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  1. chickenannie

    Bourbon Red Heritage Turkeys - Half-grown, Ready for Thanksgiving or Spring 2013 breeding

    I have 10 half-grown Bourbon Red Heritage Turkeys that will be ready for Thanksgiving or for Spring 2013 breeding. They are $40 apiece (7 males, 3 females). These were hatched here on the farm in April and are free-range, raised naturally on grass. You must pick them up here and it's best if...
  2. chickenannie

    What are differences between buying from a hatchery versus a breeder?

    What are differences between buying from a hatchery versus a breeder? Forgive me if this is a naive question! But, I'd like an honest discussion on this. I'm assuming the breeders will say there's a huge difference, but I'd like to know why, and I'd like to hear from a hatchery's perspective as...
  3. chickenannie

    How do you CATCH your heritage turkeys?

    I would really like to know! And I'm not talking about those slow-moving obese BBWs either -- I'm talking about the flying, athletic, strong-winged heritage breeds. Give us your methods ... I'm tired of getting bruised and banged up from catching my pastured Bourbon Reds! I try to keep it...
  4. chickenannie

    Can I cook with eggs that a broody hen sat on for 2 days?

    She keeps sitting on the eggs that the other chickens hatch, and if she's had them warm for 1 or 2 days (sometimes I can't collect the eggs til the 2nd day) is that still OK to cook with? Most of them look normal inside, and (not to be gross) but I did notice one or two that had tiny bits of...
  5. chickenannie

    Golden pheasant just adopted me!! - PIC

    I was moving my turkey fencing tonight, and noticed a small bird hanging out with them in the pasture. It looks just like this, and I think it might be a young pheasant (I googled pics trying to figure out what it was until I saw this one that it looked like). I don't know where it came from...
  6. chickenannie

    Two albino peahens in southeast PA-NEW PICS

    Two pure white, matching peahens (females) available in Southeastern Pennsylvania. Both are from beautiful Burmese mama and papa. One year old. $20 each. PM me if interested. Thanks!
  7. chickenannie

    HELP! My turkey has crookneck. What is this and how to treat?

    I've searched several times on BYC but any discussion of crookneck or wryneck has very little info. Symptoms: Yesterday I noticed my adult turkey tom's neck was hunched funny. Today it's twisted nearly all the way around and he's not eating, which is very strange. (He is a creature of habit...
  8. chickenannie

    Hen starting setting on Easter!

    She's got 22 eggs in her nest.. I hope she can hatch them all, wouldn't that be nuts! Can't wait to have little tiny turkeys again. She's a Bourbon Red, by the way.
  9. chickenannie

    Turkey sounds -- translations?

    I wanted to start a thread that explains what different turkey noises mean!! The longer I have turkeys, the more distinctive differences I can hear in their sounds... (it's a little frightening actually, that I'm starting to 'read' what they're communicating!). But, for example, sometimes the...
  10. chickenannie

    Chick Dust!! Agghhhh....

    Had 5 chicks in my kitchen for a few weeks and suddenly noticed there is chick dust EVERYWHERE. I thought my vaccuming around the cage was keeping it from being a problem, but one day the sun came out and I could see how bad it was. I moved the chicks out to the barn despite the cold (they are...
  11. chickenannie

    Friends are looking for a home for 1 hen and tom

    their hen is a great layer, even though she's almost 3 years old. She a dusty red color (cross between blue slate and a bourbon red) who last year hatched 2 nests. They are too busy with other animals and want a home for her. Also have 1 or 2 red bourbon toms. All pastured. They are near...
  12. chickenannie

    Snow rescues today! Anyone else?

    I had to dig my way through piles of snow this morning and through 4 foot high snowdrifts just to get to the chicken coops! The wind was so powerful last night it had cleared ALL the 16 inches of snow out of the chicken yard down to the grass, but piled all that snow up gainst the coop and feed...
  13. chickenannie

    Where is Steve of SandsPoultry?

    He used to be on the turkey posts every day! Is he in turkey addiction rehab? Anyone know?
  14. chickenannie

    Just caught all my roosters ... for the deed.

    I just went out while still nighttime and caught all my roosters and put them in a cage for tommorrow. It is time, and they are going to the butcher in the morning. I always hate this part of having chickens. But I also know it's where chicken soup comes from. Roosters are always so pretty...
  15. chickenannie

    How do you keep chicks warm during transport in winter?

    I just drove my car today with 5 chicks in a box -- they were sitting on a heated towel and I had the heat in my car cranked to it's highest point (it was a sauna for me!). How do others transport them and keep them warm? Especially if you only have a couple chicks and their body heat is not...
  16. chickenannie

    Banty hen just hatched chicks in freezing Jan. weather- please advise

    It's cold here ... in the 30s, and this crazy banty had been sleeping in the barn, or so I thought. Yesterday she shows up with 5 tiny chicks! OMG The chicks seem fine, but I can't imagine they are going to thrive in this cold weather (they all free-range). Unfortunately, I"m traveling a lot...
  17. chickenannie

    Bourbon Red turkeys available

    I have 3 Bourbon Red toms and 3 hens available. These are for breeding pairs (not for dinner!). They are 5-6 months old and will be ready for hatching eggs very early this Spring, though they are not proven yet. I'm asking $35 each or $70 for a pair. I am in southeastern Pa., not far from...
  18. chickenannie

    Bourbon Red turkeys available

    I have 3 Bourbon Red toms and 3 hens available. These are for breeding pairs (not for dinner!). They are 5-6 months old and will be ready for hatching eggs very early this Spring, though they are not proven yet. I'm asking $35 each or $70 for a pair. I am in southeastern Pa., not far from...
  19. chickenannie

    Need photos of turkey nests

    I have to re-arrange my Bourbon Red turkeys living quarters () and want to get some ideas for how to make their nesting boxes or nesting areas for February. Mine usually start laying in early March so I want to be ready. They'll have a concrete block coop, about 12 x 12 at nighttime with a 25...
  20. chickenannie

    A new roost for my chooks! PIC!

    I had help to put this together (roost is on the right, nest is on the left). Does anyone know if I should paint the new roost with linseed oil or something to keep mites off of it? The wood was all salvaged. Also, the roost comes out easily (the 2 bales of hay keep it in place) but is there...
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