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  1. K

    Rooster opinions needed

    Hello everyone, I have a moderate size flock of 17 chickens. I currently have one mature-ish rooster Neville, about a year old, who has been with the flock since October. I also have two immature cockerels, around 4 months who have not started mounting yet. So my issue is this, Neville is a...
  2. K

    Spraddle leg chick with abcess on leg

    I've got a little guy who is 5 days old and on his 4th day in a hobble for spraddle leg (arrived like that after shipping). Today I noticed that his joint on the wonky leg is swollen and looks like it might be an abcess. I have changed his hobble daily and dont believe that it could have been...
  3. K

    Hen recovering from attack

    About 10 days ago my flock went through a fox attack. One of my hens was wounded in the attack and spent about three days indoors stabilizing before heading back outside with the rest of the flock. In the last few days I've noticed her comb looking quite pale and some watery stools. She hasnt...
  4. K

    Speckled Sussex boy or girl?

    Hello! First time chicken mom here! I got six feed store pullets several week back and I'm pretty confident that four definitely are girls. I already have a thread for my glw, but I feel pretty on the fence about my speckled sussex too. 6 weeks old currently. Thanks!
  5. K

    GL Wyandotte roo?

    Hello! This little boy/girl is 4 weeks and a few days old. I've been suspicious since the beginning as he or she walks much more upright than all of my other chicks and feathered out very slowly. Most of the feathers that are there arrived in the last 3 to 5 days. Any thoughts about what gender...
  6. K

    Sizeable Fee for Zoning Appeal

    Hi there chicken gurus! I am brand new here and do not yet own any chickens. I am joining with some like minded chicken enthusiasts in my town to appeal our zoning regulation. The town officials seem to like the idea so far, but the first big hurdle we are encountering is a SIZEABLE fee for the...
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