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  1. CaliforniaPeeping

    Scalped chick

    Long story short, discovered some accidental chicks today. Two are totally fine, one was dead, one had both feet in the grave and was barely breathing (I didn’t know what the right thing to do was so I put it in the freezer hoping it was the most humane thing I could do). The two ok ones are now...
  2. CaliforniaPeeping

    Hacking this 7 egg incubator

    A friend bought me the mini "inteligent" 7 egg incubator. I've got the temperature in the right spot but the humidity is still too high. I had about 20ml of water in its tray then removed half so there is approximately 10ml of water in it now. I have put in a egg sized "rice sock" to attempt to...
  3. CaliforniaPeeping

    Non-laying pullet becomes vent inspector

    I have 3 pullets, I know one is laying but I suspect two are. The third one is not laying and seems to be curious as to what is going on in the other pullets lady bits. She is also, gently, kicking them out of the nesting boxes. She is bottom rung so I assume if they were very bothered they...
  4. CaliforniaPeeping

    Bloody/mucousy poops more than one bird.

    Hello there! I am still a chicken newbie and making mistakes. I have 5 and they are about 13 weeks old. It started with one bird having watery poops about 4 days ago after I had switched their food to all flock. I thought it was from the food change but I was wrong and now more than one is...
  5. CaliforniaPeeping

    12 week Orloff; Sir or Madame?

    Hello! I am reasonably certain that 4 out of 5 of my birds are pullets. My fifth one I'm not certain. I've looked at pictures and they do not look like the photos of Orloff cockerels I've seen and they have not made any crowing noises. They are however twice as big as the other birds and very...
  6. CaliforniaPeeping

    Hello- chicken newbie here

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Super new to chickens, have had our chicks for a week today. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 6 chickies. We're allowed 6 in the city. Oh, that would have been a good username. (3) What breeds do you have? 3 Langshan...
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