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  • Users: hkisch2014
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  1. hkisch2014

    Pheasants babies

    I have some pheasants in an enclosed run and there are five hens and one male. Two of them have been sitting on a clutch for a while and I knew they were getting close. So when we checked on all of the other birds we also went to check them and came across two dead babies that looks like they...
  2. hkisch2014

    Pheasant incubation

    Have raised pheasants but never incubated Can someone tell me the basics on temp and humidity for them please. Thank you.
  3. hkisch2014

    Another turkey question

    This one pipped on the bottom side of it's egg. Should I flip it right side up?
  4. hkisch2014

    Turkey eggs

    Do turkeys take as long as chickens to hatch out once pipped? I have some that are pipped and it seems that the membrane is drying very quickly. Resisting the urge to help them. Temp is 99 and humidity it around 77%
  5. hkisch2014

    Dead birds

    We have lost 4 chickens over the past 2 weeks...3 hens and one 3 year old rooster. All same injuries...a hole on their back above vent areas. No other sign of injury. What is getting our birds?!? Coop is enclosed. And their outside run is enclosed from overhead predators
  6. hkisch2014

    Hurt hen

    Went to co-op this morning and I find this girl. Hole is above tail feathers. Won't open eyes and her head just keeps sliding down the side of her before she picks it up. She did drink a bit for me but that's it. I have her inside. I have no vetRX or anything and can't leave to go to store. But...
  7. hkisch2014

    Duck leg formed wrong in egg?

    My hatch, that i screwed up on, is hatching. I have 17 ducklings out and happy but one of them has a leg that is completely behind it and toes curled up. I have already tried putting the bandaid around the legs to pull them under its body but the muscles in the funky leg are pulling the good leg...
  8. hkisch2014


    Lockdown of duck eggs was friday evening. All eggs had great progress. Upped humidity to 64% (using a 1502 Sportsman incubator). As of this monring, monday, no eggs pipped but a couple eggs are rocking....shouldnt they be hatched by now? Parents are a mix of rouen, white layer, khaki and a...
  9. hkisch2014

    Hatching guinea eggs

    Best tips and tricks for guinea eggs. I have chickens switching over tonight to hatch and i have some guinea eggs i want to put in. What are the requirements for temp and humidity? I have the gqf 1502 sportsman incubator. Thanks!
  10. hkisch2014

    Dead ducks in 2 different spots

    Just a question. Went out this morning to let ducks out and came across two dead hens. One was in the locked up coop with its next twisted back and bent sitting on eggs in their tire nest box. The other was outside next to their water tank...neck meat and breast eaten out of it but spinal cord...
  11. hkisch2014

    Baby duck needs help

    Hey guys. We had a hen hatch out a duckling sometime this morning. I did not see it around 7 when i let everyone out but my husband found it struggling around lunch time. Its head and beak were caked with dirt and when he tried to give it back to the hen she bolted away from it. Duckling was...
  12. hkisch2014

    Whats wrong with my hen?

    Went out today and my hen was in their pool with her head cocked to the side. I thought she was just trying to get leverage out of the pool. However, she is out and walking around and her head is still cocked, causing her to mostly go in circles....whats wrong?
  13. hkisch2014

    Hatching ducks

    I had a duckling that was half out of its shell since 5 am. He was pipped since yesterday morning. I cracked open a tiny piece, less than an eraser size to allow him to get his head out. He came out and had a bunch of goup on him. I picked him up, put him in a cup with a damp towel and placed...
  14. hkisch2014


    We had a rat problem with our baby ducks in the garage about a month ago now. We caught the rat, left the trap out and have gotten nothing else. Baby chicks and ducks have been in enclosure with bigger ducks and chickens for three weeks or so. Today we go out to let them free range and i find...
  15. hkisch2014

    Garage predator

    I bought 15 ducklings. 2 were dead upon arrival. We left last night for a little while and came home to 5 missing ducklings. We cleaned out our garage today after moving ducklings inside last night and found these three. What animal does this? The first one has a snapped neck as well
  16. hkisch2014


    So i had a chick hatch this morning around 630. I left and ran errands and got back around 1120. Took out the dried chick to put in incubator and realized after i opened incubator another chick had pipped out. Humidity went back up as soon as lid went back in. Pipped egg has no new...
  17. hkisch2014

    Humidity issues

    I have the attached incubator (look at photo) and having an issue with keeping the humidity where it needs to be. I understand the more expensive incubator the better control over things, but thats not in the cards for us right now. Any suggestions on how to keep the one i have under better control?
  18. hkisch2014

    What breed is my Rooster?

    I inherited this guy with the house when we bought it in 2017. Anyone help?
  19. hkisch2014


    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? My husband and I started chickens in MT in 2013. We figured they were a good substitute for babies since we were only engaged at the time. We bought a house in 2017 in MN (our home state) and inherited chickens from the original...
  20. hkisch2014

    Protruding vent?

    morning. So this baby hatched this morning. I am a first time hatcher. My first egg hatched during the night two nights ago just fine. This poor baby though looks as to have a protruding vent...anything i can do to help it? Chick is walking around inside incubator and chirping. Thanks in advance.
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