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  1. KnittingChick3

    The mystery of the disappearing broody eggs?

    I have a first time broody, Speckled Sussex over 1 year old. Her eggs are dissapearing. At first I tried to break her of her broodiness, but she refused so I decided why not. First I gave her 3 fake eggs for a few day to make sure she was serious, then gave her 3 fertilized (or so I thought...
  2. KnittingChick3

    Feather damage from rooster treading- too much attention on one hen?

    I'm wondering if there is a point when a rooster shows too much attention to one hen? I brought this girl in to give her a bath since her bum feathers get really poopy, for whatever reason (perhaps it's related?) I knew she had some treading damage to her feathers and she's been wearing a...
  3. KnittingChick3

    Chicken Tails (Amusements and Anecdotes)

    So, I have these chicken stories that I want to tell people, but my Facebook friends and co-workers can only handle so many before they'll start thinking me crazy (or crazier, depending on their current opinions of me.) So, I decided that this might be a more appropriate format and audience for...
  4. KnittingChick3

    Can chicks eat whole grapes?

    Do I need to cut grapes before feeding them to my chickens like you would a toddler? Is age a determining factor? Mine are 3 months old.
  5. KnittingChick3

    Chicken running wild in small town found a new home.

    My co-worker saw this chicken wandering around the car wash parking lot in town yesterday morning. The next morning it was still there, so she called me. My husband and I went to try to catch it. The mayor (because in a small town, you know everyone) said whoever could catch it, could keep it...
  6. KnittingChick3

    Hello everyone, from a new chicken mom

    Just a new chicken mom of 2 Buff Orpingtons, 2 Speckled Sussex, and 3 Gold Laced Wyandotte hens, 1 Blue Laced Red Wyandotte rooster (because the hubby thought he was "pretty"), and 18 Gold Laced Wyandotte males (for meat). Got them as day old chicks in the mail and everyone is surviving and...
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