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  1. S

    Sick hen

    I have a hen who is limping. I turned her over and she has a cauliflower looking area in her vent. It’s red. She is also breathing labored. Any clues? Those are the best pics I could take as I’m alone this am to take the picture. She sits a lot also hides a bit in the run. It looks like a tiny...
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    Duckling wheezing.

    My friends children are raising two ducklings till 6 weeks then giving them to me. It’s a child’s project. They have given the ducklings four bubble baths till they were soaked and then put them under the heat lamp to dry. I was unaware that was happening. When they sent a video I was surprised...
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    Ducklings and sunlight

    A friend wants his youngster to raise two ducklings till they are 30 days old then have me take them. I have a Toulouse goose who adores and mothers my two Pekin ducks that I rescued when they were just a couple months old(wasn’t sure if the age) miss Lydia gave me some good pointers and they...
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    Impacted crop new 🦆

    Hello, I rescued two ducks last week that were suffering from neglect. They are thriving and always have clean water to submerge their heads. I feed them twice a day about a cup of food each probably over fed them when I got them because they were starving but now I noticed the one Duck has a...
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    Lethargic goose

    My gorgeous domestic goose is lethargic.....I've noticed she has been quiet the last couple days and her wading pool is not all messed up(normally she drops leaves and sticks into it, she likes doing that, it is pretty funny and cute) she lives with my 27 hens and roos and eats their layer...
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    Lethargic goose

    My gorgeous domestic goose is lethargic.....I've noticed she has been quiet the last couple days and her wading pool is not all messed up(normally she drops leaves and sticks into it, she likes doing that, it is pretty funny and cute) she lives with my 27 hens and roos and eats their layer...
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    When can broody rejoin the flock!

    One of our silkies decided to brood and we let her. She hatched 4 babies of about 10 eggs she had gathered, and now for the past few days she no longer sits on the remaining eggs, and just walks around the pen. (We moved her, the chicks and the remaining eggs to a small secure pen in our...
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    New Chick has arrived, HELP!!

    We have had a broody silkie(we did not think anything would come of it) and tonight we heard cheeping and found a newborn chick, eyes open in front of broody. She pulled baby under her and we then put her, the baby and the eggs in a nicely bedded crate with food for mom. We held baby to a cup...
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    Laying goose gone mean

    Good morning, I have two roosters 27 laying hens, and a goose. This is her third time laying eggs but she is behaving much differently than before. She’s gotten very aggressive toward the other hens, and is ripping their tail feathers out and guarding the inside of the henhouse which is...
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    Hens belly is inflamed and won’t resolve

    I have a laying hen named Pancake and her feathers won’t regrow on her belly and the skin is red. She doesn’t seem to be at all uncomfortable she eats drinks ranges just like all the other birds. Been spraying it periodically with gensian purple.
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    Found my girl dead.

    The other night my favorite girl was dead on the floor of the hen house. I was peeking in to say good night and saw her lying in the middle of the floor. I did not free range them that day so they were in yard and or hen house all day. The day before they ranged and she was her usual perfect...
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    Twisted beak on a chick.

    We noticed one of our 4 week old peeps has a twisted beak. We gave her a syringe of water and she drank it. It doesn’t surprise me as they jump all over top of each other when I’m in there doing anything and when they panic like babies do. Will she grow up with an injury like this? I would...
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    Sick goose.

    My Domestic goose has been very broody, maybe a couple weeks . She has laid six eggs She comes into side yard to drink and bathe but usually goes back in to brood. She has come out a couple of times to walk around and eat some grass. Mostly she stays in to brood. Today she seemed weak and...
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    Slow super shy pullet!

    We have 8 pullets all thriving up with the big girls and boys. One however is having issues. She hides in the corner and buries her head in the corner of the side yard, she doesn’t wander around much just a little bit(she doesn’t explore much). She won’t walk up the ramp at dusk to go inside...
  15. S

    Putting a chicken down humanely.

    Hi! I’m super upset as our pullet still can’t lift her head after doing everything for her for 10 days. She just lays on the bottoms of her cage. Right after we syringe feed her she will stand for a bit but shortly later she is lying down unable to walk or even get on her feet. We need to put...
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    Pullet can’t lift her head.

    Last night I went to the brooder coop to clean it and found a pullet lying down unable to lift her head. We have no clue what happened. She can lift it a little then it sags again. It will also twitches like she is grooming but she isn’t She is being syringe fed Powerade with finely ground chick...
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    Introducing new kids to the flock

    We have raised 10 lovely new babies, when is the ideal time to introduce them to our 21 adults? We have two adult roosters in the 21 flock adult crowd who do ok together, and two young roosters( not intentional, friends gave us photo op chicks and they turned out to be boys) in our young group...
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    We have 19 hens and two roosters. One is dominant and the other is lame (I actually saved him but his foot is club but he does great). They do well together as the lame one runs when Alpha pecks him so they have things nicely worked out. A friend got four babies for a photo shoot then asked us...
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    Integrating Geese and Hen/roosters

    We have two baby goslings that are getting huge at 12 weeks, they are out all day but at night go back to their almost too small pen. The hens and rooster ignore them, and they have grown up with ten real pretty new babies who are also thriving. We want to to live in the fenced safe yard and hen...
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    Geese and chickens

    We have two baby goslings that are getting huge at 12 weeks, they are out all day but at night go back to their almost too small pen. The hens and rooster ignore them, and they have grown up with ten real pretty new babies who are also thriving. We want to to live in the fenced safe yard and hen...
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