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  1. FiddleChics

    Laying a weird egg (with pictures)

    I found this... thing today, when I was in the coop cleaning. It was by the nesting box, mixed in with a big, body looking pile of droppings. It's color caught my attention, so I isolated it. I haven't fed the girls anything unusual besides their regular, layer feed. They did have a little...
  2. FiddleChics

    Moody, Easter Egger pullet - can they be like teenage girls?

    I have 10- eighteen week old pullets. My 2 Red Stars, and 1 Australorp have already started laying. (yippee!!!) The whole flock is mixed breed, but they're happy, healthy & are getting budding, vibrant combs... and some have wattles too. They all get along really well, and are a happy...
  3. FiddleChics

    Mean, mean "Attilla the Hen"

    I have two, 1 year old hens. After a slow, 3 week introduction of "Look don't touch" initiation - I have raised from day old chicks & added 10, nine week old pullets into the flock. Everyone's together (with safety zones for escape, for the chicks) and the Alpha hen is acting as I'd...
  4. FiddleChics

    Strange, choppy clucking by Alpha hen + Defensive stance by 2nd hen.

    I have 2, one year old laying hens - in a 30' x 28' enclosed run, and also, an additional 6'x14' run that's connected by a chicken door and can be isolated off if needed. The 2 adult hens are my first chickens & both are Red Sexlinks. The Alpha hen has been super broody & cranky for the past...
  5. FiddleChics

    Flash freeze prediction tonight... Do I heat? or not?

    I'm at the NJ shore with unpredictable January weather. It's my first winter with chickens. My gut says stay natural, they'll be fine in the cold... until now. AT the moment, it's a humid 49* F outside (late morning)... But the Gov declared a State of Emergency, because of the winter...
  6. FiddleChics

    Buff Orpington with arrested development? She's not growing up!

    I've got an 8 month old Buff Orpington hen that's not growing like the other hens her age. I got them all as baby chicks on March 9, 2018... so they're all about 8 months old now. My other hens have combs, waddles & are laying. They're all normal size, solid and fluffy except for this one...
  7. FiddleChics

    Arrested development? in a Buff Orpington hen

    I've got an 8 month old Buff Orpington hen that's not growing like the other hens. I got them all as baby chicks on March 9, 2018... so they're all about 8 months old now. My other hens have combs, waddles & are laying. They're all normal size, solid and fluffy except for this one particular...
  8. FiddleChics

    They prefer to be INSIDE the coop????

    I am new to this - and this is my first group of 9 week old little darlings (the chicks). They went outside 4 days ago for the first time, to their new coop. They have a 6x14, covered, safe run, and a coop that sits over part of the run. I put interesting things out there for them as well as...
  9. FiddleChics

    Crazy eyed chicks!!!

    Hi, I had seven, 8 week old chicks that I got from a reputable, local farm. They came vaccinated for Mareks Disease, and I feed Mana Pro - medicated chick food. I use large pine chips from Tractor Supply, along with dry, long needle pine - I gather from out back for their bedding. Within 2...
  10. FiddleChics

    Hi! I'm new, and will have tons of questions about my flock!

    Hi! I have been avidly researching chickens & their care for about 2 years & read many threads on BYC, which has helped me make the decision to get chickens! I want to undertake having chickens - correctly, safely, and wisely - and wouldn’t ever want to harm the chickens – due to my own lack...
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