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  1. HollyWoozle

    What breed is this roo?

    Please can I have some help with identifying the breed of this rooster? We’re in the U.K. My parents recently rehomed him and 8 hens from very poor conditions. He has various issues including an awful breast blister which we are working on, but his temperament is wonderful so far (he arrived...
  2. HollyWoozle

    Can I stick a dressing/polster directly on a chicken’s skin?

    Following on from my thread about a rooster with a breast blister, I am wondering how I can dress it more easily. The wound is quite far down and it’s very difficult to bandage him around the body, going under the wings, without impacting on his leg or wing movement. The skin is bare of feathers...
  3. HollyWoozle

    Rescue chicken - abscess? Pic included.

    Hi BYC buddies, My parents have just rehomed 8 chickens from a family in the village who essentially emotionally blackmailed them 🫣 There are 7 hens and 1 rooster. I will see them myself tomorrow by my mum sent me this pic of a wound on the rooster. I think it looks more like an abscess...
  4. HollyWoozle

    Sometimes hope is all you need… Gisela is making a comeback!

    Just a little positive story of recovery… not at the end of the road yet but things are going well! 🙏 Around 5 weeks ago my mum found our hen, Gisela, pinned flat and being attacked by several other chickens. She has always been a low ranking hen (with a slight limp following an injury) and I...
  5. HollyWoozle

    What’s your favourite food for putting weight back on a hen?

    I am rehabbing a poorly hen (an ex-battery hen) but she didn’t eat for a week and was always on the lighter side, now very skinny. She is eating again now but doesn’t get through that much - have stuck to plain chicken feed (layers pellets) at the moment which I’ve been adding a lot of water to...
  6. HollyWoozle

    Possible botulism - chance of recovery?

    Here I am again with another chicken issue, apologies! Your advice is just too darn helpful. ;) We have another sick hen - she came to us last year in a group of 8 from another yard who was struggling to care for them (all had mites, worms and general poor condition). They have all improved...
  7. HollyWoozle

    Sour crop and a minor nosebleed?

    I am currently nursing a hen who doesn’t belong to us (kept distinctly separate from our flock to avoid contamination). My parents agreed to look after some chickens for a family in the village whilst they are away. When they first arrived (someone else had been caring for them the first few...
  8. HollyWoozle

    Satisfying fix of a minor issue (build-up of dirt between toes!)

    Just thought I'd share this - very satisfying to pop out this build-up from between Gunnhild's toes! It happened once before and I realise now it will just keep happening and require clearing periodically. Nice to have a relatively simple issue to solve for once! :lol: She wasn't really limping...
  9. HollyWoozle

    The Secrets to Long Life in Chickens?

    Let me start by saying I would rather chickens had a good life than just a long life, but a good, long life is my ideal. My family keeps chickens for eggs but also as pets and those who don’t lay stay until they pass away or need to be humanely dispatched for health reasons. I know that for...
  10. HollyWoozle

    Lack of respect for chicks (treating them like toys/science experiments)

    I need to get a little something off my chest. I am in some chicken FB groups and whilst I don’t actively participate in them much, I see a few posts from time to time. I am increasingly aware of how many people seem to treat chicks like toys or raising them as some sort of science experiment...
  11. HollyWoozle

    Non-food related ways to entertain chickens on ‘flockdown’ for avian flu

    Hello BYC friends! 👋🏻 As you probably know we’re on ‘flockdown’ for avian flu here in the U.K. but since it happened the last few winters, we were fairly well-prepared in terms of run space. Our flock has a roomy shed overnight (it’s really very spacious thankfully) and instead of being let out...
  12. HollyWoozle

    Care for some new arrivals in poor condition - where to begin with SLM?

    Hi BYC buddies, To cut a long story short (er), my Mum picked up 8 hens from a yard close to ours as the owner is overwhelmed, ashamed of their condition and was unable to care for them. Sadly we couldn't take them all (they had 19) but we have room for 8 and they are now in a better place and...
  13. HollyWoozle

    Wild goose with damaged leg - can she recover?

    Hi poultry pals! Every year some wild greylag geese nest by the large pond on my parents' property and this year is no different. There are various geese here at the moment but one pair with a brood of 7 and the female has a damaged leg, she will not bear weight. Here is a video...
  14. HollyWoozle

    Always Sneezing - Allergies?

    We have a CLB hen who came in a trio maybe 9 months or so ago. She was a bit sneezy and wheezy on arrival and they were quarantined from the rest for several weeks until it stopped (or so I had thought) before going in with our flock. After a while she started to sneeze again and she has done it...
  15. HollyWoozle

    Neosporin Alternative - UK (Not Emergency, Just Research!)

    Any thoughts or ideas on what we could use in place of Neosporin here in the UK please? I do have some triple antibiotic ointment at the mo (different brand) but you can't buy it here in the UK and I am not sure of the best replacement when it runs out. You can get some antiseptic type creams...
  16. HollyWoozle

    Infectious Synovitis?

    I think a hen in my families’ flock, Skye, has infectious synovitis. She is a Heritage Skyline (CLB hybrid) approx 4-5 years old. Yesterday I noticed a slight limp but wasn’t able to take a look. Today: - sitting in an odd place (right in front of coop door which is close to food and water)...
  17. HollyWoozle

    Tips for Caring for a Sick Duck

    Hello all from a frosty Bedfordshire in the UK. I am looking for some advice on caring for a sick duck please, if anyone has the time. I am a lot more comfortable and familiar with our chickens but want to give this little duck the best chance! Apologies for the length. Buttercup is a Cherry...
  18. HollyWoozle

    Disinfecting room after panleukopenia?

    I am looking for any advice or experiences on cleaning and disinfecting after cats with panleukopenia (parvovirus) being in the room. I’m in the U.K. and have been given Anigene as a main disinfectant and I also have access to Virkon S which I understand also kills the virus. I foster cats for...
  19. HollyWoozle

    Worming Free-Range Ducks

    Does anybody have any bright ideas on how I can worm free-range ducks please? I'm guessing there is no magic answer but just in case! We rehomed some Cherry Valley girls a few months ago - previously they were at a commercial egg farm and barn-kept. We are in the UK. We confined them to a...
  20. HollyWoozle

    Can I put Panacur 10% oral suspension in water to worm?

    I have most of a bottle of Panacur 10% oral suspension (designed for cats and dogs) and think I should worm our flock again. Is it effective to use this wormer in their drinking water and if so, can someone help me with the dosage please? I have used it to dose a sick chicken directly in the...
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