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  1. RustyBucketFarmGirl

    Welsummer? Olive egger? Other?

    So i thought i had all my spring chickens from last year identified. And i thought everyone was laying. But today i found an extra blue/green egg and it wasn’t from yesterday. These are the 2 chickens in question that might have just decided to lay!🤣 so...what breed are these chickens and what...
  2. RustyBucketFarmGirl

    Is the next box too small for Brahma?

    So i have a light Brahma in my mixed flock of 15. She has been laying her eggs on the highest roost bar. Which generally means they fall and break. Which then means the others eat it. And i am not trying to start an egg eating frenzy so this is concerning me. I was in the coop today just...
  3. RustyBucketFarmGirl

    Crusty butts on hens...

    So my mixed flock of 15 1-3 year old hens have some crusty butts all of a sudden. Pop seems to be clumping on their fluffy butt feathers and i find my self removing unwanted pop more often then i care. I have examined them for mites and lice and don’t seem to see any. They are all eating well...
  4. RustyBucketFarmGirl

    Giant flocks of wild birds...

    So since a few weeks ago we have had giant flicks of birds taking residence on our property. We have 3 acres and it is absolutely covered! Generally we get some flocks as they travel through but these ones are in no hurry to leave. I think maybe they are starlings or black birds. They are...
  5. RustyBucketFarmGirl


    So something was in my coop last night. I have a 12x12 shed that i retrofitted the back half into a coop. Something was runny my around in the rafters as there was random debris, formerly from mice, strewn about the coop. At the beginning of the winter i had noticed quite a few mice and began to...
  6. RustyBucketFarmGirl

    Dual purpose questions

    I have been interested in getting on board with meat birds or possibly ranger broilers...but i guess i am more curious how people use dual purpose birds. How long do you grow them out before processing? What is the maximum amount of time before duals purpose birds would be too tough? Best time...
  7. RustyBucketFarmGirl

    Spring Chickens Holding out

    So i had a mixed hatch of chickens that are now 28 weeks old and none of them have started to lay. Light Brahma, lavender orphington, welsummer, and Easter egger. I realize that egg laying has dropped since the days are shorter but this seems really long! Last years chickens were born about a...
  8. RustyBucketFarmGirl

    Game changers!

    I have been raising chickens and goat about a year and a half now. And i learn something new every day. In the middle of last winter i learned that head lamps are game changer #1! In barns without electric i was balancing and wedging lights in things in the dark morning air. In comes the head...
  9. RustyBucketFarmGirl

    ISO nesting box in NE Ohio

    I have scaled the earth looking for the right nesting box. I have a nice old shabby chic 4 hole nesting box that i love. I need more boxes though as i added 4 pullets to my 12 layers and need more space. I want something mostly metal. 4-10 holes as i can replace what i have for the right piece...
  10. RustyBucketFarmGirl

    Free cockerels NE Ohio

    I have 3 cockerels reaching about 20 weeks of age. Speckled Sussex, Easter egger and barred rock. Ready to rule the roost or processing per your preference. Comes with 2 older RIR hens. Located just a little southwest of Cleveland. Need pick up ASAP.
  11. RustyBucketFarmGirl

    Molting care

    I have some hens starting to molt now. They are a little under a year and a half. I have read to add some protein to their diet to support regrowth of feathers. Any tips on best ways to help during molt? An old school farmer said he adds dry cat food to his chicken feed to increase protein...
  12. RustyBucketFarmGirl

    Egg drought!

    My 13 year old layers have produced 7-13 eggs for me daily since last August when they started laying. Back in July i introduced the new birds, 4 pullets and 3 cockerels from a recent hatch. Everything seems to be going fine but all of a sidden i have more ladies and less eggs than ever. 4 a day...
  13. RustyBucketFarmGirl

    Broody now roosting in nest box

    So my partridge penedesenca he has been Broody on and off this summer. And now she is sleeping in the nesting boxes. Can i break this habit?
  14. RustyBucketFarmGirl

    Food switch

    I ran out of chicken food this weekend and in my haste i grabbed pellets instead of crumbles. Not sure how i did this but i did. It’s been in the feeders since Wednesday and it doesn’t look like they are much. But on a side note the temp spiked again and it got pretty hot here in NE Ohio...
  15. RustyBucketFarmGirl

    4/5 week old chick question

    So this is my second set of spring chickens and feel like i have forgotten a lot. They are stinky! And i don’t remember what normal chick poop is. There seems to be a few piles of pretty runny and stinky poop in the brooder. Every one is acting fine and eating and moving like normal. Is this...
  16. RustyBucketFarmGirl

    7 mixed chick hatch out breed?

    So my friend did a classroom hatch and we took her chickies to add to our flock. We have 7 newbies. Between 3/4 weeks as there were 2 different groups. The eggs were mixed hatching eggs from Meyer hatchery. Tell me what you think!?! Not worried about sex yet. Mostly excited to figure out what...
  17. RustyBucketFarmGirl

    Still sitting on eggs

    I posted back on May 19th about a broody black Australorp. She is still sitting. And as we do not have a rooster there is no end in sight. Do i need to worry about her continuing to sit there? I am worried about mites and her nutrition. I see her off her nest once a day but other than that she...
  18. RustyBucketFarmGirl

    Gray chick breed?

    This cute little chick hatched out of a mixed dozen from Meyers hatchery of hatching eggs. My friend lost the little breed guide and cannot figure out what it is. Any thoughts?
  19. RustyBucketFarmGirl

    Chicken tractor questions

    Hello friends! Looking for some input on chicken tractors. I have a large coop and run set up but have been wanting to build a bigger run. Part of me thinks looking into building a tractor may be a better bet. Some of these questions may seem silly but i am curious of how it works. How do you...
  20. RustyBucketFarmGirl

    Broody black australorpe

    So my hen stormy has gone broody from what i can tell. I went to close down the coop last night and found her in the favorite nest box all fluffed up around an egg. She did let me take the egg but today she was pretty hesitant. We don’t have a rooster so i need to continue to gather our eggs...
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