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  • Users: AmyJane725
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  1. AmyJane725

    Help Understanding Supplement Dosage

    Hi, guys, This thread is a follow up to my thread from the other day asking about liquid calcium I could give my hen that won't eat oyster shells. My vet looked at the two options that were suggested to me and said to go with the one that is formulated for birds rather than the one that's for...
  2. AmyJane725

    Does Anyone Know of a Water Soluble Calcium Supplement?

    Hi, guys, I've got a hen that, despite being on layer crumbles, constantly has soft egg issues. She won't eat oyster shells (despite needing them), and I'm wondering if there's any kind of a water soluble calcium supplement I could just mix into her water to make sure she's getting enough? I...
  3. AmyJane725

    Baytril Dosage Help

    Hi, guys, Can someone help me with Baytril dosage? I'm too frazzled to do conversions right now. My hen is .817 kg. Baytril is 10 mg/kg. That means 8.17 mg, but the Baytril is liquid. It's going to be in mL, not mg. And 1 mg doesn't equal 1 mL. They're not even like units, so you can't convert...
  4. AmyJane725

    What On Earth Is This?

    Has anyone seen something like this before? My hen pooped out this weird sphere. It's like halfway between the size of a ping pong ball and a big marble. After I washed the poop off of it, it practically looks like an organ. It's mostly soft and squishy, but that darker area with the little...
  5. AmyJane725

    One Baby, No Momma! Please help!

    Guys, it has been a bad day. I went out yesterday to do some repairs and I was shocked to find that one of my hens hatched a lone egg. There was a little tiny baby chick following her around outside. Now, it's cold where I live, and the rainy season is starting in earnest (no weather for a baby...
  6. AmyJane725

    Molt Malfunction or Parasites?! Please answer if you can. I feel sick.

    Went out to see my chickens today, and found one of my three year old self-blue cochin bantam hens with weird black stuff in her feathers. The best way I can describe it is like if you have a fake leather couch or chair, and it gets old and eventually the leather veneer starts flaking off and it...
  7. AmyJane725

    Any Tips for Helping a Chicken with Chronic Constipation?

    Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone has experience with a chicken having chronic constipation and if there's anything that can help it? My poor little crippled roo, Limpy Jr., has more problems than you can shake a stick at, and while I don't think this one will kill him necessarily, it breaks...
  8. AmyJane725

    Baytril or Cipro?

    Hey, so my other topics haven't gotten much attention, so I'm gonna try again with a different angle. My hen is sick. We've been to the vet 5 times now. None of the antibiotics they've been giving me seem to help. Baytril or Ciprofloxacin seem to be the best options at this point, but vets are...
  9. AmyJane725

    Things are Serious - I Need Your Best Tube Feeding Slurry Recipe & Medical Advice! Please Help!

    This is kind of a continuation of my last thread. My 2 year 8 months old Silver Spangled Hamburg hen Ildi is not doing well. Had an abscess above her left eye in late December, and has had it opened and drained (scooped out) three times at the vet. She was on antibiotics for three weeks. 2...
  10. AmyJane725

    Need Help/Advice! Please Help My Hen!

    Hi guys, My 2.5 year old Silver Spangled Hamburg hen Ildi has been having a rough month. She had an abscess above her eye, which she had incised and cleaned out at the vet 3 times, and got 3 different antibiotics (just finished the last dose of the most recent one yesterday). I'm glad to...
  11. AmyJane725

    Is This Normal or Cancer?

    I suppose there could be options in between fine and cancer, but we’ll see. He’s a 2 yo blue laced red Wyandotte bantam. Very sickly in general. Has mobility issues. I noticed this odd colored orangish bump come up on his left earlobe recently. Does anyone know what this is? Hopefully these...
  12. AmyJane725

    Can I Keep An Indoor Chicken?

    Hi guys, I have a little bantam roo who is mobility challenged. He has had issues with both legs since he was a chick. He has been living outside with the rest of the flock for about 1.75 years now, but I have always kept a close eye on him. His legs seemed to be getting worse as of late, and...
  13. AmyJane725

    Egg Bound Please Help

    My little Japanese bantam Missy is egg bound. She has a prolapsed vent. I’ve given her calcium gluconate and soaked her but still no egg. Please help
  14. AmyJane725

    How Dark Does It Need To Be To Stop Egg Production?

    Are we talking like pitch black, or just no bright sunlight? I’ve got a little girl in recovery from prolapse surgery and I need to keep her in the dark for 16 hrs a day. I’m just wondering how dark is dark enough.
  15. AmyJane725

    Is My Roo Dancing For Me?

    Hey guys, Hope all your flocks are doing well. I've been noticing my lead rooster doing something kind of odd the last month or so when I go out to see the chickens. I sit down in the coop or in the run, doesn't matter, and he kinda shuffles up to me, sideways, and he seems to be doing...
  16. AmyJane725

    Tip of Beak Snapped Off and Wet Pox? What Next T_T

    Hey guys, Two separate issues here, but I discovered them at the same time, so I'll just make one thread. I'm too tired to bounce between multiple ones. Issue 1: My beloved RIR cockerel ReeBee seems to have snapped off the tip of his upper beak (as well as a bit of the sides of it. I first...
  17. AmyJane725

    Sound Dampening for Metal Roof?

    Hey guys, Just wondering if there's any way I could dampen the sound from falling rain on my metal coop roof? It rains a lot here and I feel bad for my babies trying to sleep with the rain pounding on the roof. Is there something I could put up against the metal on the inside or outside that...
  18. AmyJane725

    Puberty/Mating Management?

    Hey guys, Went out to visit my babies today, and Winston, my silver spangled hamburg cockerel made it pretty clear that he's growing up fast. He mated my self-blue cochin bantam Gusty (who everyone on here still insists is a cockerel) less than a foot away from me. He wasn't horrible to her or...
  19. AmyJane725

    What Now? Limping Chick. Please Help >_<

    What else? I shouldn't even ask. To anyone out there considering it, DO NOT, under any circumstances, buy Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Bantams from Ideal Poultry. These chicks have been anything but ideal. My latest issue is one of my chicks now seems to be limping. Something wrong with the right...
  20. AmyJane725

    Fall Chick-Days Got Me...

    Can anyone tell me what I just brought home? Got 4 bantams out of the bantam bin at TSC. They're from Hoover's. The yellow ones are tiny chicks. About 13 g each. At least 2 of them are the same kind I think (they both have dark stuff in their wings) the other one like them might be the same...
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