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  1. Ranchwithaview

    Kitten is dying, help

    *update* The kitten died tonight. * Hello, I searched through many pages, but didn't find what I needed. We brought a feral kitten home last week. It was sick and hungry. It seemed to be doing better, but then this afternoon it went down hill. Tonight it seems certain it won't make it and is in...
  2. Ranchwithaview

    Urgent! One week old chick has developed leg problem.

    This was our weaker chick. She pushed out of her shell too soon, but she has been doing good, eating, and sticking with the others. She's just been smaller. But today I noticed she has a problem with her legs. One is in front and one in back. Do I treat this like a newborn with splayed legs? She...
  3. Ranchwithaview

    I can't get a break... In a chick?

    Back story, I had a broody hen hatch two chicks last week. She was with the rest of the flock and we lost one chick. She didn't seem to improve her parenting, so we took the remaining chick in. We went that night, Sunday, to a local breeder and got a friend chick. On Monday, we got two more from...
  4. Ranchwithaview

    Chick from local breeder umbilical problem?

    We got a newborn chick on Sunday evening from a local breeder. It looked like it had unabsorbed egg that dried (first pic). Then today the dried part started to come off. I knew to keep an eye on it. I heard loud chirping and found a lot of yellow goo (yolk?). Pics of chick (sorry it's blurry)...
  5. Ranchwithaview

    Crossing BCM rooster with make sex link

    I have a BCM rooster (possibly a mix), and RIR and Silver laced Wyandotte hens. If I cross them will they produce sex links (if he isn't a mix)? I have read many threads on the matter, but have read contradicting information. Also, which type of comb will be dominant, considering the Wyandotte...
  6. Ranchwithaview

    Could she be an australorp?

    She has black iridescent feathers, dark eyes, a dark face, black nails, and white skin. She is petite. I bought her from some one who bought 6 from a breeder and she was the runt she said. She lays small/med, pale cream eggs.
  7. Ranchwithaview

    Hoping to identify my rooster

    My best guess is that he is a BCM mix. He has black irredescent saddle and other feathers.
  8. Ranchwithaview

    Lost a chick today from a broody hen

    We had a young hen go broody and she did great sitting on her eggs. 100% hatch rate, 2. Four hours later there was only one. Earlier there was no sign of problem, aggression from other hens, etc. Then...just no chick. I am devastated.
  9. Ranchwithaview

    Possibly moving a broody hen

    I need advice. I have a hen that decided to go broody yesterday. I suppose technically she is still a pullet. She has only been laying eggs for a month. There are two nesting boxes in the coop, but the three hens insist on using one. The biggest problem for me is that I have lost two days of...
  10. Ranchwithaview

    Hen attacked by dog day and a half ago

    Hello, our favorite hen (one year old) flew into our neighbor's field and was attacked by their German shepherd. It seems from her injuries that he might have just played with her, and was not trying to eat her. When I found her she was in shock and panting. When she calmed down, I looked for...
  11. Ranchwithaview

    Please help me identify my frizzled rooster.

    He has mostly black feathers, but the ones on his neck are white close to his skin. The woman I purchased him from couldn't remember what types the man she bought him from was breeding. His "brother" has some Copper Maran, but other than both having black feathers and legs they look nothing...
  12. Ranchwithaview

    Three hens and a rooster

    Hello. We just bought our first flock five days ago, three hens, one rooster, with one hen being a couple months older than the others. They are originally from a breeder and seem to be a Australorp frizzle mix. But, the rooster looks like he has Copper Maran too. All of them look different. Two...
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