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  1. DuckWhisperer06

    Odd looking eggshell

    Anybody know what’s going on here? One of our two Copper Marans has started laying eggs like this. This is the second one we’ve seen like this. One side of the egg looks perfectly fine but the other side has a chalky white ring that doesn’t wash off. The entire shell feels thinner than our other...
  2. DuckWhisperer06

    Blue egg from a brown layer?

    Hey there! We recently got a purebred Lavender Amerucauna rooster from a lady who could no longer keep him. She sent us along with an egg appearing to have come from one of her Ameraurcana hens. She also has Maran hens but no roosters of that breed. However, the chick from the very blue egg she...
  3. DuckWhisperer06

    Algae Control

    Is there anything safe we can put in poultry water that’ll prevent/slow the growth of algae? We thought about using 55 gal rain barrels for waterers, but don’t want to have to empty & scrub them out every few days.
  4. DuckWhisperer06

    Respiratory infection treatment

    What can we use that’s over the counter for treating respiratory infections in chickens? I’ve seen a lot of people recommend Baytril but I’m hoping for a slightly cheaper alternative that I can get a little sooner. Thanks!
  5. DuckWhisperer06

    Chick with ‘dead’ toe

    One of our Copper Maran chicks has what looks to be a dead toe. It’s about a week old, give or take a day or two. We picked up eight chicks total about two days ago, but didn’t notice the toe until we got home. Just in the last hour or so, the rest of the chicks have started picking on the...
  6. DuckWhisperer06

    ISO Amerucana hatching eggs.

    Looking for Amerucana hatching eggs for pickup anywhere between DFW and Waco, Texas.
  7. DuckWhisperer06

    I need help finding a horse breed..

    I’ve been driving myself crazy for the past few weeks trying to remember a horse breed. I saw a post on here a long while back about someone asking for name suggestions for a new horse. I believe willow was in her(?) username. I think she went with the name Dakota. All I can really remember is...
  8. DuckWhisperer06

    Can I get a Black Swedish from a Blue Swedish?

    We have a Blue Swedish hen, a Pekin hen, and had a Rouen and two Pekin drakes (the drakes are gone now). Somehow, we ended up with 4 Black Swedish, 1 Blue Swedish, 2 Pekin, 1 Rouen, and 1 Rouen/Pekin looking ducklings. My question is, how on earth did I end up with Black Swedish if we only...
  9. DuckWhisperer06

    Limping duck...what to do?

    Went out this morning to find one of our ducks limping slightly around their pen. I figured he’d probably just tripped over something (he’s done this before), but now he doesn’t want to put any weight on it and just kinda lays around on his belly. His (left) foot doesn’t look swollen, but it...
  10. DuckWhisperer06

    Pumpkin plants?

    Does anybody know what kind of plant this is? Thanks in advance!
  11. DuckWhisperer06

    What plant/flower is this???

    Stumbled upon this while out in the corn. Stands about 3ft tall. Anybody know what it is?
  12. DuckWhisperer06

    Ducklings, almost there!!

    This is a secondary thread following this, but for the incubator eggs. We have 10 in the bator, quite a few of which have internally pipped. Only one (so far) has externally pipped. Lockdown was supposed to start tomorrow, but while candling last night, we realized that some of them were...
  13. DuckWhisperer06

    Cat Litter in Nesting Boxes?

    So while going through the garage, I stumbled upon an unopened bag of cat/kitty litter. We just recently lost our cat (he was old and ran away). I was thinking of using the litter box (after a DEEP cleaning) as a temporary nesting box since we have gotten any in their new pen yet. We normally...
  14. DuckWhisperer06

    HELP!! Hen attacked by dog!

    Our almost year old hen, Mrs Peaches, was attacked by our dog. He was holding her by the neck in a muddy puddle so her face was covered in mud. I’ve wiped her nostrils clean. I took her inside to give her a bath and while rinsing her off, noticed she had an open wound in the middle of her back...
  15. DuckWhisperer06

    What...Is This?

    What is this? It was squishy. Had some shape to it but could easily be pressed between my fingers. Obviously didn’t eat that egg.
  16. DuckWhisperer06

    Egg Thief

    What kind of snake is this? (Please don’t mind the 9mm bullet hole in its head, my father doesn’t like snakes :gig) It was coiled up in a nesting box and has at least 3 eggs inside of it.
  17. DuckWhisperer06

    A Little Confused

    Ok, I need a bit of clarification about crested ducks. I have a crested magpie and was a little confused about what that meant. (This is to also help @Birdylady78 with her thread) Is ‘crested’ a breed on its own, or does it always go along with a breed (crested Pekin, crested magpie, etc.)...
  18. DuckWhisperer06

    Plant identification help!

    I need some help identifying these plants. Our neighbor is growing milo and sweet corn on the property around ours. I walked out earlier to see how the corn was doing and found some weird plants. Any idea what they are? Plant A: long pointed leaves. Reddish-pink stem. Plant B: Shorter...
  19. DuckWhisperer06

    Broody Duck Hen

    I’m 95% sure our Pekin is broody, she’s been on her ‘nest’ for a few days now and she gets very defensive when I try to collect the eggs. She doesn’t have any eggs and she’s still sitting on the nest. Can I block off the door and put food and water in the ‘house’? She still comes out every...
  20. DuckWhisperer06

    What is this?

    Does anybody know what made these prints? The space between each step if roughly 2 feet. We live south of Dallas/Fort Worth, Tx. We have coyotes(and a few stray dogs) in the area but (from the dogs we have seen) they are much smaller that what could have made these prints.
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