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  1. Carol McLaine

    Foot leg injury and/or deformity.

    My Salmon Favorelle has probably had weird feet since she was a chick, but I didn't notice until recently when I started letting my young ones out of their little cage in the run and out to free range with the big girls. She limps and is currently in the house to keep her from being picked on...
  2. Carol McLaine

    Seven weeks. I think I have two cockerels.

    I would love to be wrong, but those wattles!! Hope I am uploading right pictures. I can barely see them on my phone.
  3. Carol McLaine

    Rueing seeing pink combs and wattles.

    So, at not even four weeks, my Blue Red Laced Wyandotte and Speckled Sussex have pink combs and emerging wattles. Luckily, my same age Welsummer has a yellow comb and no wattles. Anyway, I have two mature laying girls left after a dog got my RIR. One is a Barred Rock, the other is an Easter...
  4. Carol McLaine

    Speckled Sussex and Welsummer chicks

    Sold as pullets. Supposedly, one on left is Speckled Sussex and Welsummer is on the right. Does that seem correct to the experts here? I didn't notice cord of blind on the ground until after the picture was taken. Need to fix that. They currently live in brooder with lamp that distorts the...
  5. Carol McLaine

    Six Weeks? Still hoping for hens

    The weather was nice today, and I remembered to take photos. I wish the camera would not refuse to click on the best moments, but I managed to get a few shots with some clarity. They may be a few days shy of six weeks, but I wanted to update and see if anyone has opinions. Theda, my...
  6. Carol McLaine

    Cabbage Wrecking Ball Derby

    I got the idea, I'm pretty sure, on Backyard Chickens, to hang a cabbage on a string. At first they were not interested at all. Then I went to the garden and got 3 cabbage moth larva and put them on the cabbage. They love mealworms and little earthworms, so they didn't hesitate to try the...
  7. Carol McLaine

    First time chicken mama is in love! Hoping they are all girls.

    I took my sweethearts, Greta (Easter Egger), Goldie (Rhode Island Red) and Theda (Plymouth Barred Rock) out to free range a bit yesterday, when the picture was taken, and today. I didn't keep them out long either day because I know they need to be warm, but I figured a little sunlight and...
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