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  1. Cathy Roberts


    I think my rooster has gotten frostbite and I'm not sure how to treat it. I've seen so many suggestions. He's pretty meean and won't let us handle him.
  2. Cathy Roberts


    I know this is probably a very common question, but one of my chickens has diarrhea and I'd like to find out what I can do about it. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance.
  3. Cathy Roberts

    Losing feathers

    Is it too late/ or early for one of my chickens to be molting? She's losing quite a few feathers and I'm concerned about it. Two of our others had their molt during the fall, but she didn't. Should I be worried?
  4. Cathy Roberts

    Pine tar

    Will it harm my chickens to put pine tar on their pin feathers?
  5. Cathy Roberts

    Aprons on chickens

    We have 3 chickens that have been wearing aprons most of their lives(2) years because our roosters used to be pretty rough on them. The roosters are gone now and I was wondering about taking the aprons off. Their backs are still pretty bare and one gets picked on a lot. I was wondering if it...
  6. Cathy Roberts

    Single hen

    My husband and I are planning to eliminate some roosters and we want to know if it would be alright to raise one hen by herself. The roosters are about to kill her and there are 5 of them.
  7. Cathy Roberts

    Wobbly rooster

    We have a rooster that is having trouble walking around. I just noticed that he was limping yesterday and he's worse off today. He won't even try to walk and we're not certain what to do about him. I'd sure hate to do away with him if we can help it. Any ideas?
  8. Cathy Roberts


    My chicks are about 10 weeks old and I was wondering how old they should be before starting them on all flock pellets. Any help would be great! Thank you in advance.
  9. Cathy Roberts

    New chicks

    What do cochin chicks usually look like? We got a half dozen chicks a few days ago and I think some of them are cochins, but I don't know for sure what they look like. Any help?
  10. Cathy Roberts

    Sore foot

    What should I do if my chicken has hurt her foot? She was fine when we left the house and was limping real bad when we got home. She and 2 more chickens and 2 roosters live in a coop and run. This is the first time anything like this has happened to me, so I'm very worried. Also, the wing on the...
  11. Cathy Roberts


    Is it safe for chickens to eat shelled pistachios?
  12. Cathy Roberts

    Run vs. Free Range

    My husband wants to keep our 3 chickens and 2 roosters in a run all the time. I would like to see them do some free-ranging. Which do you think is better?
  13. Cathy Roberts

    All flock feed

    Is it okay to give your chickens and roosters the all flock feed? We have calcium set up to the side for the chickens. This seems to be the best we can get because we can't afford any expensive feed for them.
  14. Cathy Roberts

    Feeding treats

    I have what is probably a couple dumb questions. Is it alright to give my chickens wheat bread instead of white? Is it healthy to give them any bread at all? I read somewhere not to feed them bread as treats.
  15. Cathy Roberts


    What can be done about egg-eaters? I found one that had been torn to pieces in the nest a while ago. I don't know if it's one our 3 chickens or 2 roosters. I really could use some help on what to do!
  16. Cathy Roberts


    How often should I give my chickens mealworms? They have very few other treats.
  17. Cathy Roberts

    Oyster shell

    We just started giving our chickens oyster shell a couple of days ago and the roosters seem interested in it. Will it do them any harm?
  18. Cathy Roberts


    Is there a single kind of feed that I can give both my roosters and hens? We can't afford to buy 2 or 3 kinds of feed and wonder if there's one thing that'll cover it all.
  19. Cathy Roberts

    Egg storage

    One of our 3 hens has finally started laying her eggs and I was wondering the best way to store them. I don't know whether to put them in the fridge or keep them out. It takes a while when you only get one at a time. Can someone please help me?
  20. Cathy Roberts


    Is it okay to leave water in the coop overnight? If not, why?
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