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    I am so mad right now.....

    It is April 4th right now my friends I have chicks who are four weeks and one day old today. That gives me three or four weeks MAX that they need to be in the coop! It is too cold for April I live in MI I can't tell you anymore that that about where I live. I have a feeling I am not getting much...
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    April 2018 Dog Show

    Hello, I thought it would be fun to have a Dog show. So I having a dog show lol! All BYC rules apply please enter name, age, breed, and if you want to personality. The winner of this contest will get a special edit to their picture. The picture will get judged by healthiness of the dog...
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    Chickens vs. Ducks

    Which do you like more? I know I like chickens more than ducks although I have never raised any ducks. In my opinion chickens are better because, they are cuter, less smelly, easier to take care of the reason I say that is you need to train ducks for swimming and stuff, chickens are quieter etc...
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    Chickens vs. Ducks

    Which do you like more? I know I like chickens more than ducks although I have never raised any ducks. In my opinion chickens are better because, they are cuter, less smelly, easier to take care of the reason I say that is you need to train ducks for swimming and stuff, chickens are quieter etc...
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    The Unique Poultry Show!

    Do you have a chicken with a cross beak? A Quail with a deformed foot? Or just a Turkey with a bold personality? Well feel free to enter them here! This contest is just for fun. This is a safe pace so no judging any poultry. You may enter any type of poultry. This contest is mostly just for...
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    The Wyandotte Club!

    Hello, Who else LOVES Wyandotte's wether they are Silver Laced Golden Laced Silver Penciled you name it welcome to the Wyandotte club!! :celebrate Here are my two Wyandotte ladies. Named Penny and Poppy!
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    The final round (I hope)

    Ok so there was a tie now it is time to vote to break the tie this Ends in three days March 18
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    Voting Time

    I would just like to say thank you @thewolf1039, @Cycomiko @BirdLeaf, @svtcruz, @igorsMistress,@GEHIAE, @Crazy for Chickens!, @The Golden Egg5, @Hybridchucks, @chuckachucka for entering in the show called Show Off Your Pullets now it's time to vote! To view pictures visit this site here...
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    Chick Pics

    Hello, fellow poultry lovers in this thread you can post pictures of your chicks. I will post pictures of my chicks and we can all enjoy them, watch them grow, and share stories!!
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    Happy Early Easter!

    Happy Easter! Share you're Easter pictures here!! There is nothing better than pics of Poultry around Easter! Here are some of my pics.....
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    Show Off Your Pullets!

    Hello, I have decided to host a Chicken Show! All BYC rules apply 20 entries allowed. Please include name, age, breed, and whatever else you want to add. Contest ends once there is 20 entries. One entry per person. Have fun! If you have anymore questions please let me know.
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    Yay!!! I decided what breeds to get as some of you may know I decided to get more the breeds. Thank you for the recommendations by the way. I decided to go with one Leghorn named Grace. A Golden Laced Wyandotte named Penny. Last but not least two Amerecaunas named Grethchen and Charlie (short...
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    Help Me Decide What Breeds To Get!

    Hello, I rarely come on this site so as a little reminder my name is Lauren Adams I own four chickens. A Barred Rock, Buff Orphington, Silver Laced Wyandotte, and an Isa Brown. I am going to build a new coop so it can hold eight chickens it will be divided in half so they can't get to each other...
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    How Do you break a broody hen?

    Hello again, My friend has a broody hen she asked me if I knew how to break a broody. However I do not know. I have heard that if you keep letting them out over and over again may work but the chickens might not be let out much more with the weather getting colder (it snowed today where I live)...
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    Hello From A Newbie

    Hello, I have four chickens a Silver Laced Wyandotte, Buff Orphington, Barred Rock, and Isa Brown. I know a little bit about chickens however I would like to know more i found this site and thought PERFECT! (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am not new to...
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