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  1. R


    My chicken got some string stuck in its foot. I didn’t notice it Till now and it’s in a knot at it’s healed over. I need to know the best way to get it out
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    Can a 2-3 week old chick imprint on a hen?

    I have a broody hen. Can a 2-3 week old chick imprint on her?
  3. R

    Do you keep the baby chicks and mom with the main flock?

    Do you keep the baby chicks and mom with the main flock ore do you put them in a separate place. Also do you have the babies go off of layer feed because of the mother hen or can the mom eat the baby chick stuff?
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    haven't seen many Alaskans here.
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    Egg eating

    So I have been finding a lot of my eggs broken and I have even caught a few chickens eat broken eggs in the act. I have heard that you can put dye in the eggs to try and catch the chickens who are doing it. So I was wondering if this technic works or are there any other good ways to catch them.
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    Lots Of Eggs!

    I forgot to collect the eggs for about a week (lazy me) and I went out today to collect and my 22 hens must’ve been working pretty hard because there’s a lot of eggs
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    Yellow foamy poop

    My chicken have yellow foamy poop after I treated them with corid, what other disease could it be?
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    Eating eggs

    I gave my chicken corid because of cocci. Can I eat there eggs?
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    My chickens have cocci

    So my chickens have a early stage of cocci and I was reading I put Amproliumin there water, just in case they don't can they just have Amprolium without it harming them?
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    Eyes closed on chick

    She doesn't open her eyes and she has regular eyes under that. What shoul I do?
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    Weak baby chick

    i have this very weak baby chick it doesn’t like to move when I pick it up it goes to sleep right where I put it. I also put it in another brooder with another smaller chick
  12. R

    Fertile Eggs

    so I have two juvenile roosters and I have a bunch of hens. So I have wanted to sell eggs in a small scale operation for a long time, but my mom thinks that people wont like the eggs because when they are fertile they have a white dot on them. So I am wondering if anyone else has sold fertile...
  13. R


    i know this isn't chicken related but me and my brother found a juvinelle magpie in our backyard and it can't fly, the parents are sticking around. Don't know what to do. PLEASE HELP!!!!
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    Kicking bedding out of nests

    My chicken have been kicking there bedding out of the nesting boxes and laying the eggs in a box without a lot of bedding and I have found a few cracked, so I would like to know how to stop this.
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    From my polish hen

    This egg is really small and I am wondering if this is normal
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    Barred Silkie

    So i have a barred Plymouth rock rooster and a white silkies. I was wondering if a Barred Silkie was possible.
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    What breed

    Don’t know what breed. Thanks in advance
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    Greenhouse to coop

    I have a unused greenhouse in our backyard. I am wondering if i can make it into a new coop
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    New chicks

    Hi! I am getting a few eggs in February, I would like some cool breeds to hatch.
  20. R

    Can you mix ducks and chickens into the same coop

    Can you mix ducks and chickens into the same coop? because i am thinking of getting ducks.
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