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  1. CountryRoosterUSA

    Feeding { How Much }

    I've got 15 laying hens, they stay in a coop with a 8' by 20' run. They have feed available 24,7. But I was wondering, if I only feed them once a day how much feed would they need ? { Just Curious } Having feed available 24,7 equals considerable waste.
  2. CountryRoosterUSA

    Small Eggs

    I have 11 girls, all are 19 weeks old. One of the barred rocks and one of the buff orffingtons have just started to lay. The last two days each one has layed but the eggs are very small. Is this normal for just starting. These are the first young girls we have had so I don't know. I'm thinking...
  3. CountryRoosterUSA

    Sick Hen

    When I went out to check the girls yesterday, all were fine. They were all eating and drinking as usual. But when I went out just a few hours later. One of the girls was laying down and could not get up by herself. I put her in a separate cage with fresh water and food. I checked her over good...
  4. CountryRoosterUSA

    2 Eggs in one Day !!

    I have 5 hens, all lay big brown eggs except for the white leghorn which is a white egg. I checked the 3 nest boxes early this morning and they were all empty. I went back and checked them this afternoon around 3 pm, and had 6 eggs all in one nest box. There was 4 brown eggs and 2 big white...
  5. CountryRoosterUSA

    Brooder size

    I'm getting 10 chicks from TSC, and was wanting to know just how big the brooder would have to be, ?x?x? to keep them in till they are feathered out. I have a grow out pen after that, until big enough to go in the coop with the others. I have never had chicks before, only adult birds, so I'm...
  6. CountryRoosterUSA

    What a difference

    We have 3 red stars, not our only girls, but the oldest. They are around 2 1/2 yrs. old. These 3 haven't laid an egg in close to 2 months or more. They would get around just fine ,but didn't seem to have any pep in their step. I have never wormed them before, I guess because I never saw any...
  7. CountryRoosterUSA

    My Pages

    On the old BYC, when you went to your page or any page you made. There was a counter at the bottom to let you know how many time your page had been viewed. On the new BYC the counter is not there. I found it interesting to see how many times my pages had been visited. I was wondering if it might...
  8. CountryRoosterUSA

    Symptoms for worming

    How do you know when to worm your chickens? My girls are alittle over 2 yrs. old and never been wormed. I know my egg production is down, but I just thought that was due to the time of year. All seem to be happy and healthy birds. So what are the symptoms that go along with chickens needing...
  9. CountryRoosterUSA

    Background Color

    Is there a way to add a background color or a background picture to MY PAGE.
  10. CountryRoosterUSA

    Valbazen - wormer

    Get Valbazen wormer at Revival Animal Health Kills all kinds of worms.
  11. CountryRoosterUSA

    Sick and almost dead

    One of my 2 1/2 yr. old hens , started acting sluggish and started staying to herself. Stopped eating and drinking, and just sat all humped up with her eyes closed. When I went to pick her up she just layed over on her side. All this just started yesterday morning, or thats when I first noticed...
  12. CountryRoosterUSA

    "NEW" Chick Sexing Page

    Help, I'm trying to build a page for the forum, showing ways people have of sexing their chicks, of the different breeds. By feathers, comb, color, markings or any other way. Do you know, or have heard of any ways to tell the differents between the boys and the girls ? { example } Red...
  13. CountryRoosterUSA

    " NEW PAGE " Need Your Help Please

    Please Help, I'm trying to build a page for the forum, showing ways people have of sexing their chicks, of the different breeds. By feathers, comb, color, markings or any other way. Do you know, or have heard of any ways to tell the differents between the boys and the girls ? { example } Red...
  14. CountryRoosterUSA

    Egg is half thin shell

    I've got a red sex-link about 1 1/2 yr old. She was laying great up untill about 3 weeks ago. Now every egg she lays 1/2 of it is good hard shell, the other half is just paper thin and will break with the slightest pressure. Its always the small end of the egg that is paper thin. She has...
  15. CountryRoosterUSA

    Add a "sexing" chickens page

    I would like to suggest a new page on sexing chicks, maybe in the Learning Center. Sexing by color, comb size, things like that to give newbies as well as long time chicken owners a possible way to tell the boys from the girls. Or at least get an idea. Such as, Red Sex-link chicks -- Males...
  16. CountryRoosterUSA

    What kind am I

    A friend bought these little chicks at TSC, but a cat got all but this one. He gave it to me and said it was a pullet. I was wondering if someone could tell me what kind it is, how old it is, and if it a pullet or a roo. I'm thinking leghorn but not sure.
  17. CountryRoosterUSA

    Open air tractor

    Our new open air tractor, I guess if I closed in the front and cut a chicken door in it, that would make it a coop 6' wide and 2 1/2' deep. Please let me know what you think. It will only be used for new chickens to quarantine, or small chicks to grow up before putting them in the main coop...
  18. CountryRoosterUSA


    Does anyone have any Sicilian Buttercups or Mountian Buffs
  19. CountryRoosterUSA

    How to catch an egg eater ??

    Every day the last couple of weeks when I go to collect the eggs in the nest box. I'm finding 1 or 2 that have a hole about the size of a quarter in the end. No yoke or anything in the shell, but a mess in the shavings. I'm thinking I have an EGG EATER. I collect the eggs in the morning and...
  20. CountryRoosterUSA

    What BREED of ROO is the tamest and less agressive

    I'm looking into getting a roo for my girls, { 1 year old red-stars } but with my granddaugthers around I want a nice one, or at least one that does't attack every time it sees you. I have heard that the RIR is very agressive. Is there a certain breed thats calmer and nicer or is it just the...
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