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  1. Blessedthistle

    Moving chickens to FL

    Hello, I am supposed to be moving to my new house in FL with all my pets. The trip has been delayed for months because of everything from not being able to find a horse trailer, blizzards, family illness, Covid, business trips to a recent death in the family. Now that I’m finally ready to go I...
  2. Blessedthistle

    Heating pad temp for just hatched chicks?

    I just got my chicks delivered (only 3), apparently hatched yesterday and mailed out last night. They look good but are looking for warmth. The first ones I got last week arrived dead from being rerouted/delayed by USPS. I had made the mama heating pad setup prior to their arrival. I had it set...
  3. Blessedthistle

    Shell-less eggs

    Hello folks, I'm new to the forum, and new to chickens since I bought my 6 chicks in the spring. 2 ended up roos, so now I only have 4 hens- 2 RI reds, 1 Australorp, and 1 Buff Orpington. I waited patiently for eggs all summer, feeding grower feed and then oyster shells free choice once laying...
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