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  1. new chick 203

    anyone with chicks hatching in the north of CT or southern Mass? Cochins, orpington or Barnavelders?

    Cochins, Orpington or Barnavelders? bantam or full size?
  2. new chick 203

    South Salem NY Spring Chicken Event

    If you are bringing birds or eggs this is the place to post that so people can start to plan your purchasing! I hope I see a big turn out so we can do it again next year. What can you bring to swap or sell? Chickens, hatching eggs, other poultry, supplies, crafts For those bringing poultry...
  3. new chick 203

    My chickens are cranky

    My Rosey is a cranky pants right now. She's going through a molt so not laying so I was wondering if there might be a hormonal component. like going through menopause. Has anyone ever noticed this in their chickens?
  4. new chick 203

    What to do for hot weather

    Besides the obvious picking the correct breeds for your area and siting your coop and run where there is some good shade, what do you do for you birds in the heat? I've seen allot of products lately with electrolytes and vitamins. Are they worth it? What do you do?
  5. new chick 203

    Pop Art Chicken design contest

    Spoonflower is having a contest and you can vote:
  6. new chick 203

    What have you learned that wasn't in the books?

    For you that have been doing this for a while now, what advise do you have that wasn't in the books. Time to share the inside info.
  7. new chick 203

    Bubbles forming in corner of eye.

    I have a small flock and my 2.5 year old EE had bubbles in the corner of one eye this morning. Otherwise she seemed perfectly fine. I watched them as they ranged this morning and the bubbles would go away (pop) and then start forming again in the same eye. Should I be concerned?
  8. new chick 203

    Has anyone seen the new Neiman Marcus Hen House for $100,000?

    It's super cute, but insane. Here's a link to some more:,a,b,c,z&r=cat44770736&rdesc=The%20Fantasy%20Gifts&pageName=Beau%20Coop&icid=CBF12_O5415
  9. new chick 203

    What are your chicken keeping, cost saving tips?

    These days we all have to be smart about how we spend our money. How do you keep your costs down? Here is my list so far: 1. Free ranging at least part time keeps feed cost down. 2. I get free coffee chaff from a local roaster to use as bedding. 3. I use raked up pine straw instead of...
  10. new chick 203

    The chickens are plotting!

    This morning I was convinced that there was a plot afoot in the hen house. I let the girls out to free range a bit, but when it was time to go back in their evil plan was clear. One would run into the run to get the bribe then slip back out as number 2 was coming in and so on till I was loosing...
  11. new chick 203

    Rosie is acting off balance and twisting head

    Is this wry neck or something else? She's a 2 year EE.I've isolated her. Help!
  12. new chick 203

    Greenhouse coop combo - Can it be done?

    I keep reading about all the benefits of making a structure that the south half is greenhouse and the north is chicken coop. The wall between provides ventilation between the spaces and both chickens and plants benefit by the exchange of CO2 and Oxygen. I want to build one but I am yet to find...
  13. new chick 203

    Can you put bantam eggs under LF broody?

    or will she squish the little things? She's a big girl, 7 or 8 pounds.
  14. new chick 203

    Searching the buy, sell and trade section by location

    Can you do a search by location? It use to be helpful, but I can't find it any more.
  15. new chick 203

    Greenhouse-Coop Hybrid

    I'm in the planning stages of building the dream coop. I've read about the concept of a structure that the south side is a greenhouse and the north side is coop. the ventilation between the 2 benefits both chickens and plants. the chickens breath out CO2 and the plants make fresh oxygen. They...
  16. new chick 203

    Sick hen

    I have a sick one year old Orpington mix. She's always been super healthy but saturday evening I noticed she wasn't running as fast as the others for treats. Sunday even slower, and so on. No injuries. hasn't laid since Saturday, so egg bound was my first thought. She's had laying problems from...
  17. new chick 203

    blowing out eggs

    I was going to blow out some eggs for decoration. Do you need to do anything to them after you blow them out to preserve them? I'm planning to put them in a shadow box so I would hate if they got moldy or smelly.
  18. new chick 203

    Broody will keep them warm enough?

    My broody's eggs are starting to hatch today, and I was wondering if she will be able to keep them warm enough on her own. The forecast calls for some temps in the 40s and maybe even 30s later this week. When she did this before it was Spring . I could but the heat rope under the nest box. Thanks.
  19. new chick 203

    Robo-broody take 2

    My very determined bantam cochin went broody this spring and after trying unsuccessfully to break her I let her sit on eggs. She hatched 15 weeks ago and raised the chicks, and now is back to Robo-broody. I just can't have any more chickens. If I let her sit on eggs, but give the chicks away...
  20. new chick 203

    Is there anything I can slip my birds to make them chill?

    I have one chicken trying to move up the pecking order and it's chaos out there. I have her in chicken jail for the moment, but I was wondering if there was something herbal I could use for transitioning her back in. There is an herbal product called "Rescue Remedy" made for dogs in transition...
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