguard dosing/poopy butts

    I saw my Cockerel poop today and it had roundworms in it. I am certain. My local Tractor Supply has safegaurd I can afford. How would I dose it and can it be put on bread or something I can feed him? I can't hold him unfortunately. Also, I treated 3 pullets for tapes back in the fall. I used...
  18. F

    Cockerels North GA/TN line

    I have 2 cockerels I wish to re-home. They seem to act fine, normal cockerel stuff. I just wish to downsize due to limited room. I have a hen that could go with them. Disclosure: She is a proven layer and went broody twice in 2019 hatching chicks both in Spring and Fall. She is however somewhat...
  19. F

    Hard questions about feral hen/runt chick

    I've had chickens less than a year and all the chickens I have are from the same hen who is pretty much feral. She hatched chicks in the spring which I keep and got down to 3 pullets. Then she left. She hatched 5 more this fall and I have tired to keep her and the chicks with my 3 original...
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    Worming questions

    I am so sorry to repeat the same questions. I have searched and read on here and I admit, it just confused me. Sorry! I want to make sure I do this right. My pullet (the only one laying) has worms. I think this is tapeworm segments maybe? I can't handle my chickens readily so if I have to dose...
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