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  • Users: Robert G
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  1. Robert G

    Last year was mites, this year fleas!

    So last year my flock had a battle against mites and I was able to get rid of them. This year, it's fleas! I had never had a flea issue before, now my flock has those little stick-tight fleas on their combs, wattles, eyes, and etc. I did spray their coops with pyrethrin and dusted their dust...
  2. Robert G

    Mislabeled TSC bin....

    So I wanted to get some chicks for my broody hen whose eggs all went bad. I went to my local TSC and sure enough they had some. I didn't want to risk getting more males so I checked to see if they had a pullet bin. Well sure enough they did. Brown Leghorn pullets was what the bin was labeled...
  3. Robert G

    First Egg from Easter Egger/Barnevelder Cross

    One of my three Easter Egger/Barnevelder cross hens laid her first egg. They just turned 6 months and only one has the Easter Egger beard and ear muffs. I was curious to see what colored eggs they would be laying. Here she is hanging around the Barnevelder Rooster in the back. Another...
  4. Robert G

    Never Ending Predators

    This is my third year with my flock, and I have learned so much about predators. My first year, I started with 6 bantams and they free ranged my back yard freely. All I had was a chain link fence without any issues. Once they started laying and hatching chicks the first attack happened. A...
  5. Robert G

    TSC Bin - Brown Leghorn Pullets

    So, I went to see if TSC has some chicks to give to my broody hen, and there was a bin labeled brown leghorn pullets. All the other bins were straight run so didn't want to risk getting a rooster even though I know that the pullet bin isn't 100% either. Told the employee of course I wanted to...
  6. Robert G

    First Time Incubating Turkey Eggs

    My uncle gave me 2 wild turkey eggs he found at a ranch where they were clearing land for construction. I had just finished a hatch of 8 with 100% hatch rate before placing these eggs in. I candled them and they didn't have any cracks and looked fresh. I understand it takes 28 days to hatch...
  7. Robert G

    EE mix with Barnevelder Genders

    So I hatched 7 EE Hens mixed with a Barnevelder Rooster and not sure if these are future roosters. The other 4 were pretty straight forward but these 3 make me second guess myself. They just turned 2 months. Two of them look the same and the other is different. First Second Third...
  8. Robert G

    Frizzle Cochins

    So I ordered some bantam cochin eggs and got a 50% hatch rate. I did end up with 2 frizzles in my hatch, a male and a female, and I have a question. I've heard that frizzles should not be bred with each other. Is this true? If it is, I will most likely give away, the male. I appreciate all...
  9. Robert G

    TSC Bantam Mix Bin

    So I got 4 bantams from TSC about 1.5 months ago and wondering if anyone can tell what breed they are. I'm sure the small hen is old english and the dark one is probably a mixed color cochin, but the two buff colored ones are the ones I'm wondering about. Any ideas would be appreciated.
  10. Robert G

    3 Easter Egger Hens and 1 Barnevelder Roo

    I was hoping I would be able to get some more EEs out of my current flock, but I don't have an EE Roo. I do have a Barnevelder Roo that was supposed to be a hen, but you know how that goes. Anyway, I collected 3 green/blue eggs from each hen and placed them in the incubator. Well today is...
  11. Robert G

    Barnevelder cross with Easter Egger

    So I ordered 9 pullets last May. 3 Welsummers, 3 Barnevelders, and 3 Easter Eggers. Well one of my Barnevelders ended up being a Roo. If I decide to hatch my Easter Eggers eggs, what color eggs would her chicks lay? Brown or Green?
  12. Robert G

    Lost 5 Hens....

    I've lost 5 hens in the last two weeks and i just wanted to see if the predator that i think is doing it is correct? What I noticed on each kill it dismembers the head and a wing then feeds on the body. I'm thinking it's a possum. The last one was killed in the coop and it was closed. The...
  13. Robert G

    Eye this part of fowl pox?

    Due to the sudden rainy weather, my flock is currently going through dry fowl pox thanks to the mosquitoes. While most are recovering well, some have their eyes messed up including some month old chicks. Is this part of fowl pox and will it go away or did they lose their eye for sure? I've...
  14. Robert G

    Hen has bumps all over her Comb

    One of my hens stayed behind today and she was roosting alone outside the coop. So I went to put her in the coop and noticed she has bumps all over her comb. Don't know anyway other way to describe it. Its night time so I couldn't get a good picture so I hope the one I did take is good...
  15. Robert G

    Roo or Pullet.......Survey Says?

    About to turn 6 weeks old, and thought at first it was going to be a pullet, but compared to his siblings, his comb is growing and started to develop oil slick looking feathers. However, I just wanted to know what everyone else thought. Thanks!
  16. Robert G

    Famous roo or pullet question....

    Back on May 2nd I got my order of chicks from Ideal. I ordered 3 Barnevelders, 3 Easter Eggers, and 3 Welsummers all 9 as pullets. As it seems, one of my Barnevelders may have been sexed incorrectly. They are about to turn 3 months in August and this one looks completely out of place. I'm...
  17. Robert G

    Broody Hen with 3 Week Old Chick Laid an Egg broody hen with one chick laid an egg this morning. I do mix her feed and chick starter together and I know both have lots of protein. Is that the reason or is she getting ready to leave her chick soon? My last broody hen left her chicks at one month, but I've had some broody hens...
  18. Robert G

    Slow Feather Growth = Possible Roo?

    One of my broodys was able to hatch a lavender Cochin bantam from eggs I ordered online. The only thing I've noticed is it's feathers are growing much slower than the other chicks that hatched the same Is it a myth that is most likely a roo?
  19. Robert G

    One Week Old Chick with Bruised and Swollen Feet.....

    So yesterday evening while feeding one of my hens with 1 chick, I noticed she kept pecking at the chick's feet. There was even a time where she lifted the chick up by it's feet. I noticed the chick could barely walk and looked extremely stressed out. I immediately removed it and took it...
  20. Robert G

    Egg Check...

    So I started a batch last week and today I candled them at 7 days. All 12 of them were the same. Looks like no development at all. We're they not fertilized? Any advice for future reference.
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