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  1. Pekinlover90

    Moving new pullets with hens

    I have 6 laying girls that are now a year old, we received 9 new little ladies that we will be transitioning with them. I have never mixed young with old hens and would like to see what you all think of my plan. Along with my 9 youngsters we also have 75 broilers that they are mixed in with. We...
  2. Pekinlover90

    What to Expect

    Hello! So on May 2nd I received 6 layers (2 Sexlink, 2 Buff Orpington, and 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes). After coming back to town Labor Day weekend I noticed that someone had started laying. I was getting about 2 eggs a day for a couple weeks. Then for about 4/5 days no eggs. And now I am only...
  3. Pekinlover90

    Pecked hen with leg injury

    So since day 1 we have had our 5 turkeys in with the 6 layer chicks and they have all been great and gotten along. Now the turkeys have grown and are twice the size of my little layer gals and on Friday we had an incident and now seperated them. One of the turkeys (I assume pinned her down) and...
  4. Pekinlover90

    When can they go outside?!

    Last Friday (May 25th) I received my 25 Cornish Cross chicks from the post office. They are all doing well still and looking happy! My question is at what age can the little farts go outside? I live in Southwest Wyoming and it is still between 65-70 during the day and usually 40s at night...
  5. Pekinlover90

    Pekin Ducks

    Okay everyone I need some help! I will try to get a photo on here later today, but I have two pekin ducks that are probably 5-6 weeks old. I have read that sometimes it can take up to 10 weeks to be able to sex them by sound and that their plumage will be different (drake feather). Like I said...
  6. Pekinlover90

    Watery Eyes

    Okay, so my bigger Pekin has watery eyes, not foamy/bubbly eyes just like tear drop watery... any ideas? They both were treated tylan not long ago for possible reparatory infection so I don't think it is one of those. She does have kind of a whistle when she breathes, could it be a blocked nare...
  7. Pekinlover90

    The Big Move

    Okay, so I have had my two little ducklings about a week now. They are amazing and I love them already! However, I don't like my house smelling like damp petting zoo haha. I change the bedding once a day and still a little stinky. So my question is, can I move them out to the garage? We are...
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