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  1. Backyard_Chicken_rancher

    BYC and it's Members

    I would Like to and I belive speaking on behalf of all of us Thank all the members here as well as Thrifty for helping all of us Newbies out when we were looking for Information about chickens. I for one did not know a dang thing about how to raise chickens, breeds or anything ( I was a green...
  2. Backyard_Chicken_rancher

    2 Very Healthy Rooster's For Sale

    I have 2 Rooster's for sale 1Barred rock and 1 black Langshan *PICK UP ONLY* in Clyde Texas Any questions please feel free to contact me here or Via e-mail Thank you BackYard Chicken Rancher
  3. Backyard_Chicken_rancher

    Sad/Bad News tonight

    I want to set the scene for you.. I have been going out at night locking the chickens in putting my BO's up on the roost and my lil ones back into the coop that have not figured out they need to be inside the coop at night.... Well tonight I was running a little late by an hour or so and...
  4. Backyard_Chicken_rancher

    I Just had to show this for all of us chicken and duck owners

    I saw this today in the sunday comics (I didn't get a chance to read it yesterday) and Thought about all of us who own chickens and ducks so I thought I would add it here for everyone to see If this is wrong please feel free to Delete this Post, I hope you all laugh as much as I did my DW said...
  5. Backyard_Chicken_rancher

    Roo or Hen?

    This was a Packing peanut from the feed store I am well aware that there is a real good chance that it is a ROO but I though I would ask y'all. Does anyone know what breed she/he is I thought all this time she/he was a RIR but now not sure anymore. Thanks Y'all in advance.
  6. Backyard_Chicken_rancher

    I just love this pic of my Buff orp Chick

    I think this is the best pic out of all my Buff chick pics so I had to show it off.
  7. Backyard_Chicken_rancher

    Chickens sleeping

    By the pop door everynight they have roosts but they sleep by the pop door everynight after I bring them into the coop they all pile up and crash right there just inside the pop door I have tried putting them on the roost and I have locked the door with them on the roost yet there they lay...
  8. Backyard_Chicken_rancher

    A small rant people buying chicks and not knowing the basic care.

    I must know did any of you think for one second this would be an easy task did you think that chickens come out of the egg pushing out eggs for you to eat did you think that chickens were a clean pet? think of them as this they are a barn yard animal so first off that should tell you something...
  9. Backyard_Chicken_rancher

    A non toxic Dye for Easter eggs that kids love to do..

    I remember doing this one when I was a kid I had so much fun I taught it to my kids now they will teach it to theirs some of you may have done this but for those of you who have not, this is a good cheap fun Easter egg dye (never done it with brown eggs only white) *Cheap meaning you don't...
  10. Backyard_Chicken_rancher

    Question about feed bags

    What does everyone do with their old Chicken feed bags (The nylon kind) would like to know what y'all do to reuse the bags?
  11. Backyard_Chicken_rancher

    Ok noob Question?

    I am not sure if this is the right place to put this but I am curious about why do you put Peepers on chickens I seem them on alot of sites but nothing ever says why you need them..
  12. Backyard_Chicken_rancher

    what is the largest Backyard coop you have ever seen/used/built?

    The larest I have seen was a friend of mine he built a 2 sided and it was a 40'x40' with a walkway in the center one side had all his girls in it the other side had his brooders roosters and turkeys it was rather noicey in there at times but he had everthing. He had a radio set up in it with...
  13. Backyard_Chicken_rancher

    Does anyone have pics of any DIY chick feeders/waterer's

    I would like to know if anyone has made any chick feeder's/waterer's I have seen the adult chicken feeder/waterer's but I want to see chick DIY one's so that I may get an idea on how to make them post your pics please.
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