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  • Users: DuckMochi
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  1. DuckMochi

    My female duck is now a male duck... is she going to die?

    Hi guys I haven't been here in a while but google has NOT been much help so I wanted to reach out to other duck owners for their opinions/experiences. Sorry the title is so dramatic, but that's pretty much the gist of what I am asking. Some information, I have a female mallard named Billy, she...
  2. DuckMochi

    URGENT!! Duck is acting strange please help!!

    i have a female mallard a little over a year old and today when i went out to say hi to them all she seemed sort of off. I brought her inside to watch her, her eyes seem squinty, she keeps slightly shaking her head and mouth keeps moving, she pants like it’s hot but it is not hot at all and she...
  3. DuckMochi

    Ducks in pools??

    Hey there everyone it's been a while since I've posted here but alas I am back with another question! It's getting hot! And my grandfather has a pool nobody uses. It's chlorine and it is taken care of by a pool boy so it's not dirty or anything and I was wondering if I could take my ducks over...
  4. DuckMochi

    Duck diapers?

    So I’ve been wanting to invest in some diapers for a long time now but I really don’t know where to buy them. I was going to purchase the ones made by Nettie from partyfowlpets but she has come down with an illness and their orders are extremely backed up and they are only taking a few at a time...
  5. DuckMochi

    Good breed for a pekin mate?

    So my pekin drake has recently became sexually mature but the only other duck I have is a mallard hen and she is clearly much too small for him. Luckily he has not been aggressive with her at all about mating yet and whenever he attempts to she just ignores him and walks away (poor guy) but in...
  6. DuckMochi

    Birthday treat??

    So our 1 year mark of getting our hens and duck is coming up and I wanted to make them something special to eat! They get kale and oats on the regular. Same with cucumber and pumpkin but I wanted to get a little unique and make them a mixture of something they haven’t had before. What are all...
  7. DuckMochi

    Drake biting hens leg???

    I have a pekin drake whom we added to the flock about 5 months ago to give our mallard hen some company. Now I know he’s getting close to being sexually mature and I’ve been watching him for signs of trying to mate but he hasn’t really? Other than this problem. I bring them in for a bath every...
  8. DuckMochi

    I’m so worried.... what do I do???

    So roughly 3 months ago our family added a pekin duck to our small flock so that our mallard hen had another duck since her sister passed away. We found out a few weeks later that this pekin was a drake. My parents were worried about ducklings but I assured them that that would only happen if...
  9. DuckMochi

    Our first case of bumblefoot! Help!

    So we noticed our americauna hen was limping and checked her out and sure enough she has bumblefoot! But instead of the signature black scab, it was flesh and puss like the scab was already pulled off. I sent my dad to get epsom salt to soak it, iodine to put on it, and something to wrap it...
  10. DuckMochi

    It IS a hawk!!

    So a few weeks ago I made a post on here saying I saw a hawk or two continuously circling around our neighborhood. I concluded that what I thought was a hawk was actually a buzzard until recently. While I was out in the run with the birds I saw it in the air again and luckily my father was...
  11. DuckMochi

    Duck sneezing and not acting themselves?

    Before I freak everyone out, I’m probably worrying over nothing right now. I brought my two ducks in for their nightly bath tonight and after they were done I noticed my mallard hen, Billy, was acting a bit... strange? She’s always been a very calm and quiet duck but when I took her out she just...
  12. DuckMochi

    Suddenly Terrified?

    A few days ago when I went out to say hello to our 4 hens and 2 ducks they were terrified of me. Like obviously all birds kind of wander away when you approach them but they were running and even the ducks were FLYING away from me. They were absolutely terrified f me. And this is already strange...
  13. DuckMochi


    i have a 7-8 week old Pekin drake and he always tries to bite our female mallard and the hens. Especially the mallard, when I bring them in for a bath he will try to grab onto her leg or feathers and won’t let go. Every time he does it I smack him on the beak but he still does it and I don’t...
  14. DuckMochi


    So about a week ago when I was sitting outside with our chickens and ducks, I noticed something flying in the air. I mean noticing it was circling around and the shape of its wings it didn't take me long to realize it was a hawk. I was pretty shocked considering I live in a place where you never...
  15. DuckMochi

    Duck drool????

    I just picked up my 6 week old duckling and he furiously shook his head and caused tons of what seemed like slimy saliva all over the place. Yes it was slimy because it got all over me... I gave him some water. He’s not acting sick or anything but I didn’t think ducks drooled??? Should I be worried?
  16. DuckMochi

    Chicken suddenly attacked my duck???

    Hey there everyone so for the past 3-4 weeks we've been introducing a new pekin duckling to our flock. She was close to 3 weeks when we bought her so she's been a pretty decent size the entire time. We also own a mallard female and right now the pekin is currently larger than the mallard...
  17. DuckMochi

    Is this drake behavior?

    Some if you may recognize me from my new duckling thread but just to get everyone up to date: our family recently purchased a duckling around a month old. It’s a Pekin duck and the gender is still currently a mystery. We’ve all be referring to Sunni as a female but I’m starting to have strong...
  18. DuckMochi


    Happy Halloween chicken lovers! It’s our flocks first Halloween so we decided to get them a pumpkin to munch on and they LOVE it! I’ve never seen them get so excited about something before, even if they were scared of it at first! Did you get your birds anything special today?
  19. DuckMochi

    Angry Buff?

    We have a Buff Orphington hen who used to be one of our nicest hens but about a month ago she started getting cranky. Puffing up when we get near her and striking at us if we put our hand by her. I looked into it and this is normal behavior for broody hens but... she isn't acting broody? Other...
  20. DuckMochi

    New duckling! Help?

    Well we did it! We got a duckling so our mallard can have a friend again. It’s a pekin duckling, don’t know the gender. And boy is it LOUD! It’s been peeping ever since we took it out of the bin at the store which made me feel horrible for taking it from its siblings but the little one won’t be...
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