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  • Users: mew317
  • Content: Threads
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  1. M

    Peekaboo the white silkie and another one.

    Hello! Peekaboo, my little white silkie is okay. However, we got another silkie down and acting much worse. Symptoms: Legs in front or one in the back one in the front, twitching, laying on its side acting if it’s dying. Q: How old? A: LOST TRACK! Q: Bloody, normal, or runny? A...
  2. M

    Young Silkie, possible leg issues.

    Hello! I’ve posted like, 3 things for threads. Q: How old? A: I lost track. I believe a few months. Q: Diarrhea, Bloody, or normal? A: Normal. Q: What’s the symptoms? A: Feet in the front, sits a lot, walks backwards when put onto his blanket, some other symptoms. I’ll get a picture soon...
  3. M

    Birds are nIcE.

    Hi! I’m Mew37, call me Mew. I have gotten many chickens throughout my chicken years. I got 3 birds named Peggy, Ned, and Meg. They are parakeets(?) or budgies. Here’s my chicken story of Digger, Wobbles and Sunny. I was 4 or 5 when I got my first indoor chicken named Digger. Digger was a nice...
  4. M

    Penny the 5 yr old bantam gasping for air.

    Hi, Mew here. Penny is a 5 yr old Silver Duckwing hen that has Crookback. She’s gasping for air and “Usually it means it’s a heart problem.” We’ve pulled our bantam rooster named Digger (Rest in Peace, lil buddy) out of the same problem 4 times. Q: VIDEOOOOO- A: I’m not sure and I ain’t allowed...
  5. M

    14 Silver Wyandottes reduced to 7 in a week!

    Hi, I have Silver Wyandotte chicks that look around like a few weeks or a month. I had 14 but one died as it was frozen. We now have 7 of them and we ain’t sure what’s wrong. 1: Are they being treated? Yes, I think. 2: Are they dying? Yes. 3: Whenever they are sick, are they laying down...
  6. M

    Young Splay Legged Cockerel/Pullet had pooped blood and died when I wasn’t there for 3 days. 6 Month

    Remember when I posted in like, March or something? My chick that had cocci died while I was visiting. He was a splayed legged black chick, around maybe 5 or 6 months. We are sure he was sick but he died. He pooped blood around 4 to 5 months when he was younger. I can post the same 2 pictures I...
  7. M

    Splay legged chick around 2/3 or so months pooping blood.

    Hi, this is the granddaughter of the farm. My chick named Splay (she has splayed leg) that’s around 2 or 3 months (a little black chick) has either 3 or 4 bloody poops. I’m not sure why but she isn’t acting sick. I just took a picture. Yesterday she didn’t have this. My other chickens (a...
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