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  1. Poultrybreeder


    Does anyone know of any hatchery or breeder left in the US that sells Kraienkoppes? I can't seem to find anything
  2. Poultrybreeder

    Can y'all show me

    I am going to start breeding Cream Legbars for show. I read the standard on them, but I would like to look at a few pics of show-quality ones, if you don't mind, just to make sure I really understand what they're supposed to look like.
  3. Poultrybreeder

    How much dill for chickens?

    Hey all! I heard dill is really good for chickens, because of it's natural sedatives, and respiratory aids, except I don't know how much to give them. How much would you give each hen/rooster? Thanks!
  4. Poultrybreeder

    NPIP Question

    Hello! Sorry if this is in the wrong place. I was just wondering, if you become NPIP certified, can you still allow people on your property? Or are you closed off to the public after that? Thanks!
  5. Poultrybreeder

    Leg bands for showbirds

    I have been wanting to compete in our state fair this fall. But it actually requires that the birds have leg bands. I have always competed in my county fair that never requires this. Anyway, all it said what that they need leg bands with numbers on them. So when shows require this, can it be...
  6. Poultrybreeder

    Sending Rooster In For Necropsy

    Hello all, long time no see. Anyway, today one of my roosters died. He had been sick for awhile, and I had done everything I could to get him better, but nothing worked. I am wanting to send him in for a necropsy to see what was wrong, the thing is, I have no idea what to do. Like does it...
  7. Poultrybreeder

    Tell me everything...

    About Mini Nubians! I have worked with the standard breed for a few years now, but I am curious about these guys. Like is their milk richer that a standard Nubian's? Can they breed year round like Nigerian Dwarves?
  8. Poultrybreeder

    Would This Be Good?

    I was trying to come up with a goat that would provide a decent amount of milk, while having a fairly high fat content. I was thinking of doing 3/4 Nubian 1/4 Nigerian Dwarf. Provided that the parents are from good stock, how much milk do you guess the does of this cross would give? Or do you...
  9. Poultrybreeder

    We are now open.

    Dog Country Chicken Farm has finally opened! We will have many kinds of different chickens for sale. I plan on adding more chickens to the list, hopefully tonight! So check out our site, and thanks! Here is the link:
  10. Poultrybreeder

    What is this?

    I was walking in my friends pecan field this morning. Well anyway, I came across these snails, thousands of them. My friend had irrigated his field a few days ago, and the snails were only in the leftover mud. Any that were on dry land appeared to be dead or dying. They were also inside an...
  11. Poultrybreeder

    Apple Pear Cake

    This cake is mildly sweet, and has a spongey texture followed by the soft crunch of fruit, and is oh so good. Ingredients: 2 Eggs 1/2 Cup Whole Milk 1 Teaspoon Lemon Juice 1 1/2 Cup All Purpose Flour 1/2 Cup Sugar 1 Red Delicious Apple 1 Anjou Pear 1 1/4 Teaspoon Ground Cinnamon 1/4 Teaspoon...
  12. Poultrybreeder

    Racing Pigeon Diet

    I am trying to get into racing pigeons, and am currently thinking up a mix to feed them. So far I was going to mix safflower, wheat, milo, white millet, black oil sunflower seeds and whole corn. I would like to add some kind of readily available grain to boost protein, any ideas? Should I...
  13. Poultrybreeder

    What Is This?

    Sorry if this is in the wrong section. Anyway, I was driving to a friend's house yesterday, and this bug landed on the windshield wiper. It was still there when I arrived at the house, so I snapped a couple of photos. I have never seen anything like it before. Do y'all have any ideas what it...
  14. Poultrybreeder

    Two Leg Colors?

    I have a cockeral that I hatched out this year, and he literally has a different color on each leg, one yellow, and one green. I was just wondering if it is possible to duplicate this, or is it just a luck of the draw kind of thing?
  15. Poultrybreeder

    Hatcheries Near New Mexico?

    Every year I order hatchery chicks to sell at a lowered price for people who just want pets. Anyway, this year, I had a horrible time with hatchery chick survival rates, I think it is partly because they coming from away. Does anyone know of hatcheries near New Mexico? I am aware of Privett...
  16. Poultrybreeder

    NPIP Certification Costs?

    Sorry if this is in the wrong section, I have never asked something like this before. Anyway I am seriously considering becoming npip certified so that I can ship eggs and such. But my question is, how much would it cost to have 165 birds tested? Thanks!
  17. Poultrybreeder

    How many languages do you speak?

    I am just curious how many different languages y'all speak, and what they are. I speak two languages, English and Latin, although I am not very good at Latin.
  18. Poultrybreeder

    Sex Guesses?

    I bred some Polish Silkie crosses this year, and need a little help sexing a couple of them. Both them are 12 weeks old.
  19. Poultrybreeder

    Guess A Movie Title

    In this game a person will post part of the title of a movie, and the person that responds must guess what the full title is. If they guess correctly, then they may post part of a title they thought of. If the guess is incorrect, they must wait until whoever correctly guesses posts their title...
  20. Poultrybreeder

    American Game Bantam Show

    This is a show that is just for American Game Bantams! I personally love the breed, and have two pair, along with a whole lot of Miniature Pit Games. They can be pure or cross, but must be at least 50% American Game Bantam to enter. Any variety is welcome. The winner is decided through how...
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