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    Bantam Cochin's... cockerels or pullets?

    Give me your best guesses! They are 12 -13 weeks old.

    Anyone want to guess what breed this cockerel is? He was a "gift" from Tractor Supply ...

    I thought I was getting 6 California White pullets. What I got was 5 California White pullets and this guy...:idunno I asked where the chickens came from and was told Privett Hatchery, of course they also told me it was a California White pullet I've looked at Privett's site...

    Anyone want to play "What breed are these Bantam chicks?"???

    So, I was at Tractor Supply and saw a sign that said "We have bantams in the back, ask to see them."...who can resist that???? I go back to take a look and decide I'm only getting the ones with feathered legs and I'm not choosing any that are glaringly silkies (I think I ended up with one...

    2 year old Blue Copper Marans Rooster - Near Asheville North Carolina

    Hello - This is Zaffer, our 2 year old Blue Copper Marans Rooster. He doesn't like people and can be aggressive if the mood hits him...but if you are OK with that he is a good Rooster otherwise, he takes great care of his girls and is always alert for predators when free ranging. He is free to...

    It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

    We thought we'd throw some holiday cheer on the coop today! The light still cracks me up...we call them Rudolph the Red Nosed Rooster and the Holly Jolly Hen!


    I decided that I needed some Chicken Therapy this afternoon! So, I asked my boss for the afternoon off and headed out to the coop to do some a Trick or Treating!

    Do you think they will let me? Stay tuned to find out...

    My husband and I started decorating our Coop for Halloween. Then I got this bright idea to put little witch hats on the girls and take some pictures. Well, I couldn't find exactly what I I made my own. Tonight when my husband gets home, we'll find out if they will cooperate...LOL...

    What a day...What a week...How was yours? Vent here and feel the love!

    So...I know I'm not alone in in the world...there have to be others who have stressful jobs, stressful family life or just need to vent and move on!? My little feathered babies are such great little stress relievers! When I've had a bad day or week (right now it's been 3 weeks...but I'll get...

    Mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest chicken of them all??

    Tonight is my babies first night in their new coop. I'm writing my article and taking pictures tomorrow to share with everyone. But...I couldn't help myself...I had to share these pictures of my babies checking themselves out in the mirror in their new coop! They all had me cracking up!!

    The new littles love the upgrade to their brooder!

    I got these new babies on Sunday (two 3 week old Light Brahma (FREE!), 2 Olive Eggers, 4 Ameraucana's (not Easter Eggers) 2 blue, 1 splash and 3 black. So, I noticed that they liked to "roost" on the long tray feeder (which makes a mess as you can imagine). So, I had my husband drill holes in...
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