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  1. poultry person

    pullet or cockerel?

    We have a 2 1/2 month old chick who we hatched can you guys please tell me if he/she is a guy or gal?
  2. poultry person


    We're hatching chicks and today is the day their supposed to hatch but, Buttterball (the broody hen) pecked at one that started to bleed is this normal or do I need to do something about it?! Help me!!
  3. poultry person

    Help me hatch chicks!

    You might remember me posting a thread about weather to hatch chicks with a broody hen or an incubator. So we're using our hen Butterball and she is sitting on 19 eggs but only 10 our fertile. So I wanted to know if anyone has some tips on how to hatch eggs or what they do when they start...
  4. poultry person

    Incubator or Broody hen?

    Hello crazy chicken people! I have 13 hens and two roos, and my sister and I are going two hatch for the first time this spring, we don't have an incubator yet but two of our hens are starting to go broody. My neighbor is moving and she is going to sell us her little chicken coop, I'm wondering...
  5. poultry person


    I have a flock fifteen (now fourteen) and yesterday our light brahma hen, Haliwir kept laying down and panting. It wasn't that hot out but she did it anyways, our two roosters tried to chase her down to mate with her but they didn't look like they were hurting her. Then this morning my little...
  6. poultry person


    I have a flock fifteen (now fourteen) and yesterday our light brahma hen, Haliwir kept laying down and panting. It wasn't that hot out but she did it anyways, our two roosters tried to chase her down to mate with her but they didn't look like they were hurting her.:confused:Then this morning my...
  7. poultry person

    Hatching chick questions...

    We want to start hatching chicks for the first time in the spring, so can you guys give me some advice and answer some of these questions?: At what age are cockerels to fertilize eggs? How do you know when an egg is fertile? And how long does it take to hatch the egg?
  8. poultry person

    Weird goose behavior.

    I have two embded geese and lately they have been acting weird. Every time the female goose (Sparrow) gets into their pool she doesn't let the gander (Captain) get in. And when he does she bites his foot until he gets out, this just started happening. Are they going to mate? What's going on?
  9. poultry person

    Cockerel limping!

    My cockerel is limping and I took a look at it but he doesn't seem to have any injuries. Anyone have idea what might be wrong? It started yesterday he just keeps bouncing around it's so sad!
  10. poultry person

    What breeds are my Roos?

    I have two cockerels and I can't figure out what breeds they are can you guys please help me? Blackbeard: Napoleon:
  11. poultry person

    Hen loosing neck feathers!

    My bantam hen is loosing a lot of neck feathers I don't think she's molting because she still has the roots but I haven't seen the others hens pecking her, does she look sick? What's happening!:barnie
  12. poultry person

    Help me with my chicken project!!!!!!

    Hey there poultry lovers! My 4-H club wants me to do a presentation on raising chickens (I had to either choose from pigs or chickens so obviously the clear choose was chicks!) I need some interesting facts about roosters, hens, meat birds, eggs, and maybe even some anatomy. And if you want...
  13. poultry person

    When will my geese start laying?

    I have 3 embed geese that are about 8 months old and they aren't laying yet!:barnieAlso how will I know when they are going to lay? (Their names are Captain,Jack, and Sparrow!)
  14. poultry person

    Buff orpington thread!! The sassiest bread!

    Hi on this thread please post pictures and/or stories of your buff orpington hens and roos! Also if you're selling any!
  15. poultry person

    Rooster wanted!!

    Hi I am in need of a Rooster. I have 19 Hens and I have lots of predators around like Fox's, hawk's and Raccoons. I need a good Rooster that's about 7 Months to year old. If you have one for sale or know where to get one please tell me. (I live in Maryland).
  16. poultry person

    Is my hen sick?!

    I have a hen who is 1 year old and this summer she got broody and didn't lay any eggs . For 2-3 weeks now she stopped going in her nesting box, lost a lot of wait, loosing feathers, and whenever I get near she runs away. Does this happen after hens get broody or does she look sick? last...
  17. poultry person


    Hi people so on this thread please show off your geese and ducks and show their breed and gender! If you don't have geese or ducks just show your favorite breed! Mine are embden geese!
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