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  • Users: chkinut
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  1. chkinut

    newly hatched chicks around the flock?

    hi guys! i have a broody bantam hen who has been on the nest for a week now. i believe she got broody when i brought our chicks out to the run and put them in the grow-out pen. they were a week old at the time and she was pacing back and forth around the grow-out pen and the next day she went...
  2. chkinut

    advice please (to sell eggs)

    hi everyone! i have owned chickens for years and we are thinking of getting more girls and selling their eggs at the local farmers market in Ohio. we are fairly new in our research of this and i thought i would come here and ask some fellow chicken lovers. what are the laws for selling eggs...
  3. chkinut

    silver cuckoo marans X easter egger question please

    hi guys! i hatched 5 eggs a few days ago. 3 of them that hatched are a silver cuckoo marans and EE cross. out of those 3 black chicks, one has a white spot on its head. i know that with barred rocks (and possibly cuckoo marans) that if it has a white spot on the head then its a female. what do...
  4. chkinut

    how long does a roo need to be with a hen to get fertile eggs?

    hi guys! i have never had a roo before.....but i have 2 very dear pet hens who are 4 years old. i love them so very much that i want to hatch out and keep a pullet from each of them. i have a question or old does a roo have to be before he can fertilize their eggs? and how long does...
  5. chkinut

    looking for barnyard/EE mix hatching eggs in hillsboro ohio

    hi guys! i am looking for some local hatching eggs to hatch with my boyfriends twin boys. i would be happy with a barnyard mix. but it would be a plus if i could get some Easter Eggers in the mix too. but it's not necessary. thanks so much! Hillsboro is about an hour away from Cincinnati. i...
  6. chkinut

    can i ship 2 grown hens?

    hi guys! i am able to get my 2 pet chickens back. i moved away from NC and moved to OH about 6 months ago. long story. but i am able to get my 2 chickens back that i had to give up when i moved. my friend was going to bring them to me, but has decided not to come. so.....i still want my 2 girls...
  7. chkinut

    my 2 pet chickens moving from NC to OH

    hi guys!!! i am going through a divorce.....i left my husband back in July (2013). i left for Ohio (where i am originally from). i had to leave behind a DEAR DEAR pet chicken named Cricket. i got her in April of 2010 from My Pet Chicken. her best friend (Ginger) also came in the box that year. i...
  8. chkinut

    quick this a bad idea?

    i have a staggered hatch going on in my bator. i've got 11 eggs that are about 10 days behind the other eggs. i was thinking of putting the younger eggs in an egg carton to protect them from the crazy antics of the newborn chicks (and all the gunk that comes with a hatch). and i could quickly...
  9. chkinut

    great way to pinpoint the rotten egg!

    well, i found the culprit! sometimes when you're trying to find a rotten egg in your bator, it's hard cuz your nose kinda gets use to smelling bad smells and it's hard to pinpoint which one stinks cuz sometimes i feel they all KINDA stink. well, i took the egg that smelled the MOST pungent...
  10. chkinut

    my bator smells rotten and i cant find the source

    i have a few different clutches in my bator. they were given to me by a friend who has a farm and took them out from under the mother hens (not all of them....but the hens had too many eggs). they were extremely soiled so i dry cleaned them the best i could. anyway, i have candled them all and...
  11. chkinut

    bought refrigerated eggs from a produce stand and they're developing!

    hi everyone! i have some exciting things going on in my bator this year. i bought a dozen refrigerated eggs (and when i opened them they were all wet with loads of dew and stored pointy side up) from a produce stand last weekend and i thought "what the heck" and thought i'd give them a try in...
  12. chkinut

    help! big snake in the nest box!

    i am so freaked out! i have had chickens for 2 years now and i've NEVER had this happen. today i went to check for eggs and there was a huge snake in the nest box eating an egg!!!! it looked like a garter snake and it was all curled up but i would guess about 5 - 6' long and about an inch and a...
  13. chkinut

    help! i aquired "wild" pullets!

    i need some advice. i friend of mine (who has loads of chickens) sweetly gave me 3 silkie crosses (no fluffy feathers, they have smooth regular feathers) but they are small girls! she says they're 8 months old but they are smaller than my 2 pullets who are not quite 4 months old. i'm going to...
  14. chkinut

    what color eggs will a silkie X americauna lay?

    hi guys! i just got 3 little hens. 2 are grey and one is barred with yellow feet but has the Easter Egger tufts of feathers. cute! sorry no pictures. :( but the lady i got them from said they are americaunas X silkie mix. i was curious as to what color egg they may lay? she says they're 8 months...
  15. chkinut

    bumble foot caused by.......

    i posted this thread in the "coop design" part of this board, but then thought i should've posted here... hey guys. we put some drainage rock around the coop a few months ago. its also on the floor of the coop, but i have covered that with hay. but they still like to scratch around the rock...
  16. chkinut

    sharp rocks around the coop - help

    hey guys. we put some drainage rock around the coop a few months ago. its also on the floor of the coop, but i have covered that with hay. but they still like to scratch around the rock outside of the coop. i just culled 2 of my hens this morning due to bumblefoot. i was going to try to treat...
  17. chkinut

    mealworm farm question

    hi! i've had mealworm farms before with the regular sized mealworms. i went to petsmart a month or so ago and bought 100 "regular" mealworms. then i bought 100 super sized mealworms. they are each in their own separate farms (2 boxes) and the regular mealworms are already turning into...
  18. chkinut

    advice please! integration problems!!!

    hi guys. i have 6 laying hens, 8 two-month old chicks (mutt LF breeds), and 4 one-month old chicks (1 EE and 3 silkies). i have let the two-month olds out with the laying hens and some of the big girls picked on the babies and were pretty mean. then i have also let the one-month chicks in with...
  19. chkinut

    if they pip at the wrong end, why do they die?

    out of 15 shipped EE eggs, only one hatched! cute as can be though! i named her BooBear. she is big and brown. anyway, the other egg that made it into lockdown pipped at the other end! i had them hatching in cartons, so i just thought it didn't pip. i was going to give it more time in the bator...
  20. chkinut

    i'm sure my hygrometer has gone wacky, but i'm still concerned

    ok guys, i guess i'm posting about this just to get reassurance that i'm doing the right thing not to trust my hygrometer. i just did a hatch not to long ago and the chicks are 1 week old. everything was fine with my humidity and temp. humidity 38-40% and at lockdown 58-60%. anyway, on my new...
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