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  1. The Chicken Whisperer

    Hen laying eggs with no shell

    So for the last few days, when we let the chickens out in the mornings we have found an egg without a shell. It looks like someone cracked an egg open, just like they were going to fry an egg on the ground. It looked like it fell from the perch, like the chicken layed it at night. There isn’t...
  2. The Chicken Whisperer

    Super pale hen - Please Help!!!

    So, my friends bantam Old English Game hen is super pale, nearly colorless on her face. All visible skin, especially around her eyes, is super pale and has a blueish tint. Is this normal? She eats and drinks fine, and is still enthusiastic about treats, and she's still being a cuddly little...
  3. The Chicken Whisperer

    How long can she be off?

    I have a little Black Copper Maran mama who's broody right now. She has been pretty dedicated - always staying on the box, being extremely protective, giving me the stink eye when I go near and clucking furiously. She's been in her own section of the coop where the other girls couldn't chase her...
  4. The Chicken Whisperer

    What breed is Holly?

    Hi guys! So, a while ago I ordered some new chicks. They are four EEs and one surprise chick... well, the odd one out is my sweet little Holly. Any idea what she (hopefully she) is? I think she is a barred rock, but not sure.
  5. The Chicken Whisperer

    Is this a super molt or something else?

    My chickens are molting like crazy! We have 11 hens and we used to get between 6 and 8 eggs a day. They were very reliable. But now we get one egg every other day. Even in past winters they have given us 4 or 5 eggs a day. Three of our hens are also almost bald. Several others, including the...
  6. The Chicken Whisperer

    Chicks are late to hatch! Help!

    Hello! I have a broody hen and her chicks were supposed to hatch on Saturday or Sunday. They haven't hatched yet... is all hope lost, or might the little guys be okay? Darcy, the broody, seems to think they're gonna hatch. She is all puffed up and has started attacking hens, as past broodies...
  7. The Chicken Whisperer

    What should I name the Halloween chicks?

    We have a broody hen with nine eggs under her right now, and I would love to name any chicks that hatch something Halloween or fall themed. Any suggestions? Thanks so much!!!
  8. The Chicken Whisperer

    Broody hen keeps stealing more eggs!

    Hey guys! So I have this black copper maran (her name is Darcy) and she is 4-5 months old. She went broody this week and keeps taking all the eggs. She has 13 under right now and keeps getting more. She is a pretty small hen, so I am worried about her and the eggs she is trying to hatch. Any...
  9. The Chicken Whisperer

    So... Buy or Build???

    I am wondering which is better and more cost effective: Building a coop or buying one? The yard we are putting it on is sloped, so which would work better for that? Is one or the other more likely to protect the hens from predators at night? Thanks for reading and hopefully replying! :wee
  10. The Chicken Whisperer

    Super mean rooster!!!!!

    My grandparents are house sitting for people with a flock of chickens. A new rooster was introduced by the owners and he is extremely brutal and mean. He attempts to kill all the hens on a daily basis. My grandma (gently) kicked him away from attempting to kill a healthy hen by pecking her on...
  11. The Chicken Whisperer

    Chicken with balance and eye issues...

    My cute new Gold Comet pullet has trouble eating and running around. When she tries to peck something her beak gets halfway there and stops. She looks confused, like she thinks she should be at the food already. Depth perception issue? Also, when she is walking around she has a limp and when she...
  12. The Chicken Whisperer


    Hi, I am Cassie, aka the Chicken Whisperer! (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I have had chickens for about 6 years. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 14 hens and a rooster! (3) What breeds do you have? I have Americaunas (2 hens and a roo), 1 Barred...
  13. The Chicken Whisperer

    What type of chickens are these?

    My grandpa is staying in a rental house with a flock of chickens. He is curious what breeds they are and I was wondering if any of you knew. Thanks a bunch!
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