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  1. TheLittleFarm18

    5 toed black beauties

    Got 7 of these beauties and have no idea what they are, they have 5 toes and were marked as black sex links 🤨...
  2. TheLittleFarm18

    Show me your chick/chicken first aid kits!

    I am going to build a first aid kit. After this last hatch and it being full of things I have never had to deal with I would like to see what everyone keeps on hand when sickness and or illnesses arise.
  3. TheLittleFarm18

    Splayed leg

    My last chick hatch right before I left for work about 10 hours ago, left it in imcubincu and came home to find it has a splayed leg. My daughter's and I are trying to nurse it back to health . First time dealing with this....
  4. TheLittleFarm18

    Splayed leg

    Chick hatched about 10 hours ago has a splayed leg so my daughter's and I are trying to nurse her back to help
  5. TheLittleFarm18

    Pip at wrong eng

    Anyone have any luck hatching chicks that pip at wrong in? As of now I have 3 that have pipped at wrong end, I can definitely see movement in one. I also hear chirping from at least one but that could be coming from the one egg pipped correctly.
  6. TheLittleFarm18

    Introducing 5 to flock

    I want to introduce five 1.5 year old buff orpingtons to my existing flock off 9 seven month old pullets. I lost my 2 buffs and my rooster to a fox about 2 weeks ago. I have an opportunity to get the 5 buffs from a friend of my mothers. After I keep separated to rule out illness how would you...
  7. TheLittleFarm18

    Ratio of rooster and pullets

    I'm interested what the ratio of gender everyone got from their hatches incubator or hen hatch
  8. TheLittleFarm18

    November hatch along

    Anyone have a hatch due in November? I have 8 chicks hatch a week and half ago. Last Sunday I lost 3 of my flock to a fox, one of them being my only rooster. Soooo I put 13 eggs in the incubator last Sunday, they are due Nov 4 .I have 9 laying hens, 8 chicks, and 13 eggs cooking :) This is my...
  9. TheLittleFarm18

    Missing chicken

    Last night when shutting up coop we were missing a chicken :( they free range, it was cold and rainy day. We are still surrounded by corn and bean fields. They have always came come at night. No feathers, no other chicken seemed aware she was missing. No tracks of preditors. She did not come...
  10. TheLittleFarm18

    Oh boy....

    So have some eggs incubating, first time hatching :). On a different note there has been some strange happenings in the coop...finding several broken eggs in the same exact spot, far away from nest boxes...long story short I have a chicken 6 feet in the air sitting on eggs. One eggs was right...
  11. TheLittleFarm18

    Will redesigning coop cause stress?

    Now that I've had my small free ranging chickens for about 20+/- weeks I would like to move their roosts and change the sizes of nesting boxes (they just started to lay and won't use the nesting boxes in there, even with fake eggs) Coop is a 12x8 shed. Run is 25 sq ft, but they free range on 80...
  12. TheLittleFarm18


    Woohoo! Mrs Marty my 19 wk old specked Sussex was acting strange so I followed her to her nest :wee
  13. TheLittleFarm18

    Crazy/funny places you have found eggs

    While I'm impatiently waiting on my first egg from my free rangers i thought it would be fun to hear of stories of places eggs have been found. I walk around the farm every couple of days looking for eggs and I thought maybe I'd get ideas of places I haven't thought to look from this thread
  14. TheLittleFarm18

    Central Illinois

    New mother to 8 chicks. I'm starting with 8- 2 black australorps, 2 speckled Sussex, 2 sliver 2 gold black laced wyandottes. They are 3 weeks old and I already want more, I am hooked. Just getting started on taking over my husbands family farm, we cant wait to see where this adventure takes us...
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