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  • Users: silkie10
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  1. silkie10

    Not growing?

    Hey guys! So I have 2 little girls, their names are Luna (Buff laced Polish) And Martha Mae (White silkie) They are about 4-5 Months old but are the tiniest things. I know silkies are bantams, but not that small, and I've never seen a polish this little either. They've been the same size since...
  2. silkie10

    So. Much. Mud!

    Hey guys! So at my place, this past weekend Hurricane Florance came. Nothing bad happened just SO MUCH RAIN! Therefore resulting in so much mud. Please help! I actually had to pull a duck out of the mud. Fast fix preferably. should I just put some straw down?
  3. silkie10


    About 2 or 3 weeks ago, it has rained quite a bit here. One day when it started raining I was gone so I couldn't cover up my 2-month-old chicks. When I got home they were all wet and I covered them. After the rain stopped and everyone got dry, Luna (buff polish) started to get some gray/browning...
  4. silkie10

    Simple and easy ways to keep your chickens cool

    Hi guys! so over the years, I've had a lot of birds die from the heat. So over the years, I have learned how to be able to cool them off and keep them alive over the years as well. There is one important rule for keeping your birds alive in the summer. It is NO FANS. I have a problem with...
  5. silkie10

    Chicken Died Suddenly!

    So first of all, I didn't know where to put this so I just put it in raising baby chicks. @Squishychicken Yesterday I went outside to feed the chickens and I noticed that the white, rumpless, and pasty butt one (Uno) was not doing very good. He didn't walk very much, he wasn't eating anything...
  6. silkie10

    How do i start a rooster flock

    Out of my 24 chicks I got this year quite a few were roosters. I got a bunch of different breeds so I would like to keep as many as I can. I don't have nearly enough hens so I cannot keep many roosters with them. I wanted to start a rooster flock because I did not want to get rid of all the cool...
  7. silkie10


    so two chickens are sick or something. One is my little polish chick and one is my silver laced wyandotte. the little polish doesn't seem that bad but she's not as active as the others and sleeps allot, once I actually thought she was dead. I'm going to put sugar in the water hopefully it'll...
  8. silkie10

    When do ducks start laying again?

    I have five ducks. (Owen,Sadie,Toot,Puddle, and Pammy:p) It is winter time (obviously) so ducks are not laying. Please let me know when the normal time comes for them to lay again. Thanks! P.S. I live in NC if it has something to do with a warmth thing.:) :lol:
  9. silkie10

    How do I identify an Easter Egger chick

    As we all know feed stores and hatcheries are going to start getting chicks sometime in the near future. I have always wanted an aster Easter Egger or two to add to my flock but I have not been able to get any because I have never been able to identify what the chicks look like. My flock is down...
  10. silkie10


    My grandma just got 4 chickens. None of us are certain what breed they are but I think they might be buff orpingtons. These are three that I think are buffs. Sorry, there s one is really bad and pretty much useless, but they are not tame and run. The first pic is what they all look...
  11. silkie10

    Who likes Harry Potter?

    Hi silkie 10 here I LOVE Harry Potter and I am going to make a game. You/I am going to post a random picture from one of the movies of Harry Potter, then other people are going to try and guess which movie it is from. I'll start...
  12. silkie10

    My first broody hen!

    This is my first broody hen. Her name is Grace O'mally. she is sitting on 10 eggs but I have one that's an experiment so 11. The experiment egg is one of the tiny ones that chickens occasionally lay. she's been sitting since the 6th and I just gave her eggs yesterday morning (9th) my...
  13. silkie10


    I love the name squishy...
  14. silkie10

    It's getting mucky!

    Hey guys! have got five ducks last spring and now they are with my older chickens. they obviously need some sort of water swimming thing so we have tubs of water. They have a little place for the water but I have to refill them everyday so when I dump them out it gets all muddy. Help Please...
  15. silkie10


    These are pictures of peaky sorry I couldn't get a very good shot of his wing. What breed is he? I always thought he was a Rhode island red.
  16. silkie10

    one eyed hen

    This is a picture of Zoey's eye. Do you guys have any idea what it is and how it's caused? Also do you guys have any idea what breed she is ? I always thought she was a red star but now I am starting to question my theory.
  17. silkie10

    One eyed hen

    When I got my first hen (Zoey) she was born with a triangular eye. We had no idea what it was but it kind of looked like an evil eye. Later on through her life the eye got worse and worse She now only has one eye. I will also post pics of her too and I would like to see what it is and and how...
  18. silkie10

    My Birds

    I guess I should have said what kind of ducks I have! I have five khaki Campbell almost five month old ducks.
  19. silkie10


    I have a (I think) Red Starr almost two year old rooster. I have seen him protect his girls before and he seems pretty good at it. What i'm curious about is what roosters are good protectors. I also am going to post pics of him and i would like to know for sure what breed he is.
  20. silkie10


    I have questions on what chickens are good broody hens. I have a Silkie and i heard that they go broody allot. I have also heard that after the chicks are born the mamma will stay on the nest and if the chick leaves than the mamma will not follow. Therefor you are suppose to pull the chicks...
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