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  1. AngieMaesChix

    Help me identify my Cackle Surprise Box PLEASE 😂

    I think I know some like the black Sumatra and the Polish a dark Brahma I think the only feathered footed one I got ... also I think some Marans or barred rock a white rock maybe a deleware a Rhode Island Red or maybe red sex link , maybe white leghorn and idk lol need help please
  2. AngieMaesChix

    Breed of this chick

    So supposed to be a Black Majastic Maran but I’m not so sure I’ve never had one though...
  3. AngieMaesChix

    Ordered Cackle Mini Surprise

    Hatch/Ship date May 11th... super excited sooo hoping for a goose but we will see!! Anybody else have this same hatch date??
  4. AngieMaesChix

    Just purchased this shed for new coop!!!

    It’s 8.5x12.5!!! So how many chickens can I house comfortably?? I’m super excited about this find!! Will be picking up once this quarantine is over and hopefully the ground a bit more solid if not be fighting mud lol but it will be worth it!! Was not previously used as a shed so I’d like to see...
  5. AngieMaesChix

    Put my order in today at the feed store!!!

    I ended up ordering at the store 2 Barred Rocks p, 2 Dark Brahma p and 1 Dark Brahmas R, 2 Easter Eggers p , 1 Olive Egger p, and 1 silkie which of course will come unsexed ....well then I get home start looking at chickens and called and added another silkie , a Silver Polish p and a Lavender...
  6. AngieMaesChix

    Just some pics of my ducklings

    The first pic I entered in the poultry pair contest!! Not sure if anyone can guess sexes from these pics but I’m pretty sure I have two of each..two are much lighter brown and other two are a lighter idk almost grayish has two white spots around neck I believe is turning into the ring...
  7. AngieMaesChix

    Ducklings first kayak tri

    Hi everyone just thought I’d pop in and show a few pics of my Rouen ducklings first kayak trip...I start of caging them on the kayak and as they grow they eventually go in the water and follow with access to kayak and a cage on it...they are about two weeks old right now..we live right on a...
  8. AngieMaesChix

    Think one of my Light Brahmas is a Cockerel

    Approximately 4 weeks or so at least 4 ..what you think? Tried get better pics my phone sucks on pic quality...
  9. AngieMaesChix

    Four Rouen Ducklings

    Hi everybody!! Just got four Rouen ducklings pretty excited haven’t had ducks for a lil over a year..I’ll get better pics later
  10. AngieMaesChix

    What kind of bantams are these?

    So had BF stop at Farm and Fleet on his way home from work because they had Rouen ducklings of which I had him get me four..there were two feather footed bantams in a bin so I had him grab those as well as I got three D’Uccles and a silkie and wanted some more of course..I have no clue what...
  11. AngieMaesChix

    Colors of Cochin Bantam chicks

    So two days ago I came home with seven more chicks lol chicken math is adding up I’m at 13 rn the seven I just got 3 light brahmas, 3 Cochin bantams and one white silkie I have 6 Barred Rocks as well almost four weeks old..I’m also getting four layers in next few weeks Lavender Orphs so I’ll be...
  12. AngieMaesChix

    Silver Appleyards Northwest Ohio or close

    Hello y’all!! I’m inquiring about Silver Appleyard eggs..I won’t be needing or shall I say wanting eggs until sometime May (give or take and depending when can find etc)but am having difficulty finding what I want!! I know they are considered Threatened on the list but dang they can’t be this...
  13. AngieMaesChix

    Silver Appleyard Fertile Eggs

    Hello y’all!! I’m inquiring about Silver Appleyard eggs..I won’t be needing or shall I say wanting eggs until sometime May (give or take and depending when can find etc)but am having difficulty finding what I want!! I know they are considered Threatened on the list but dang they can’t be this...
  14. AngieMaesChix

    Best Chicken Breeds for dual purpose?

    Hello all!! I haven’t gotten chickens yet hoping yet this year..have had chickens before ...and I just helped my neighbor pick out some chicks and set up coop question is what do I get? I know I want dual purpose..I like brown eggs..but not against having some some white egg layers as...
  15. AngieMaesChix

    Ohio Chickenstock???

    Does Ohio have any?? Or is anyone interested in helping plan one?? I’ve been keeping an eye out and haven’t seen anything.. see the Michigan one don’t really wanna go to Lansing but may just to attend one..or maybe Indiana? I live in NW Ohio prefer not travel more than few hours if possible..but...
  16. AngieMaesChix

    Sooo I’m gonna need another possibly two ducks...

    Well I’m about certain my Pekins Zig and Zag are drake and Duck which means I really should add at least one more dilemma...the stores around here are no longer carrying ducklings and I’ve pretty much decided that I will probably try to refrain from the store chains I am...
  17. AngieMaesChix

    Nice enough to go out for playtime?

    Hi everyone..I was just wondering how warm it should be outside to take my ducklings out to play? I’m not sure on their age a week or so?? It’s pretty nice out 60’s and tomorrow and Friday lower 70’s..really wanna see how they react to outside and let them play...thanks!!
  18. AngieMaesChix

    New Pics of my BABIES!!!

    Hey y’ to share some pics of my Pekin ducklings..I’ve had these little stinkers for 4days now..they are just two cute and entertaining..I had ACDF c6/7 surgery I’m recovering from two weeks ago today..and I’ve been off work since February dr appt is May 21 so six more weeks of...
  19. AngieMaesChix

    New duck momma from Northwest Ohio!!

    Hello everyone!! I just purchased two Pekin ducklings yesterday!! I am sooo excited about having and raising ducks! I personally have never had ducks but have been around them quite a bit and just love the way they act,love water, are sooo cute and funny.. I am researching and learning...
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