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  1. Newchickymama37

    What’s wrong with Elvira?

    This is Elvira she is around 7 months old and has been fine until now. Yesterday she let me pick her up which is unusual and today I found her in the bottom of the back of the coop when I fed them. She was alone and didn’t run up for food as usual. I picked her up and got her to eat by putting a...
  2. Newchickymama37

    So, still think this is a pullet?!!!

    A couple months back I posted about my “dominques” and wether or not they were all pullets. This one in particular I thought was a cockerel and everyone said pullet. Here are some newer photos of he/she. Do y’all still think pullet? Because I don’t.
  3. Newchickymama37


    Every time it rains I lose chickens! It never fails. Since starting to raise chickens in the spring I have lost over half of my flock. I’m not just talking about a few, I’ve lost 20 plus total! They will be perfectly fine one day, eating and drinking normally and dead the next day! I am fed up...
  4. Newchickymama37

    Silkie question please help!!!

    I have a pair of frizzle silkies that I got at the flea market about 2 1/2-3 months back. The rooster was and still is way bigger than the pullet. The pullet then had only a few feathers and looked generally unhealthy because most of what feathers she had were pin feathers. He told me it’s fine...
  5. Newchickymama37

    What is wry neck, what causes it and is it contagious?

    Yesterday I found my only EE in the coup with her neck twisted and her head upside down and when she tried to move it it would just flop around. She couldn’t keep her balance to stand and she looked so pitiful I had to cull her. She was fine the day before and she even laid an egg yesterday (I...
  6. Newchickymama37

    Pullet or cockerel Dominique?

    Pictures of my 4 Dominique’s the one in question I have the pictures numbered from 1-4 the other 3 I am fairly certain are pullets. They are around 17 weeks of age and are within a few days of each other because they were all roughly the same size when I got them. They were all supposed to be...
  7. Newchickymama37

    What will my new babies look like?!!!

    I have a golden comet sitting on some eggs from my Colombian Wyandotte that we’re fertilized by my light Brahma rooster. They should hatch this weekend. What will they look like when they hatch?
  8. Newchickymama37

    Broody sitting, what’s next?!!!

    Ok so I have a broody sitting on some eggs. This is my first experience with this. She has been sitting since either the 14th or 15th and is in the coop where everyone else goes to lay/sleep. She seems to be doing well. I’m not sure how many of the eggs are even fertilized because at that time I...
  9. Newchickymama37

    Rescue chicken, what breed please?

    I got a rescue chicken yesterday but not sure what breed. I got a tiny blue tinted egg today that I’ve never seen before from mine but I also have some pullets that aren’t far from starting to lay. Sorry my pics aren’t great because she wouldn’t stay still.
  10. Newchickymama37

    Crazy question?

    Ok so I have one light Brahma rooster in with 20 hens. He was originally in with only 9 hens and then we added the others and some younger pullets and cockerels. He used to be very active with the hens and now doesn’t seem quite as active as before. I have a broody hen sitting on somewhere...
  11. Newchickymama37

    21 laying hens and average of 6 eggs daily

    I have 21 hens that are around 2 years old that I bought from 2 different places. 9 golden comets, 11 Colombian Wyandotte and 1 light Brahma. I collect on average 6 eggs daily and once I got 12. Why are they not all laying? I’ve had them for a couple months now and have yet to get more eggs!
  12. Newchickymama37

    New pics for your opinions!!!

    I posted this pullet a while back hoping someone could tell me her breed and was asked for more pics. She was sold to me as an ameraucana but I’m pretty sure that’s not what she is. Any guesses on her breed?
  13. Newchickymama37

    Cockerel or Pullet, that is the question...

    So my blue Orpington is somewhere between 13-16 weeks old (not sure because it was already some weeks old when I got it). It was free because the breeder said “he” is a cockerel. I named “him” Elvis and now I’m really thinking that “he” is a “she”! What do y’all think, do I have to change the...
  14. Newchickymama37

    Ok so 2 questions about 2 different birds?!!!

    I bought these 2 around 3 weeks ago at around 2 1/2 months old or so. The white one is a white ameracauna and was sold to me as a female but I am having doubts that she is actually a she so what do y’all think? Second question, this black pullet was sold to me as a black ameracauna and I’m sure...
  15. Newchickymama37

    Sick chick!!!

    My 7 1/2 week old bantam Cochin is listless and will only eat or drink if it is put directly in front of her. She not moving around and can stand up but falls over easily if touched. What might this be?
  16. Newchickymama37

    White or light?

    Is he a white Brahma or a light Brahma? I just got him and 9 golden comet hens today and the guy called him a white Brahma. I thought they were called light, are they 2 different breeds?
  17. Newchickymama37

    How old do you think?...

    So I bought these ameraucanas 2 days ago and I’m guessing they are somewhere around 2 months old but I’m not sure. I bought them from a breeder but she has soooo many chicks running around at different ages I didn’t even ask and she was giving me an awesome deal already! What would your guess be...
  18. Newchickymama37

    Super excited about my new babies!!!

    Got some new babies yesterday and I’m soooo excited! I have a variety of breeds to ensure year round egg laying. The ones I’m most excited about are my ameraucanas! Just really wanted to show my babies off, what do y’all think?
  19. Newchickymama37

    Comb and wattles question???

    At what age do chicks develop wattles? I have 15 chicks that will be 4 weeks old on Thursday and 3 of them are starting to develop red wattles and their combs are also starting to darken. Does this mean they will be roos?
  20. Newchickymama37

    Is it too early to tell?

    Can you tell the gender of any of the larger chicks yet? I know the smaller ones are probably still too small (although one has a comb that is already darkening so think it’s a male).They are all just over 3 weeks old. Are they still too young?
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