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  1. M

    One chicken getting picked on

    The last 2 days when I have come home from work the chickens are in their outside run waiting for me to give them their scratch. I then go in the barn to gather eggs for the day and anything else needed. Both days they have pinned the same hen down and have been pecking on her head. Tonight they...
  2. M

    Outside run flooring question

    My outside chicken runs are currently just dirt with some small stone, just what was there before I had chickens. There is currently no roof over it, did tell my husband I would like a roof over it before summer is over. In the mean time what would be a good ground cover to help control spring...
  3. M

    Dust Bath on Cement

    The new chickens have been here a week today. So now I have two almost matching chicken coops with 2 separate flocks of chickens, until they can be together. Each coop has an inside run, then the coop with nest boxes and perches, both areas are inside my barn, then each one has an outside run...
  4. M

    My Girls

    The new flock of 9 girls that arrived last night seem to be settling in, I did get one egg today so far. Once they have had time to get comfortable here with their new home, us and the other chickens, I'll combine the two coops into one. My current flock of 7 gets to free range whenever we are...
  5. M

    Perching & Nesting

    My 9 new girls arrived today, he said they are about 2 yrs old. He said when he got them when they were about 6 mths, they didn't have perches, so even though he built them one, they preferred to either sleep on the ground or in the nest boxes. We put perches in the same height as my other coop...
  6. M

    Combining Flocks & Flooring

    I currently have 7 hens, all same breed. They have their coop where they sleep and have nest boxes, which is inside my barn, on one end of that is an inside run for when they don't want to be outside, other end has a door to outside where they have a much bigger outside run. They free range in...
  7. M

    Advice for my older Hen

    My flock has been naturally downsizing over the last few years. For well over a year I've just had 2 older hens. Once passed yesterday and now I feel bad for the lone girl. She's around 10ish years old. I see her walking around by herself now and wonder if I should get her a friend or two? I...
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