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  1. W

    5 weeks

    Can I put these freeloaders outside or one more week to be safe? Just shy of six weeks. Average night temp is 40°. Thank you!
  2. W

    Laws for keeping a rooster in Danbury.

    I can't find anything new or old on whether roosters are allowed in Danbury.
  3. W

    Not sure if this is concerning definitely odd.

    this girl has dirt on her beak and waddles I had put oinment on it just incase . ONLY on one side of her comb towards the top there are small black dots. If this something to worry about or does it look harmless ? The other side of her comb is normal.
  4. W

    Wondering when these ladies will lay?

    The are around 4½ months old
  5. W

    Silkies and Ameraucana

    I have three silkies that are a couple weeks older then my three ameraucanas. I slowly introduced them in a cage for a week and my silkies have chased, pecked and scared away my ameraucana chickens for a good month with no sign of stopping. Today I noticed ones beak was like this. Will they wind...
  6. W

    What genders are these?

    I'm hoping they are all hens except for the black silkie.
  7. W

    Hi everyone !!

    Just wondering if anyone could tell me what gender these are I'm almost positive the black silkie is a rooster. Also, I'm not sure if the yellow one is an Easter egger or an Amerucana. Thank you!!!
  8. W

    A little late

    But wishing all of you a very happy New Year. I hope 2020 is the best year yet for everyone!!! Xoxo A
  9. W

    Just wishing everyone an early happy holiday!!

    I'm not on to much these days but I've never forgotten the kindness of this community. Whatever holiday you celebrate in these next couple months, I hope they are filled with love, joy and the company of wonderful people. ×forever thankful Winterducks
  10. W

    Thank you and goodbye !

    So, today was the day I've been dreading. The day I had to give up my ducks to go to a better home. I just wanted to thank everyone who has helped me and responded to my posts. Who knows maybe in the future I'll be back but for now my ducks are at a farm with a huge coop, hopefully living the...
  11. W

    injured duck update*

    I made a post here yesterday and many of you were extremely helpful! I am not able to get into the vet until Monday morning. The update is the injured foot feels warm not hot but warmer then the good foot lol! Which leads me to believe its an infection, what it is I am not sure I'll update...
  12. W

    Injured duck question help.....

    So, I came home about two days ago and my duck was limping. He ins't putting weight on that foot and he has not eaten anything yet today. I know it isn't broken but what do I do? Should I see if it gets better by Monday or call and see the vet? I'm not sure why he is limping it could be...
  13. W

    Needing some direction and advice....

    I have three beautiful great ducks. I've had them just since they were about 5 weeks old. I also have a son a couple dogs and we are thinking about having another baby. My dilemma is they are a lot of work and I'm worried about when the new baby comes how much harder it will be I dont want to...
  14. W

    Flooring for ducks

    I was thinking about putting a rubber mat down to hose it off with just a little hay would that be okay for their feet?
  15. W

    How to add new chickens or ducks into flock.

    I have three ducks I would like to add some chicks or ducklings into the mix is it a possibility? Most of all I would love to add two chicks possibly three months of age already.
  16. W

    What kind are these ducks?

    My ducks are about 5 to 6 months old. I'm just assuming the largest one is a drake but he does not have a curl feather? Also they have not laid any eggs yet. When I bought them from the hatchery they said the ducks were khaki campbell/pekin but they look buff any ideas?
  17. W

    asking miss lydia

    IM not sure how to keep them safe in the winter. Their coop is completely predator proof its handmade. I was thinking about keeping them in the shed during the winter or even bringing them into the garage during the night. I have three buff orpinton ducks about 5/6 months old. They also have not...
  18. W

    Need help with ducks.

    IM not sure how to keep them safe in the winter. Their coop is completely predator proof its handmade. I was thinking about keeping them in the shed during the winter or even bringing them into the garage during the night. I have three buff orpinton ducks about 5/6 months old. they also have not...
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