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    Beak Crust

    The hen, Orpington, has a crust scab on one side of her beak. Treating with Triple Antibiotic cream Any suggestions?
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    Leison on Chicken beak

    I have an Orpington hen, and noticed she has developed a lesion on the top beak away from the tip. This is dark brown, and it feels hard to touch. I have applied triple antibiotic cream to it, in hopes of helping it heal. If anyone has had these, please respond. I don't want to put her down. She...
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    Mites Mites Mites

    Every time i go into the coop, something is eating me up when i get out. I dust with dia earth and no help. I think they are mites but to small to see. Chickens don't seem to be bothered with them though. What Gives?
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    separate chicks

    I have two BO hens. One hatched 2 eggs. Other didn't hatch any so my question is can I give one chick to the hen without any successful hatch.
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    Identifying roo or pullet

    can anyone please tell this old man, which chics have the larger feather ball on their tail? My BO chicks are some with and some without. I am in to my third hatch. Got 7out of 8 and 7 out of 7. Got 11 coming off this nex t Friday. BO are wonderful broody hens.
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    Chicken not laying in box

    i have 8 boxes ready for hens. They are just starting to lay, but don't use boxes. Use the floor under boxes. What to do? Fake egg?
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    My BO started laying at 21 weeks. Not all, but two of them. 5 eggs in 8 days. Small 1.4 to 1.5oz. Combs getting more red, and waddles extended and red. Will update as they progress.
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    Egg production updateloose

    My BO are going to be 22 weeks tomorrow, Feb 25th. Two, I think has started to lay. Eggs small 1.4 to 1.5 oz. 5 layed this week. Two on one day. Waddles on others are red, but not real dark yet. My BO rooster, Hercules, has already started his business, and thinks he is something special. Guess...
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    Who sells gmo free food in South Carolina. I am looking for a supplier close to the Columbia area.
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    Gmo free food

    Who is finding gmo free chicken feed? I have to travel 75 miles one way to buy it. I live is South Carolina
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    New Flock start to lay today. My Buff Orpington hens are 1day short of 21 weeks. First egg today.
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