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  1. Cayuga momma

    URGENT!!!Duckling egg cracked almost open

    I have a duckling that is about ready to hatch and one of the mom's cracked the egg (I'm guessing under her weight.) This happened a few days ago with another one and I left the egg with the moms (since is was a small hole and the white film hadn't torn) but the egg was gone the next day...
  2. Cayuga momma

    New Momma Duck

    Hey guys, I haven't been on in so long, but I wanted to share that my youngest girl Sharon after two failed attempts, has finally hatched out 2 beautiful ducklings all on her own.
  3. Cayuga momma

    Need help on how many days these eggs are and what ones are bad

    These are Cayuga Eggs so they are dark and it's hard for the camera to pick up the veins I don't see veins in #4 or #1 She has been laying on the nest for 20 days #2 is moving around a lot in there
  4. Cayuga momma

    Crazy chickens!!!

    I was out back in my yard and my son came running over to me to tell my that there is an animal near my live bait trap. I look over to that area and I see my chickens near there and I'm thinking 'if there was a raccoon or something over there wouldn't my chickens have already freaked out?' I...
  5. Cayuga momma

    Attack of the bears.

    So this morning my 2 TSC 80 lb food storage containers were missing out of my run. My run is just a large area fenced in by chicken wire. They pushed 3 parts of the fencing down and drug my containers 200 ft away into the woods. They managed to get the lids off (which is impressive) and ate half...
  6. Cayuga momma

    ♡ New Ducklings: UPDATED ♡

    They surprisingly came 2 days early. I ordered 5 and they sent me 6. I ordered all females 2 WH, 1 SA, 1 Pekin, 1 Cayuga. Snow Sharon Harley Mulan (Charming) Toothless Feyra Since ducks have great eyesight we wanted to test out the theory of putting a picture in the brooder to...
  7. Cayuga momma

    Category suggestions for my spring duck photo contest?

    Any suggestions for my spring duck photo contest and/or categories would be much appreciated. Also I'm thinking of getting some stuff from the BYC store for prizes, but since a lot of it is chicken related and not duck related I wanted to know what you guys think. Any and all suggestions...
  8. Cayuga momma

    Should I give antibiotics?

    I have a 21 month old white leghorn. I found her around 4pm in the nest box very lethargic. I brought her in the house and inspected her. I noticed she had what looked like egg yolk stuck to the feathers under her vent. I gloved up and felt inside her for a broken egg. No shells. When I...
  9. Cayuga momma

    Does this look like a worm outline on the egg?

    I haven't had to deal with worms yet. Does this look like a worm was against the shell as it hardened in the chicken? I'm gonna grab some safeguard. I have white leghorns, so I think the right dose is .7 ml per bird, syringe directly in the mouth. Any help would be appreciated. @casportpony...
  10. Cayuga momma

    Why did the chicken cross the sea?

    I saw this article in my son's National Geographic Kids magazine and I just had to share! Here is the article: Brittany, France Why did the chicken cross the sea? To keep the sailor company! Guirec Soudee and Monique have been sailing buddies for about 4 years, visiting places such as...
  11. Cayuga momma

    Cayuga adventures: What are they up to now?

    I'm starting this thread to document and share my flock's adventures. Today is their first real snow! Taking a dip before breakfast. What happened to all the mud??? You wanna build a snow man? I found the mud, it's under all this white stuff! Look at those crazy ducks! What you...
  12. Cayuga momma

    Is it Egg Peritonitis?

    So my sweetest girl Siggy is sick. I noticed tonight when closing up the coop, she was standing on the nesting box with her tail drooping and white watery droppings underneath her. She pooped again and it came out clear/watery with some liquid green in it. Her crop is only half full. She is...
  13. Cayuga momma

    Solved Bookmarking with phone app

    I was just wondering if there is a way for me to use Bookmark on the phone app. I can only Bookmark when I am on my computer, but I use my phone 99% of the time.
  14. Cayuga momma

    Fixing eye sight

    Is there any way to improve an 18 month old hens eyesight? They are pecking and missing the food. I've been giving Nutri-drench, hard boiled eggs, electrolytes. Some of my girls eyesight has improved and others I'm still concerned about. They are on a mixed diet of finisher crumbles, rolled...
  15. Cayuga momma

    Creative Hen!

    So my first hen is so spoiled she keeps trying to get into my house. I am in the process of building my house. Well she figured out a way to get in today. She snuck though the unfinished side of my house and flew 13' somehow, up into the rafters and then busted through my ceiling insulation...
  16. Cayuga momma

    Water in coop question?

    I do not keep food and water in my coop. I just read on a FB post that it is illegal in the US to lock your ducks up at night without water. Has anyone heard of this?
  17. Cayuga momma

    3 1/2 month old drake mating?

    So this morning I caught my Cayuga drake trying to mount my female. They are only 3 1/2 months old. I honestly didn't think he would be ready for this until around 6 months old. I doubt my female will lay until spring, but we are suppose to have an above average temps this winter. Is this...
  18. Cayuga momma


    CONGRATULATIONS!!! Honorable Mentions: @Jpat with Bert @chickens really with Pandora @NoahSully with Dum @WVduckchick with Malibu @ANightPerson with Putin @TashaFrancois with Fifi 1st place wins: 6 months membership for BYC. 2nd place wins: Storey's guide to raising Ducks 3rd place wins...
  19. Cayuga momma

    How much square footage for ducks?

    What's the square footage ducks need for their coop and run?
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