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  • Users: UGAchick
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  1. UGAchick

    Buttercup comb?

    I hatched this mutt from a dark copper marans egg about 4 weeks ago. He/she (?) is standard sized with feathered feet and what I think is a buttercup comb! Is it possible there is that much variety within one chicken?! I’m hoping she is a she and that buttercup combs just develop more quickly...
  2. UGAchick

    Newly hatched chick drags self, cannot stand

    I have a brand new Serama baby who hatched about 36 hours ago. His middle toes looked crooked so I pulled him out of the incubator to take a closer look. He can stand briefly, but when he tries to move he can only drag himself along. His feet get bent up under him and he tries to flap his wings...
  3. UGAchick

    “Sold out” bantam hatching eggs

    Hi! My daughter is looking to compare bantam to standard egg hatching time for her 7th grade science fair project. The problem is I can’t find any fertile bantam eggs for sale. All the major online hatcheries say they are sold out or out of season. Is this typical for this time of year? Any idea...
  4. UGAchick

    Cochin color/genetics question

    I need some help from the experts: Ignore my two spectacular mutts in the background. I am pretty sure that this is a cochin (he was a packing peanut with a friends shipment). Obviously I know that he is frizzled. My questions are as follows: 1. What color is he? I am thinking of setting...
  5. UGAchick

    bloody, runny poop?

    I noticed that one of my babies had runny bloody poop yesterday. Also, another one was sneezing for a few minutes, but a few hours later I didn't see any sneezing. Otherwise they all appear perfectly healthy. Eating, drinking, being chickens. Should I worry? P.S. they were vaccinated for...
  6. UGAchick

    Below ground coop?

    I was inspired by this article I read in MEN about earth buildings ( While I don't have the patience or stamina to fill countless bags with dirt, I did have an idea to use dirt that has already formed a "cave" to...
  7. UGAchick

    Hatchery pullets

    I ordered 25 pullets from Ideal a few weeks ago. All arrived happy and healthy, but have quickly outgrown my brooder. I knew that I would have to sell some eventually, but was hoping to wait a little longer! I am trying to figure out how to build a bigger coop so I can keep them all, but I need...
  8. UGAchick

    small white bugs

    I know this is stupid, but this is my first time with pests. I was in the run yesterday and noticed that I had small white bugs on my hands and arms. I was actually not touching the chickens, but had just finished feeding them. Is it possible that this bugs are in their food? The chickens that I...
  9. UGAchick

    Integrate vs. separate

    my backyard is about to change significantly and I need help from the experts to make sure it runs smoothly. Right now I have: - A 32 sq ft coop with a probably 120 sq ft run - A small 12 sq ft addition to the coop that is completely separated (originally intended for a couple ducks but has...
  10. UGAchick

    What an 'Ideal' variety! (help me figure out what they are)

    My babies arrived today!!! I ordered: 10 special surprise pullets, 5 assorted brahmas, 5 assorted cochins, and 5 assorted dark egg layers. And here is what I got: 1. Only one of these. From the cochin bunch. What color will she be? 2. One of these. From the surprise bunch. Dot is yellow...
  11. UGAchick

    building a brooder - how big?

    I raised my first sets of chicks in a huge rubbermaid container, but now I have 25 LF chicks on the way, so I am looking to build something more permanent. For 25 chicks how big should it be? I have room in the coop and they can go as soon as they are ready, but I expect that they will be in the...
  12. UGAchick

    Inconsistent broody - should I take the eggs?

    I have a hen who has been through a lot (survived several dog attacks) and has decided to go broody. Well... I thought she was broody (sat in nest box, puffed up, pecked at me when I tried to move her), but she is not the best momma. I got VERY valuable eggs to put under her, but she isn't...
  13. UGAchick

    Run redo (plants?)

    I lost my flock a couple weeks ago to a curious foster dog. I got rid of him and have ordered 25 chicks from Ideal (and have 10 eggs under my remaining bird set to hatch at the same time the chicks arrive). I thought I could use this opportunity to do some maintenance on my coop and run. The run...
  14. UGAchick

    Picking up hatching eggs today - coronation sussex!!

    I hit the jackpot! My local chicken guy is keeping a flock of coronation sussex that belong to his friend. In the meantime, I needed hatching eggs, so guess what I am getting?!?!?! Hopefully I can fit 8 under my bantam broody!
  15. UGAchick

    Dog killed chickens - do I start over?

    I have had bad luck with dogs and chickens, as many of you have. Just this morning, my foster dog dug into the chicken run and killed all 6 of my LF (that just started laying last week). I raised them as chicks from a hatchery. Now I don't know what to do (besides reinforcing my run and getting...
  16. UGAchick

    2 young roosters - FREE

    I have two young boys (1 I hatched and 1 I bought) that are both around 14 weeks old. The barred rock has just started crowing, although he still sounds like an adolescent boy at choir practice. I am just speculating that the black australorp is a boy by the size of his comb and wattles; he has...
  17. UGAchick

    UCD (unidentified chicken death)

    I have 5 chicks that I purchased a few weeks ago from a local guy. They are about 8 or 9 weeks old now (almost fully feathered). All were doing fine until one died today. I can't figure out why and need some help. Nothing got to him and they have plenty of flock raiser and water. I don't see...
  18. UGAchick

    My first broody!!!

    And I am so excited!!! I went to check on the flock this afternoon, and Henny was sitting on the nest. I went back a few hours later and she was still there. I tried to lift her and she puffed up like a marshmallow and hissed like a snake. So I let her be. I went back a couple hours after that...
  19. UGAchick

    Cheapest tractor - ever!

    It cost me $4. True story. Here are the materials: A pallet that I broke apart (so that I could use the individual boards) for the bottom frame - free from freecycle A recycled billboard (whole thing is 48'x14') to cover the roost area - free from a local billboard company. The guy even...
  20. UGAchick

    Garden coop?

    I am looking for pesticide-free bug removal in my garden. I also have 12 serama eggs in the incubator from the latest egg swap. SO....I was thinking that I could finish fencing in the garden and build a new coop just for the little guys. How high should the fence be to contain the seramas? I...
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