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  1. Mo'sMenagerie

    Swollen bump above eye, gasping, pale combs—please help

    I just noticed today several of my birds with a single swollen bump above their eyes and one in particular panting. Quite a few have pale combs and egg production has been light lately. It’s been hot lately so seeing a couple birds panting seemed ok. But today I saw the bumps…and my nuvogen...
  2. Mo'sMenagerie

    Poopie butt and WORMS on sore! Help!

    My sweet old hen, who is predisposed to poopy butt, have really bad poopy butt today and when I went to clean her off I saw it was infested with worms!:eek::sick Poor sweet thing! I washed her well, soaked in epsom salt, cleaned with vetricyn, and literally pulled hundreds of these nasty little...
  3. Mo'sMenagerie

    Unformed egg hanging out my pullett's butt! Will she get egg yolk periontitis?

    My blue Andalusian pullet just started laying eggs this week. Yay! she's laid two just fine and then today she was having a hard time pooping and I looked and found what appeared to be a partially formed egg hanging out of her butt. Yuck! We got it out but now I'm worried that the yolk was...
  4. Mo'sMenagerie

    Dog attack--2" neck wound on throat of my pullet

    My dog, usually an angel around my chickens, had an old corn cob she found and when my Blue Andalusian pullet decided she should be able to have some too, got pined down and bit my little dog! BAD DOG!!! I now have her in a dark dog crate in my bathroom with soft bedding. I cleaned the wound...
  5. Mo'sMenagerie

    9 hens, 1 roo, 5 pullets = NO EGGS! What the heck is going on???

    Ok, so egg production at my house is WAY down. I can't believe that for over a month now i've been getting days with no eggs or 1, or at most 3. The flock is healthy and fairly young (just took a couple to the vet and they got clean bills of health), they free-range on a fenced in acre, they...
  6. Mo'sMenagerie

    New silkie roo gets attacked by mean alpha hen

    I recently had to rehome the rooster in my flock. He was awesome, but just too big and he was destroying my hens when he mounted (more like raped!) them. Even with saddles that covered their wings, he destroyed the shoulders and back of at least 5 out of my flock of 10. I didn't want to lose him...
  7. Mo'sMenagerie

    SFH Cockerel sneezing and mucus on nostrils

    I have a swedish flower hen cockerel, about 7months old, who over the last couple weeks I've noticed sneezing occasionally. Today I saw that he had mucus covering his nostrils causing him to breathe heavily. I cleaned it off, rubbed some VetRX on his nostrils and put a drop down his throat...
  8. Mo'sMenagerie

    Premier 1 or Rentacoop heater plate

    About to purchase a heater plate for my chicks on the way, and would like to know folks opinion on thees two brands. Preference for the Premier1 or for the Rentacoop heater plate?
  9. Mo'sMenagerie

    how to bookmark within the site?

    Is there a way to make a bookmark of a page or thread within BYC? Thank you!
  10. Mo'sMenagerie

    Back feathers not returning

    I have dear, sweet black copper maran, less than a year old, who appears to be getting the brunt of the rooster love in my flock of 11. I have 2 roosters and they free range on a large piece of property. I bought a hen saddle, and she's been wearing it for more than a month and a half. It has...
  11. Mo'sMenagerie

    We're moving! New house and new coop-how to introduce flock to new digs?

    HI BYC! We have exciting news at my house...we've got a new one! We've been building a new home for the past year that just passed final inspections. We now have the certificate of occupancy! :lol::celebrate The new property not only has a sweet new house, but my flock of 11 will be getting a...
  12. Mo'sMenagerie

    2 SFH about 10 weeks.. male or female?

    Really want them to be female since we have 11 total in the flock and already have rooster. We love these two, as well. That are super tame and bonded. Would hate to have to rehome them. We've never had swedish flower hens, so hoping that maybe they just develop waddles and combs early???:fl
  13. Mo'sMenagerie

    End of foot pads looks bruised on 10wk olds

    Let me start by saying i've experienced bumblefoot in one of my hens, and it was a horrible experience, scarring me and my husband pretty darn good. We did the surgery which DID NOT go like all the videos and books said it would. This was almost 9 months ago now, and our sweet girl ended up not...
  14. Mo'sMenagerie

    Taking Floki to the vet-things I should ask for?

    I've been working on ridding my sweet americauna Floki of quill mites for months... Although I am...
  15. Mo'sMenagerie

    Mama moved back in the coop and left the babies

    I have a broody mama who has decided tonight she will end her duty as Mama to her three 6 week old chicks/pullets. She has moved back in to the coop, and the 3 babies are super confused.:( Mama and babies have all been living in a chicken tractor while Mama raised them, and thats where the 3 are...
  16. Mo'sMenagerie

    New roof being installed at my house-worry about stress or injury to my birds!

    I currently rent (moving into our own NEW house in December, fingers crossed!:ya). My landlord has decided the house we are in now needs a new roof and a paint job. Well, my coop and run are pretty much directly connected to the house. They already came in and trimmed all the plants back from...
  17. Mo'sMenagerie

    Feeling discouraged-words of wisdom?

    I've been raising chickens for a little over a year, and I feel I've had to learn some very hard lessons--maybe the most surprising being that less is more with feeding treats and scratch. Also that occasionally your sweet birds just die without any warning. That no matter how clean you keep...
  18. Mo'sMenagerie

    Feather mites--how long until the tail feathers recover?

    Hell again All--I posted a while back about my hen having feather mites. I've since treated her and my entire flock with elector PSP, and I think they are gone. My question is--will her tail feathers recover? They were really chewed up from the mites, and they still look terrible. :confused...
  19. Mo'sMenagerie

    4 yo hen with Diarrhea for weeks

    My 4 yo black australorp hsa had runny poop/diarrhea for weeks. Everyone else seems fine, and she looks and acts super healthy. I've had her poop tested for worms, but it cam back negative. There has been a lot of change in the flock with new pullets getting introduced and one of my others going...
  20. Mo'sMenagerie

    Help! My americauna has feather mites!

    I've been noticing the tail feathers looking pretty ragged on my americauna for quite a while, but being new to this game, I didn't know it was indicative of anything serious. Today, upon further inspection, I see that nearly all her feather (she's a very light colored bird so it was hard to see...
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