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  1. Spookwriter

    As we undergo another change...

    I think I saw where we will lose the comments in our ovations. I hate to lose those. I really do. Better figure out how to copy them I guess. Been some cute, and funny comments made there. And I appreciate each and every one, that you, my friends have made. I seldom go back and read a...
  2. Spookwriter

    Well....My wife passed away

    Been a long hard year on us as a family, and I guess it ended with my wife passing away January 11th, 2016. I think I called Em from the hospital. I know I've talked to her several times lately. In the end, it was a heart attack, and life was over too quick. We had been in the hospital for...
  3. Spookwriter

    Sadly, a whole of people like me...

    Even as we gathered for my uncle's funeral, to laugh is ever present in my family. How I love them. Several of us were out front of the funeral home, doing what we do best, which is to laugh, tell jokes and enjoy each other... My cousin and his wife had flown in from Florida. He's telling us...
  4. Spookwriter

    Farm tractor accident

    It's been a hard year on my family. Details still unclear, but it seems my uncle was brush hogging this morning and the tractor rolled with him. Details unclear just now, but I'm hearing nothing good. Unresponsive. Life-flighted from sceen. This uncle...I was named after him. So my wife...
  5. Spookwriter

    A traveling comic coming to town this weekend...

    ... and doing a few shows. Yes, I'll be in the crowd. A part of me wants to be that man, that comic. But the sane part of me knows better than getting on a one-man stage. It can't be easy. My wife, my daughter, I keep then tore up with my antics. (Have I ever mentioned the time I lost my...
  6. Spookwriter

    Lewis Turkey Farm gave the turkeys away...

    Outstanding !!! Just read in the paper where Lewis Turkey Farm operating in Jackson County Ohio tried a new program this year. Mr. Lewis gave a baby turkey to any 4-H child in the county who wished to show the turkey in the county fair. Fifty three 4-H children took him up on the deal, and...
  7. Spookwriter

    Things that take your breath away.

    I think I've posted a few bits about helping my mother redecorate her home since dad passed away. And I believe that when you do a room, it should be totally yours. That it should be pleasing to you. So I've tried to put something in her every room that simply takes her breath away. Nothing...
  8. Spookwriter

    The first drive-in movie, June 6 1933

    How's that for todays useless trivia? 80 years ago today, the drive in movie began. I had a lot of good times, good memories, at our local drive in. Back in the day when you could get a whole trunk full of people in. There were times when we got kicked out. And there were times...
  9. Spookwriter

    A garden question, but not for garden section

    How many here grow corn? Sweet or difference. My question is can I grow corn in container like a five gallon bucket? Why, you ask? To confuse the neighbors of course. My garden is visible from the road. Something people just naturally look at as they drive by. I'm thinking I...
  10. Spookwriter

    "LOVE YOU FOREVER"...a childs book

    Just a simple little book with a great big story. How many of you have read it, how many of you own a copy? Spook
  11. Spookwriter

    Painting rooms, redecorating Mom's house...

    Trying to help Mom get a handle on this part of life, going on without Dad, my wife and I have been doing some painting and redecorating in her home. Dad was a good guy. He really was. But home maintenance wasn't something he was big on. Didn't like the furniture moved, wouldn't paint a room...
  12. Spookwriter

    Valentine Flowers, $60.00 a dozen here yesterday.

    I just couldn't do it. Too much money for a poor Spook. Be half that next week. What were the prices in your areas? Who else is living frugal this year? I gave Barb a pack of seeds, took her to grow her own flowers. The evening didn't go as I had planned... Spook, the frugal husband
  13. Spookwriter

    Tired, going to call it an early night

    Shovled six ton of stone today, and I'm worn out. Well...I didn't actually shovel the stone myself. I watched my brother do it. I WOULD of had to help, but I'm way ahead of him. I hid all the other shovels. Good thing too, because it took him all day. The mere thought of me having to...
  14. Spookwriter

    Gargoyle, How does one "carve" a stone?

    You gotta have one sharp knife. (unlike me and Em, who are not the sharpest tools in the box) made the cool gargoyle in you picture? Awesome job. I've been looking for some good size fellers made in stroyfoam. Or at least lightweight. How many hours do you have in him? At any...
  15. Spookwriter

    Watching the Super Bowl, their power went out...

    And while it's out, the 49niners should think about trying to sneak on out. It ain't pretty. Spook....forever a Paker backer
  16. Spookwriter

    Watching the Super Bowl, their power went out...

    And while it's out, the 49niners should think about trying to sneak on out. It ain't pretty. Spook....forever a Paker backer
  17. Spookwriter

    Oreos, five dollars a pack? Say it ain't so...

    Couldn't believe my eyes. I took my wife to the grocery store this evening. I don't do that very often. But there was a few things I wanted. Untill I got there... Oreos at $4.85 a package? I mean, these weren't even doublestuffs. Just the dunking kind... Now, you know I'm a fat feller...
  18. Spookwriter

    Twenty Ways to a Happy Life

    1. Compliment three people every day. 2. Watch a sunrise or sunset. 3. Be the first to say "Hello". 4. Live beneath your means. 5. Treat everyone as you want to be treated. 6. Never give up on anybody, miracles happen. 7. Forget the Joneses. 8. Remember someone's name. 9. Pray...
  19. Spookwriter

    Drumstick Diva...question, please?

    In your picture here...what is that on your head, exactly? It looks cool. (to me) But what IS it? A hat of some sort, yes. But is it "hard" or "soft" sided? Where did you ever find it? Spook...who wishes he had a cool hat. (or maybe, some hair...then he wouldn't need a hat.)
  20. Spookwriter

    Today, I paid all of my parents debts...

    As you know, my father passed away on Christmas Day. Quite hard on Mom...56 years of marriage. Long time together. Dad left some debts. Debts Mom couldn't handle on her own. Didn't take some people very long to begin to harass her. She's stressed out. Hasn't been resting. Today I was...
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