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  • Users: MarcyG
  • Content: Threads
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  1. MarcyG

    Is this "gaping"?

    I'm hoping someone out there can advise me on how to treat my chicken, "CoCo". She's less than 2 years old, and about 7 days ago, she stopped laying. I've noticed her appetitie has GREATLY decreased in the past 7-10 days. She's usually always eager for food and dried worms. She "fake" eats...
  2. MarcyG

    "Snuggling" at Roost Time - Causing Aggressive Pecking

    My 1 yr old Americana ("Maple") is lowest in the pecking order of my small flock of 5. I noticed many of her top/back feathers are broken and she looks very scruffy, compared to the others. She is not molting at this time. I checked for mites, lice and even took her to my vet. She was clean...
  3. MarcyG

    blue laced red wyandotte - 8 wks - roo or pullet?

    Hi Everyone, We recently purchased an 8-wk old Blue-Laced Red Wyandotte (bird on the right - in the first photo attached). We are not sure of its gender (were told it was a pullet by the Seller)... but the 'stance' and its more aggressive/dominant personality is leading us to think this is a...
  4. MarcyG

    Skin Discoloration on my Hen

    While blow-drying my hen ('BigBev') after her butt-bath today, I noticed that some of her skin below her vent (in the area of her underbelly) is not the usual pink color. It appears to be a blue-ish/grayish color in a large area. Photos attached. I still see areas of pink skin on her, as she...
  5. MarcyG

    Eye Shape and Coloring Changed - Why?

    Does anyone know what would cause a hen's eyelids to go from circular (and fully round) to somewhat oval shaped and almost half-closed? It has happened gradually ...and over the course of 2 years. I noticed in some old photos that her eyes used to be fully round/circular, And now they are not. 😞...
  6. MarcyG

    Walking in Half-Circles

    One of my hens occasionally is walking in a funny way. Instead of going in a straight line to a spot ahead of her - she seems to tilt her body and her head and go in a half circle , always arcing to the left. She still ends up at the spot ahead of her, but she seems to be walking in a half...
  7. MarcyG

    Lash Egg by my RIR

    This morning I found a lash egg in the nest box, laid by my RIR, Aubrey. I’m sure it’s salpingitis. 😢She was diagnosed by our vet over a year ago with an oviduct infection, and possibly oviduct cancer. Her overall energy is very good, she is eating at a healthy pace and is active when inside the...
  8. MarcyG

    Meatballs -vs- M&Ms/Skittles (Chicken Poops)

    I've noticed that two hens in my flock of 6 are laying extremely small and very dry poops. The difference is significant, imagine comparing a standard meatball size (1 - 1.5" in diameter) to a tiny M&M or Skittle candy . One of my "Skittle" laying hens ("GaGa") has been ill, and is eating very...
  9. MarcyG

    Hairlike white strands in runny poop

    One of my Girls has been laying ocassional runny poops that have very thin “hair-like” white strands in them (see photo). The white strands are NOT moving around... so hopefully they’re not worms. Here’s a closeup photo. Is this something to be concerned about? Thank you for any feedback!
  10. MarcyG

    Strange object (egg part?) in nest box

    While cleaning my nest box today, I discovered a strange soft “thing” (for lack of a better term) in the (sand) nest box. After rinsing off the sand, it feels like soft tissue, and I’m thinking it possibly could be an egg shell membrane that my chicken passed. I noticed there was a lot of clear...
  11. MarcyG

    Strange crusty hole/scab on my EE

    Eek! My EE has very thick butt feathers and ocassionally needs a butt bath. Two weeks ago as I was bathing her, I noticed a dry, hard crusty elongated thing (‘scab’ for lack of a better term), coming out of her rear. Not near the vent, but lower on her rear. At first I thought it was a dry...
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